phoenix_live_view v0.4.1 Phoenix.LiveView behaviour View Source
LiveView provides rich, real-time user experiences with server-rendered HTML.
LiveView programming model is declarative: instead of saying "once event X happens, change Y on the page", events in LiveView are regular messages which may cause changes to its state. Once the state changes, LiveView will re-render the relevant parts of its HTML template and push it to the browser, which updates itself in the most efficient manner. This means developers write LiveView templates as any other server-rendered HTML and LiveView does the hard work of tracking changes and sending the relevant diffs to the browser.
At the end of the day, a LiveView is nothing more than a
process, that receives events as messages and updates its
state. The state itself is nothing more than functional
and immutable Elixir data structures. The events are either
internal application messages (usually emitted by Phoenix.PubSub
or sent by the client/browser.
LiveView provides many features that make it excellent to build rich, real-time user experiences:
By building on top of Elixir processes and
, LiveView scales well vertically (from small to large instances) and horizontally (by adding more instances);LiveView is first rendered statically as part of regular HTTP requests, which provides quick times for "First Meaningful Paint" and also help search and indexing engines;
LiveView performs diff tracking. If the LiveView state changes, it won't re-render the whole template, but only the parts affected by the changed state. This reduces latency and the amount of data sent over the wire;
LiveView tracks static and dynamic contents. Any server-rendered HTML is made of static parts (i.e. that never change) and dynamic ones. On the first render, LiveView sends the static contents and in future updates only the modified dynamic contents are resent;
(Coming soon) LiveView uses the Erlang Term Format to send messages to the client. This binary-based format is quite efficient on the server and uses less data over the wire;
(Coming soon) LiveView includes a latency simulator, which allows you to simulate how your application behaves on increased latency and guides you to provide meaningful feedback to users while they wait for events to be processed;
Furthermore, by keeping a persistent connection between client and server, LiveView applications can react faster to user events as there is less work to be done and less data to be sent compared to stateless requests that have to authenticate, decode, load, and encode data on every request. The flipside is that LiveView uses more memory on the server compared to stateless requests.
Use cases
There are many use cases where LiveView is an excellent fit right now:
Handling of user interaction and inputs, buttons, and forms - such as input validation, dynamic forms, autocomplete, etc;
Events and updates pushed by server - such as notifications, dashboards, etc;
Page and data navigation - such as navigating between pages, pagination, etc can be built with LiveView but currently you will lose the back/forward button, and the ability to link to pages as you navigate. Support for
is on the roadmap;
There are other cases that have limited support but will become first-class as we further develop LiveView:
Transitions and loading states - the LiveView programming model provides a good foundation for transitions and loading states since any UI change done after a user action is undone once the server sends the update for said action. For example, it is relatively straight-forward to click a button that changes itself in a way that is automatically undone when the update arrives. This is especially important as user feedback when latency is involved. A complete feature set for modelling those states is coming in future versions;
Optimistic UIs - once we add transitions and loading states, many of the building blocks necessary for building optimistic UIs will be part of LiveView, but since optimistic UIs are about doing work on the client while the server is unavailable, complete support for Optimistic UIs cannot be achieved without also writing JavaScript for the cases the server is not available. See "JS Interop and client controlled DOM" on how to integrate JS hooks;
There are also use cases which are a bad fit for LiveView:
- Animations - animations, menus, and general events that do not need the server in the first place are a bad fit for LiveView, as they can be achieved purely with CSS and/or CSS transitions;
A LiveView begins as a regular HTTP request and HTML response, and then upgrades to a stateful view on client connect, guaranteeing a regular HTML page even if JavaScript is disabled. Any time a stateful view changes or updates its socket assigns, it is automatically re-rendered and the updates are pushed to the client.
You begin by rendering a LiveView from your router or controller
while providing session data to the view, which represents request info
necessary for the view, such as params, cookie session info, etc.
The session is signed and stored on the client, then provided back
to the server when the client connects, or reconnects to the stateful
view. When a view is rendered from the controller, the mount/2
is invoked with the provided session data and the LiveView socket.
The mount/2
callback wires up socket assigns necessary for rendering
the view. After mounting, render/1
is invoked and the HTML is sent
as a regular HTML response to the client.
