phoenix_rest v0.7.0 PhoenixRest.Router

A DSL to supplement Phoenix Router with a resource-oriented routing algorithm.

It provides a macro to generate routes that dispatch to specific resource handlers.

Edit web/web.ex and add the router:

def router do
  quote do
    use Phoenix.Router
    use PhoenixRest.Router

    import Plug.Conn
    import Phoenix.Controller

Then use the resource macro in your router to match a path with a resource handler:

defmodule MyAppWeb.Router do
  use MyAppWeb, :router

  resource "/pages/:page", PageResource

The resource/4 macro accepts a request of format "/pages/VALUE" and and dispatches it to PageResource, which must be a Plug module.

See PhoenixRest.Resource for information on how to write a Plug module that implements REST semantics.


resource "/hello", HelloResource

The example above will route any requests for "/hello" to the HelloResource module.

A route can also specify parameters which will be available to the resource:

resource "/hello/:name", HelloResource

The value of the dynamic path segment can be read inside the HelloResource module:

def to_html(%{params: params} = conn, state) do
  %{"name" => name} = params
  {"Hello #{name}!", conn, state}

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resource(path, plug, plug_opts \\ [], options \\ [])

resource(String.t(), atom(), any(), list()) :: Macro.t()

Main API to define resource routes.

It accepts an expression representing the path, a Plug module, the options for the plug, and options for the macro.


resource "/path", PlugModule, plug_opts, options


resource/4 accepts the same options as PhoenixRouter.match/5