View Source Phoenix.LiveView.TagEngine behaviour (Phoenix LiveView v0.18.18)
An EEx engine that understands tags.
This cannot be directly used by Phoenix applications.
Instead, it is the building block by engines such as
It is typically invoked like this:
engine: Phoenix.LiveView.TagEngine,
line: 1,
file: path,
caller: __CALLER__,
source: source,
tag_handler: FooBarEngine
Where :tag_handler
implements the behaviour defined by this module.
Link to this section Summary
Classify the tag type from the given binary.
Returns if the given binary is either void or not.
Renders a component defined by the given function.
Define a inner block, generally used by slots.
Link to this section Callbacks
Classify the tag type from the given binary.
This must return a tuple containing the type of the tag and the name of tag.
For instance, for LiveView which uses HTML as default tag handler this would
return {:tag, 'div'}
in case the given binary is identified as HTML tag.
You can also return {:error, "reason"} so that the compiler will display this error.
Returns if the given binary is either void or not.
That's mainly useful for HTML tags and used internally by the compiler. You
can just implement as def void?(_), do: false
if you want to ignore this.
Link to this section Functions
Renders a component defined by the given function.
This function is rarely invoked directly by users. Instead, it is used by ~H
to render Phoenix.Component
s. For example, the following:
< name="Kraków" />
Is the same as:
<%= component(
[name: "Kraków"],
{__ENV__.module, __ENV__.function, __ENV__.file, __ENV__.line}
) %>
Define a inner block, generally used by slots.
This macro is mostly used by HTML engines that provide
a slot
implementation and rarely called directly. The
must be the assign name the slot/block will be stored
If you're using HEEx templates, you should use its higher
level <:slot>
notation instead. See Phoenix.Component
for more information.