After rendering the static page with a signed session, LiveView
connects from the client where stateful views are spawned
to push rendered updates to the browser, and receive client events
via phx bindings. Just like the controller flow, mount/2
is invoked
with the signed session, and socket state, where mount assigns
values for rendering. However, in the connected client case, a
LiveView process is spawned on the server, pushes the result of
to the client and continues on for the duration of the
connection. If at any point during the stateful life-cycle a
crash is encountered, or the client connection drops, the client
gracefully reconnects to the server, passing its signed session
back to mount/2
First, a LiveView requires two callbacks: mount/2
and render/1
defmodule AppWeb.ThermostatLive do
use Phoenix.LiveView
def render(assigns) do
Current temperature: <%= @temperature %>
def mount(%{id: id, current_user_id: user_id}, socket) do
temperature = Thermostat.get_user_reading(user_id, id)
{:ok, assign(socket, :temperature, temperature)}
The render/1
callback receives the socket.assigns
and is responsible
for returning rendered content. You can use Phoenix.LiveView.sigil_L/2
to inline LiveView templates. If you want to use Phoenix.HTML
remember to use Phoenix.HTML
at the top of your LiveView
A separate .leex
HTML template can also be rendered within
your render/1
callback by delegating to an existing Phoenix.View
module in your application. For example:
defmodule AppWeb.ThermostatLive do
use Phoenix.LiveView
def render(assigns) do
Phoenix.View.render(AppWeb.PageView, "page.html", assigns)
With a LiveView defined, you first define the socket
path in your endpoint,
and point it to Phoenix.LiveView.Socket
defmodule AppWeb.Endpoint do
use Phoenix.Endpoint
socket "/live", Phoenix.LiveView.Socket
And configure its signing salt in the endpoint:
config :my_app, AppWeb.Endpoint,
live_view: [signing_salt: ...]
You can generate a secure, random signing salt with the
mix phx.gen.secret 32
Next, decide where you want to use your LiveView.
You can serve the LiveView directly from your router, passing along
values if needed (see Phoenix.LiveView.Router
for more
defmodule AppWeb.Router do
use Phoenix.Router
import Phoenix.LiveView.Router
scope "/", AppWeb do
live "/thermostat", ThermostatLive, session: [:user_id]
You can also live_render
from any template:
<h1>Temperature Control</h1>
<%= Phoenix.LiveView.live_render(@conn, AppWeb.ThermostatLive, session: %{user_id:}) %>
Or you can live_render
your view from any controller:
defmodule AppWeb.ThermostatController do
import Phoenix.LiveView.Controller
def show(conn, %{"id" => id}) do
live_render(conn, AppWeb.ThermostatLive, session: %{
id: id,
current_user_id: get_session(conn, :user_id),
As we saw in the life-cycle section, you pass :session
data about the
request to the view, such as the current user's id in the cookie session,
and parameters from the request. A regular HTML response is sent with a
signed token embedded in the DOM containing your LiveView session data.
See live_render/3
for more information.
Next, your client code connects to the server:
import {Socket} from "phoenix"
import LiveSocket from "phoenix_live_view"
let liveSocket = new LiveSocket("/live", Socket)
Note: Comprehensive JavaScript client usage is covered in a later section.
After the client connects, mount/2
will be invoked inside a spawned
LiveView process. At this point, you can use connected?/1
conditionally perform stateful work, such as subscribing to pubsub topics,
sending messages, etc. For example, you can periodically update a LiveView
with a timer:
defmodule DemoWeb.ThermostatLive do
use Phoenix.LiveView
def mount(%{id: id, current_user_id: user_id}, socket) do
if connected?(socket), do: :timer.send_interval(30000, self(), :update)
case Thermostat.get_user_reading(user_id, id) do
{:ok, temperature} ->
{:ok, assign(socket, temperature: temperature, id: id)}
{:error, reason} ->
{:error, reason}
def handle_info(:update, socket) do
{:ok, temperature} = Thermostat.get_reading(
{:noreply, assign(socket, :temperature, temperature)}
We used connected?(socket)
on mount to send our view a message every 30s if
the socket is in a connected state. We receive :update
in a
just like a GenServer, and update our socket assigns. Whenever
a socket's assigns change, render/1
is automatically invoked, and the
updates are sent to the client.
Assigns and LiveEEx Templates
All of the data in a LiveView is stored in the socket as assigns.
The assign/2
and assign/3
functions help store those values.
Those values can be accessed in the LiveView as
but they are most commonly accessed inside LiveView templates as
's built-in templates provided by the .leex
extension or ~L
sigil, stands for Live EEx. They are similar
to regular .eex
templates except they are designed to minimize
the amount of data sent over the wire by splitting static from
dynamic parts and also tracking changes.
When you first render a .leex
template, it will send all of the
static and dynamic parts of the template to the client. After that,
any change you do on the server will now send only the dynamic parts,
and only if those parts have changed.
The tracking of changes is done via assigns. Imagine this template:
<div id="user_<%= %>">
<%= %>
If the @user
assign changes, then LiveView will re-render only
and send them to the browser.
