Live navigation
View SourceLiveView provides functionality to allow page navigation using the browser's pushState API. With live navigation, the page is updated without a full page reload.
You can trigger live navigation in two ways:
From the client - this is done by passing either
component.From the server - this is done by
For example, instead of writing the following in a template:
<.link href={~p"/pages/#{@page + 1}"}>Next</.link>
You would write:
<.link patch={~p"/pages/#{@page + 1}"}>Next</.link>
Or in a LiveView:
{:noreply, push_patch(socket, to: ~p"/pages/#{@page + 1}")}
The "patch" operations must be used when you want to navigate to the
current LiveView, simply updating the URL and the current parameters,
without mounting a new LiveView. When patch is used, the
callback is
invoked and the minimal set of changes are sent to the client.
See the next section for more information.
The "navigate" operations must be used when you want to dismount the
current LiveView and mount a new one. You can only "navigate" between
LiveViews in the same session. While redirecting, a phx-loading
is added to the LiveView, which can be used to indicate to the user a
new page is being loaded.
If you attempt to patch to another LiveView or navigate across live sessions, a full page reload is triggered. This means your application continues to work, in case your application structure changes and that's not reflected in the navigation.
Here is a quick breakdown:
<.link href={...}>
are HTTP-based, work everywhere, and perform full page reloads<.link navigate={...}>
work across LiveViews in the same session. They mount a new LiveView while keeping the current layout<.link patch={...}>
updates the current LiveView and sends only the minimal diff while also maintaining the scroll position
The handle_params/3
callback is invoked
after mount/3
and before the initial render.
It is also invoked every time <.link patch={...}>
or push_patch/2
are used.
It receives the request parameters as first argument, the url as second,
and the socket as third.
For example, imagine you have a UserTable
LiveView to show all users in
the system and you define it in the router as:
live "/users", UserTable
Now to add live sorting, you could do:
<.link patch={~p"/users?sort_by=name"}>Sort by name</.link>
When clicked, since we are navigating to the current LiveView,
will be invoked.
Remember you should never trust the received params, so you must use the callback to
validate the user input and change the state accordingly:
def handle_params(params, _uri, socket) do
socket =
case params["sort_by"] do
sort_by when sort_by in ~w(name company) -> assign(socket, sort_by: sort_by)
_ -> socket
{:noreply, load_users(socket)}
Note we returned {:noreply, socket}
, where :noreply
means no
additional information is sent to the client. As with other handle_*
callbacks, changes to the state inside
will trigger
a new server render.
Note the parameters given to handle_params/3
are the same as the ones given to mount/3
So how do you decide which callback to use to load data?
Generally speaking, data should always be loaded on mount/3
since mount/3
is invoked once per LiveView life-cycle.
Only the params you expect to be changed via
<.link patch={...}>
must be loaded on
For example, imagine you have a blog. The URL for a single post is:
"/blog/posts/:post_id". In the post page, you have comments and they are paginated.
You use <.link patch={...}>
to update the shown
comments every time the user paginates, updating the URL to "/blog/posts/:post_id?page=X".
In this example, you will access "post_id"
on mount/3
the page of comments on handle_params/3
Replace page address
LiveView also allows the current browser URL to be replaced. This is useful when you
want certain events to change the URL but without polluting the browser's history.
This can be done by passing the <.link replace>
option to any of the navigation helpers.
Multiple LiveViews in the same page
LiveView allows you to have multiple LiveViews in the same page by calling
in your templates. However, only
the LiveViews defined directly in your router can use the "Live Navigation"
functionality described here. This is important because LiveViews work
closely with your router, guaranteeing you can only navigate to known