The change tracking also works when rendering other templates, as
long as they are also .leex
templates and as long as all assigns
are passed to the child/inner template:
<%= render "child_template.html", assigns %>
The assign tracking feature also implies that you MUST avoid performing direct operations in the template. For example, if you perform a database query in your template:
<%= for user <- Repo.all(User) do %>
<%= %>
<% end %>
Then Phoenix will never re-render the section above, even if the number of users in the database changes. Instead, you need to store the users as assigns in your LiveView before it renders the template:
assign(socket, :users, Repo.all(User))
Generally speaking, data loading should never happen inside the template, regardless if you are using LiveView or not. The difference is that LiveView enforces those as best practices.
Phoenix supports DOM element bindings for client-server interaction. For example, to react to a click on a button, you would render the element:
<button phx-click="inc_temperature">+</button>
Then on the server, all LiveView bindings are handled with the handle_event
callback, for example:
def handle_event("inc_temperature", _value, socket) do
{:ok, new_temp} = Thermostat.inc_temperature(
{:noreply, assign(socket, :temperature, new_temp)}
Binding | Attributes |
Params | phx-value-* |
Click Events | phx-click |
Focus/Blur Events | phx-blur , phx-focus , phx-target |
Form Events | phx-change , phx-submit , data-phx-error-for , phx-disable-with |
Key Events | phx-keydown , phx-keyup , phx-target |
Rate Limiting | phx-debounce , phx-throttle |
Custom DOM Patching | phx-update |
JS Interop | phx-hook |
Click Events
The phx-click
binding is used to send click events to the server.
When any client event, such as a phx-click
click is pushed, the value
sent to the server will be chosen with the following priority:
Any number of optional
prefixed attributes, such as:<div phx-click="inc" phx-value-myvar1="val1" phx-value-myvar2="val2">
will send the following map of params to the server:
def handle_event("inc", %{"myvar1" => "val1", "myvar2" => "val2"}, socket) do
If the
prefix is used, the server payload will also contain a"value"
if the element's value attribute exists.When receiving a map on the server, the payload will also contain metadata of the client event, containing all literal keys of the event object, such as a click event's
, a keydown event'skeyCode
, etc.
Focus and Blur Events
Focus and blur events may be bound to DOM elements that emit
such events, using the phx-blur
, and phx-focus
bindings, for example:
<input name="email" phx-focus="myfocus" phx-blur="myblur"/>
To detect when the page itself has received focus or blur,
may be specified as "window"
. Like other
bindings, phx-value-*
can be provided on the bound element,
and those values will be sent as part of the payload. For example:
<div class="container"
Form Events
To handle form changes and submissions, use the phx-change
and phx-submit
events. In general, it is preferred to handle input changes at the form level,
where all form fields are passed to the LiveView's callback given any
single input change. For example, to handle real-time form validation and
saving, your template would use both phx_change
and phx_submit
<%= f = form_for @changeset, "#", [phx_change: :validate, phx_submit: :save] %>
<%= label f, :username %>
<%= text_input f, :username %>
<%= error_tag f, :username %>
<%= label f, :email %>
<%= text_input f, :email %>
<%= error_tag f, :email %>
<%= submit "Save" %>
Next, your LiveView picks up the events in handle_event
def render(assigns) ...
def mount(_session, socket) do
{:ok, assign(socket, %{changeset: Accounts.change_user(%User{})})}
def handle_event("validate", %{"user" => params}, socket) do
changeset =
|> Accounts.change_user(params)
|> Map.put(:action, :insert)
{:noreply, assign(socket, changeset: changeset)}
def handle_event("save", %{"user" => user_params}, socket) do
case Accounts.create_user(user_params) do
{:ok, user} ->
|> put_flash(:info, "user created")
|> redirect(to: Routes.user_path(AppWeb.Endpoint, AppWeb.User.ShowView, user))}
{:error, %Ecto.Changeset{} = changeset} ->
{:noreply, assign(socket, changeset: changeset)}
The validate callback simply updates the changeset based on all form input
values, then assigns the new changeset to the socket. If the changeset
changes, such as generating new errors, render/1
is invoked and
the form is re-rendered.
Likewise for phx-submit
bindings, the same callback is invoked and
persistence is attempted. On success, a :stop
tuple is returned and the
socket is annotated for redirect with Phoenix.LiveView.redirect/2
the new user page, otherwise the socket assigns are updated with the errored
changeset to be re-rendered for the client.
Note: For proper form error tag updates, the error tag must specify which
input it belongs to. This is accomplished with the data-phx-error-for
For example, your AppWeb.ErrorHelpers
may use this function:
def error_tag(form, field) do, field), fn error ->
content_tag(:span, translate_error(error),
class: "help-block",
data: [phx_error_for: input_id(form, field)]
Number inputs
Number inputs are a special case in LiveView forms. On programatic updates, Some browsers will clear invalid inputs so LiveView will not send change events from the client when an input is invalid, instead allowing the browser's native validation UI to drive user interaction. Once the input becomes valid, change and submit events will be sent as normal.
Password inputs
Password inputs are also special cased in Phoenix.HTML
. For security reasons,
password field values are not reused when rendering a password input tag. This
requires explicitly setting the :value
in your markup, for example:
<%= password_input f, :password, value: input_value(f, :password) %>
<%= password_input f, :password_confirmation, value: input_value(f, :password_confirmation) %>
<%= error_tag f, :password %>
<%= error_tag f, :password_confirmation %>
Key Events
The onkeydown, and onkeyup events are supported via
the phx-keydown
, and phx-keyup
bindings. When
pushed, the value sent to the server will contain all the client event
object's metadata. For example, pressing the Escape key looks like this:
"altKey" => false, "charCode" => 0, "code" => "Escape",
"ctrlKey" => false, "key" => "Escape", "keyCode" => 27,
"location" => 0, "metaKey" => false, "repeat" => false,
"shiftKey" => false, "which" => 27
By default, the bound element will be the event listener, but an
optional phx-target
may be provided which may be "document"
, or the DOM id of a target element, for example:
def render(assigns) do
<div id="thermostat" phx-keyup="update_temp" phx-target="document">
Current temperature: <%= @temperature %>
def handle_event("update_temp", %{"code" => "ArrowUp"}, socket) do
{:ok, new_temp} = Thermostat.inc_temperature(
{:noreply, assign(socket, :temperature, new_temp)}
def handle_event("update_temp", %{"code" => "ArrowDown"}, socket) do
{:ok, new_temp} = Thermostat.dec_temperature(
{:noreply, assign(socket, :temperature, new_temp)}
def handle_event("update_temp", _key, socket) do
{:noreply, socket}
Compartmentalizing markup and events with render
, live_render
, and live_component
We can render another template directly from a LiveView template by simply
calling render
render "child_template", assigns
render SomeOtherView, "child_template", assigns
If the other template has the .leex
extension, LiveView change tracking
will also work across templates.
When rendering a child template, any of the events bound in the child
template will be sent to the parent LiveView. In other words, similar to
regular Phoenix templaes, a regular render
call does not start another
LiveView. This means render
is useful to sharing markup between views.
One option to address this problem is to render a child LiveView inside a
parent LiveView by calling live_render/3
instead of render/3
from the
LiveView template. This child LiveView runs in a completely separate process
than the parent, with its own mount
and handle_event
callbacks. If a
child LiveView crashes, it won't affect the parent. If the parent crashes,
all children are terminated.
When rendering a child LiveView, the :id
option is required to uniquely
identify the child. A child LiveView will only ever be rendered and mounted
a single time, provided its ID remains unchanged. Updates to a child session
will be merged on the client, but not passed back up until either a crash and
re-mount or a connection drop and recovery. To force a child to re-mount with
new session data, a new ID must be provided.
Given a LiveView runs on its own process, it is an excellent tool for creating
completely isolated UI elements, but it is a slightly expensive abstraction if
all you want is to compartmentalize markup and events. For example, if you are
showing a table with all users in the system, and you want to compartmentalize
this logic, using a separate LiveView
, each with its own process, would likely
be too expensive. For these cases, LiveView provides Phoenix.LiveComponent
which are rendered using live_component/3
<%= live_component(@socket, UserComponent, id:, user: user) %>
Components have their own mount
and handle_event
callbacks, as well as their
own state with change tracking support. Components are also lightweight as they
"run" in the same process as the parent LiveView
. However, this means an error
in a component would cause the whole view to fail to render. See
for a complete rundown on components.
To sum it up:
- compartmentalizes markuplive_component
- compartmentalizes state, markup, and eventslive_render
- compartmentalizes state, markup, events, and error isolation
Rate limiting events with Debounce and Throttle
All events can be rate-limited on the client by using the
and phx-throttle
bindings, with the following behavior:
- Accepts either a string integer timeout value, or"blur"
. When an int is provided, delays emitting the event by provided milliseconds. When"blur"
is provided, delays emitting an input's change event until the field is blurred by the user.phx-throttle
- Accepts an integer timeout value to throttle the event in milliseconds. Unlike debounce, throttle will immediately emit the event, then rate limit the event at one event per provided timeout.
For example, to avoid validating an email until the field is blurred, while validating the username at most every 2 seconds after a user changes the field:
<form phx-change="validate" phx-submit="save">
<input type="text" name="user[email]" phx-debounce="blur"/>
<input type="text" name="user[username]" phx-debounce="2000"/>
And to rate limit a button click to once every second:
<button phx-click="search" phx-throttle="1000">Search</button>
Likewise, you may throttle held-down keydown:
<div phx-keydown="keydown" phx-target="window" phx-throttle="500">
Unless held-down keys are required, a better approach is generally to use
bindings which only trigger on key up, thereby being self-limiting.
However, phx-keydown
is useful for games and other usecases where a constant
press on a key is desired. In such cases, throttle should always be used.
Debounce and Throttle special behavior
The following specialized behavior is performed for forms and keydown bindings:
- When a
, or aphx-change
for a different input is triggered, any current debounce or throttle timers are reset for existing inputs. - A
binding is only throttled for key repeats. Unique keypresses back-to-back will dispatch the pressed key events.
DOM patching and temporary assigns
A container can be marked with phx-update
, allowing the DOM patch
operations to avoid updating or removing portions of the LiveView, or to append
or prepend the updates rather than replacing the existing contents. This
is useful for client-side interop with existing libraries that do their
own DOM operations. The following phx-update
values are supported:
- the default operation. Replaces the element with the contentsignore
- ignores updates to the DOM regardless of new content changesappend
- append the new DOM contents instead of replacingprepend
- prepend the new DOM contents instead of replacing
When appending or prepending elements containing an ID already present in the container, LiveView will replace the existing element with the new content instead appending or prepending a new element.
Note: when using phx-update
, a unique DOM ID must always be set.
The "ignore" behaviour is frequently used when you need to integrate with another JS library. The "append" and "prepend" feature is often used with "Temporary assigns" to work with large amounts of data. Let's learn more.
Temporary assigns
By default, all LiveView assigns are stateful, which enables change tracking and stateful interactions. In some cases, it's useful to mark assigns as temporary, meaning they will be reset to a default value after each update, allowing otherwise large, but infrequently updated values to be discarded after the client has been patched.
Imagine you want to implement a chat application with LiveView. You could render each message like this:
<%= for message <- @messages do %>
<p><span><%= message.username %>:</span> <%= message.text %></p>
<% end %>
Every time there is a new message, you would append it to the @messages
assign and re-render all messages.
As you may suspect, keeping the whole chat conversation in memory and resending it on every update would be too expensive, even with LiveView smart change tracking. By using temporary assigns and phx-update, we don't need to keep any message in memory and send messages to be appendded to the UI only when there are new messages.
To do so, the first step is to mark which assigns are temporary and what are the value they should be reset to on mount:
def mount(_session, socket) do
socket = assign(socket, :messages, load_last_20_messages())
{:ok, socket, temporary_assigns: [messages: []]}
On mount we also load the initial amount of messages we want to send. After the initial render, the initial batch of messages will be reset back to an empty list.
Now, whenever there are one or more new messages, we will assign
only the new messages to @messages
socket = assign(socket, :messages, new_messages)
In the template, we want to wrap all of the messages in a container and tag this content with phx-update as well as an ID:
<div id="chat-messages" phx-update="append">
<%= for message <- @messages do %>
<p><span><%= message.username %>:</span> <%= message.text %></p>
<% end %>
And now, once the client recieves new messages, it knows it shouldn't replace the old content, but rather append to it.
Live navigation
The live_link/2
and live_redirect/2
functions allow page navigation
using the browser's pushState API.
With live navigation, the page is updated without a full page reload.
To use live navigation, simply replace your existing
and Phoenix.LiveView.redirect/2
calls with their live
For example, in a template you may write:
<%= live_link "next", to: Routes.live_path(@socket, MyLive, @page + 1) %>
or in a LiveView:
{:noreply, live_redirect(socket, to: Routes.live_path(socket, MyLive, page + 1))}
When a live link is clicked, the following control flow occurs:
if the route belongs to the existing root LiveView and the LiveView is defined in your application's router, the
callback is invoked without mounting a new LiveView. See the next section.if the route belongs to a different LiveView than the currently running root, then the existing root LiveView is shutdown, and an Ajax request is made to request the necessary information about the new LiveView, without performing a full static render (which reduces latency and improves performance). Once information is retrieved, the new LiveView is mounted.
and live_redirect/2
are by default only available in LiveViews
defined at the router with the live/3
The handle_params/3
callback is invoked after mount/2
. It receives the
request path parameters and the query parameters as first argument, the url as
second, and the socket as third. As any other handle_*
callback, changes to
the state inside handle_params/3
will trigger a server render.
To avoid building a new LiveView whenever a live link is clicked or whenever
a live redirect happens, LiveView also invokes handle_params/3
on an
existing LiveView when performing live navigation as long as:
- you are navigating to the same root live view you are currently on
- said LiveView is defined in your router
For example, imagine you have a UserTable
LiveView to show all users in
the system and you define it in the router as:
live "/users", UserTable
Now to add live sorting, you could do:
<%= live_link "Sort by name", to: Routes.live_path(@socket, UserTable, %{sort_by: "name"}) %>
When clicked, since we are navigating to the current LiveView, handle_params/3
will be invoked. Remember you should never trust received params, so we can use
the callback to validate the user input and change the state accordingly:
def handle_params(params, _uri, socket) do
case params["sort_by"] do
sort_by when sort_by in ~w(name company) ->
{:noreply, socket |> assign(:sort_by, sort) |> recompute_users()}
_ ->
{:noreply, socket}
Replace page address
LiveView also allows the current browser URL to be replaced. This is useful when you want certain events to change the URL but without polluting the browser's history. For example, imagine there is a form that changes some page state when submitted. If those changes are not persisted in a database or similar, as soon as the user refreshes the page, navigates away, or shares the URL with someone else, said changes will be lost.
To address this, users can invoke live_redirect/2
. The idea is, once the form
data is received, we do not change the state, instead we perform a live redirect to
ourselves with the new URL. Since we are navigating to ourselves, handle_params/3
will be called with the new parameters, which we can then use to compute state and
re-render the page.
For example, let's change the "sort by" example from the previous page to perform sorting through a form. In other words, instead of sorting by clicking a "Sort by name" button, we will have a form with 2 radio buttons, that allows you to choose between sorting by name or company.
Once the form is submitted, we can compute the new URL:
def handle_event("sorting", params, socket) do
{:noreply, live_redirect(socket, to: Routes.live_path(socket, __MODULE__, params))}
Now with a handle_params/3
implementation similar to the one in the previous
section, we will recompute the users based on the new params
and perform a server
render if there are any changes.
Both live_link/2
and live_redirect/2
support the replace: true
option. This
option can be used when you want to change the current url without polluting the
browser's history:
def handle_event("sorting", params, socket) do
{:noreply, live_redirect(socket, to: Routes.live_path(socket, __MODULE__, params), replace: true)}
JavaScript Client Specific
As seen earlier, you start by instantiating a single LiveSocket instance to enable LiveView client/server interaction, for example:
import {Socket} from "phoenix"
import LiveSocket from "phoenix_live_view"
let liveSocket = new LiveSocket("/live", Socket)
All options are passed directly to the Phoenix.Socket
except for the following LiveView specific options:
- the prefix to use for phoenix bindings. Defaults"phx-"
- theconnect_params
to pass to the view's mount callback. May be a literal object or closure returning an object. When a closure is provided, the function receives the view's phx-view name.hooks
– a reference to a user-defined hooks namespace, containing client callbacks for server/client interop. See the interop section below for details.
Forms and input handling
The JavaScript client is always the source of truth for current
input values. For any given input with focus, LiveView will never
overwrite the input's current value, even if it deviates from
the server's rendered updates. This works well for updates where
major side effects are not expected, such as form validation errors,
or additive UX around the user's input values as they fill out a form.
For these use cases, the phx-change
input does not concern itself
with disabling input editing while an event to the server is inflight.
When a phx-change
event is sent to the server, a "_target"
will be in the root payload containing the keyspace of the input name
which triggered the change event. For example, if the following input
triggered a change event:
<input name="user[username]"/>
The server's handle_event/3
would receive a payload:
%{"_target" => ["user", "username"], "user" => %{"name" => "Name"}}
The phx-submit
event is used for form submissions where major side-effects
typically happen, such as rendering new containers, calling an external
service, or redirecting to a new page. For these use-cases, the form inputs
are set to readonly
on submit, and any submit button is disabled until
the client gets an acknowledgment that the server has processed the
event. Following an acknowledgment, any updates are patched
to the DOM as normal, and the last input with focus is restored if the
user has not otherwise focused on a new input during submission.
To handle latent form submissions, any HTML tag can be annotated with
, which swaps the element's innerText
with the provided
value during form submission. For example, the following code would change
the "Save" button to "Saving...", and restore it to "Save" on acknowledgment:
<button type="submit" phx-disable-with="Saving...">Save</button>
Loading state and errors
By default, the following classes are applied to the LiveView's parent container:
- applied when the view has connected to the server"phx-disconnected"
- applied when the view is not connected to the server"phx-error"
- applied when an error occurs on the server. Note, this class will be applied in conjunction with"phx-disconnected"
if connection to the server is lost.
When a form bound with phx-submit
is submitted, the "phx-loading"
is applied to the form, which is removed on update.
JS Interop and client controlled DOM
To handle custom client-side javascript when an element is added, updated, or removed by the server, a hook object may be provided with the following life-cycle callbacks:
- the element has been added to the DOM and its server LiveView has finished mountingupdated
- the element has been updated in the DOM by the serverdestroyed
- the element has been removed from the page, either by a parent update, or the parent being removed entirelydisconnected
- the element's parent LiveView has disconnected from the serverreconnected
- the element's parent LiveView has reconnected to the server
In addition to the callbacks, the callbacks contain the following attributes in scope:
- attribute referencing the bound DOM node,viewName
- attribute matching the dom node's phx-view valuepushEvent(event, payload)
- method to push an event from the client to the LiveView server
For example, a controlled input for phone-number formatting would annotate their markup:
<input type="text" name="user[phone_number]" id="user-phone-number" phx-hook="PhoneNumber" />
Then a hook callback object can be defined and passed to the socket:
let Hooks = {}
Hooks.PhoneNumber = {
mounted() {
this.el.addEventListener("input", e => {
let match = this.el.value.replace(/\D/g, "").match(/^(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})$/)
if(match) {
this.el.value = `${match[1]}-${match[2]}-${match[3]}`
let liveSocket = new LiveSocket("/live", Socket, {hooks: Hooks})
Note: when using phx-hook
, a unique DOM ID must always be set.
Link to this section Summary
Uses LiveView in the current module to mark it a LiveView.
Adds key value pairs to socket assigns.
Assigns a value into the socket only if it does not exist.
Returns true if the socket is connected.
Accesses the connect params sent by the client for use on connected mount.
Renders a Phoenix.LiveComponent
within a parent LiveView.
Generates a live link for HTML5 pushState based navigation without page reloads.
Annotates the socket for navigation without a page refresh.
Renders a LiveView within an originating plug request or within a parent LiveView.
Adds a flash message to the socket to be displayed on redirect.
Annotates the socket for redirect to a destination path.
Asynchronously updates a component with new assigns.
Provides ~L
sigil with HTML safe Live EEx syntax inside source files.
Updates an existing key in the socket assigns.
Link to this section Functions
Uses LiveView in the current module to mark it a LiveView.
use Phoenix.LiveView,
namespace: MyAppWeb,
container: {:tr, class: "colorized"}
- configures the namespace theLiveView
is in:container
- configures the container theLiveView
will be wrapped in
See assign/2
Adds key value pairs to socket assigns.
A single key value pair may be passed, or a keyword list of assigns may be provided to be merged into existing socket assigns.
iex> assign(socket, :name, "Elixir")
iex> assign(socket, name: "Elixir", logo: "💧")
Assigns a value into the socket only if it does not exist.
Useful for lazily assigning values and referencing parent assigns.
Referencing parent assigns
When a LiveView is mounted in a disconnected state, the Plug.Conn assigns
will be available for reference via assign_new/3
, allowing assigns to
be shared for the initial HTTP request. On connected mount, the assign_new/3
would be invoked, and the LiveView would use its session to rebuild the
originally shared assign. Likewise, nested LiveView children have access
to their parent's assigns on mount using assign_new
, which allows
assigns to be shared down the nested LiveView tree.
# controller
|> assign(:current_user, user)
|> LiveView.Controller.live_render(MyLive, session: %{user_id:})
# LiveView mount
def mount(%{user_id: user_id}, socket) do
{:ok, assign_new(socket, :current_user, fn -> Accounts.get_user!(user_id) end)}
Returns true if the socket is connected.
Useful for checking the connectivity status when mounting the view.
For example, on initial page render, the view is mounted statically,
rendered, and the HTML is sent to the client. Once the client
connects to the server, a LiveView is then spawned and mounted
statefully within a process. Use connected?/1
to conditionally
perform stateful work, such as subscribing to pubsub topics,
sending messages, etc.
defmodule DemoWeb.ClockLive do
use Phoenix.LiveView
def mount(_session, socket) do
if connected?(socket), do: :timer.send_interval(1000, self(), :tick)
{:ok, assign(socket, date: :calendar.local_time())}
def handle_info(:tick, socket) do
{:noreply, assign(socket, date: :calendar.local_time())}
Accesses the connect params sent by the client for use on connected mount.
Connect params are only sent when the client connects to the server and
only remain available during mount. nil
is returned when called in a
disconnected state and a RuntimeError
is raised if called after mount.
def mount(_session, socket) do
{:ok, assign(socket, width: get_connect_params(socket)["width"] || @width)}
live_component(socket, component, assigns \\ [], do_block \\ [])
View Source (macro)Renders a Phoenix.LiveComponent
within a parent LiveView.
While LiveView
s can be nested, each LiveView starts its
own process. A LiveComponent provides similar functionality
to LiveView, except they run in the same process as the
, with its own encapsulated state.
LiveComponent comes in two shapes, stateful and stateless.
See Phoenix.LiveComponent
for more information.
All of the assigns
given are forwarded directly to the
<%= live_component(@socket, MyApp.WeatherComponent, id: "thermostat", city: "Kraków") %>
Note the :id
won't necessarily be used as the DOM ID.
That's up to the component. However, note the :id
a special meaning: whenever an :id
is given, the component
becomes stateful. Otherwise, :id
is always set to nil
Generates a live link for HTML5 pushState based navigation without page reloads.
- the required path to link to.:replace
- the flag to replace the current history or push a new state. Defaultsfalse
All other options are forwarded to the anchor tag.
<%= live_link "next", to: Routes.live_path(@socket, MyLive, @page + 1) %>
<%= live_link to: Routes.live_path(@socket, MyLive, dir: :asc), replace: false do %>
Sort By Price
<% end %>
Annotates the socket for navigation without a page refresh.
When navigating to a path which routes to your existing LiveView,
the handle_params/3
callback is immediately invoked in your existing
LiveView process to handle the change of URL state. For live redirects
to external LiveViews, the existing LiveView is shutdown.
- the required path to link to.:replace
- the flag to replace the current history or push a new state. Defaultsfalse
{:noreply, live_redirect(socket, to: "/")}
{:noreply, live_redirect(socket, to: "/", replace: true)}
Renders a LiveView within an originating plug request or within a parent LiveView.
- the map of session data to sign and send to the client. When connecting from the client, the LiveView will receive the signed session from the client and verify the contents before proceeding withmount/2
- the optional tuple for the HTML tag and DOM attributes to be used for the LiveView container. For example:{:li, style: "color: blue;"}
. By default it uses the module definition container. See the "Containers" section for more information.:id
- both the DOM ID and the ID to uniquely identify a LiveView. One:id
is automatically generating when rendering root LiveViews but it is a required option when rendering a child LiveView.:router
- an optional router that enables this LiveView to performlive_link
. Only a single LiveView in a page may have the:router
set and and it will effectively become the view responsible for handlinglive_link
. LiveViews defined at the router with thelive
macro automatically have the:router
option set.
# within eex template
<%= live_render(@conn, MyApp.ThermostatLive) %>
# within leex template
<%= live_render(@socket, MyApp.ThermostatLive, id: "thermostat") %>
When a LiveView
is rendered, its contents are wrapped in a container.
By default, said container is a div
tag with a handful of LiveView
specific attributes.
The container can be customized in different ways:
You can change the default
onuse Phoenix.LiveView
:use Phoenix.LiveView, container: {:tr, id: "foo-bar"}
You can override the container tag and pass extra attributes when calling
(as well as on yourlive
call in your router):live_render socket, MyLiveView, container: {:tr, class: "highlight"}
Adds a flash message to the socket to be displayed on redirect.
Note: the Phoenix.LiveView.Flash
plug must be plugged in
your browser's pipeline for flash to be supported, for example:
pipeline :browser do
plug :accepts, ["html"]
plug :fetch_session
plug Phoenix.LiveView.Flash
iex> put_flash(socket, :info, "It worked!")
iex> put_flash(socket, :error, "You can't access that page")
Annotates the socket for redirect to a destination path.
Note: LiveView redirects rely on instructing client
to perform a window.location
update on the provided
redirect location.
- the path to redirect to
Asynchronously updates a component with new assigns.
Requires a stateful component with a matching :id
to send
the update to. Following the optional preload/1
callback being invoked,
the updated values are merged with the component's assigns and update/2
is called for the updated component(s).
While a component may always be updated from the parent by updating some
parent assigns which will re-render the child, thus invoking update/2
the child component, send_update/2
is useful for updating a component
that entirely manages its own state, as well as messaging between components.
def handle_event("cancel-order", _, socket) do
send_update(Cart, id: "cart", status: "cancelled")
{:noreply, socket}
Provides ~L
sigil with HTML safe Live EEx syntax inside source files.
iex> ~L"""
...> Hello <%= "world" %>
...> """
{:safe, ["Hello ", "world", "\n"]}
Updates an existing key in the socket assigns.
The update function receives the current key's value and returns the updated value. Raises if the key does not exist.
iex> update(socket, :count, fn count -> count + 1 end)
iex> update(socket, :count, &(&1 + 1))
Link to this section Callbacks
handle_call(msg, {}, socket)
View Source (optional)handle_call( msg :: term(), {pid(), reference()}, socket :: Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t() ) :: {:noreply, Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()} | {:reply, term(), Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()} | {:stop, Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()}
handle_event(event, arg2, socket)
View Source (optional)handle_event( event :: binary(), Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.unsigned_params(), socket :: Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t() ) :: {:noreply, Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()} | {:stop, Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()}
handle_info(msg, socket)
View Source (optional)handle_info(msg :: term(), socket :: Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()) :: {:noreply, Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()} | {:stop, Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()}
handle_params(arg1, uri, socket)
View Source (optional)handle_params( Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.unsigned_params(), uri :: String.t(), socket :: Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t() ) :: {:noreply, Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()} | {:stop, Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()}
mount(session, socket)
View Source (optional)mount(session :: map(), socket :: Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()) :: {:ok, Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()} | {:ok, Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t(), keyword()}
View Sourcerender(assigns :: Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.assigns()) :: Phoenix.LiveView.Rendered.t()
terminate(reason, socket)
View Source (optional)terminate(reason, socket :: Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()) :: term() when reason: :normal | :shutdown | {:shutdown, :left | :closed | term()}