View Source Phoenix.Template (phoenix_template v1.0.1)

Templates are markup languages that are compiled to Elixir code.

This module provides functions for loading and compiling templates from disk. A markup language is compiled to Elixir code via an engine. See Phoenix.Template.Engine.

In practice, developers rarely use Phoenix.Template directly. Instead, libraries such as Phoenix.View and Phoenix.LiveView use it as a building block.


Custom Template Engines

Phoenix supports custom template engines. Engines tell Phoenix how to convert a template path into quoted expressions. See Phoenix.Template.Engine for more information on the API required to be implemented by custom engines.

Once a template engine is defined, you can tell Phoenix about it via the template engines option:

config :phoenix, :template_engines,
  eex: Phoenix.Template.EExEngine,
  exs: Phoenix.Template.ExsEngine


Format encoders

Besides template engines, Phoenix has the concept of format encoders. Format encoders work per format and are responsible for encoding a given format to a string. For example, when rendering JSON, your templates may return a regular Elixir map. Then the JSON format encoder is invoked to convert it to JSON.

A format encoder must export a function called encode_to_iodata!/1 which receives the rendering artifact and returns iodata.

New encoders can be added via the format encoder option:

config :phoenix_template, :format_encoders,
  html: Phoenix.HTML.Engine

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Ensure __mix_recompile__?/0 will be defined.

Compiles a function for each template in the given root.

A convenience macro for embeding templates as functions.

Returns a keyword list with all template engines extensions followed by their modules.

Returns all template paths in a given template root.

Returns the format encoder for the given template.

Returns the hash of all template paths in the given root.

Renders template from module.

Renders the template and returns iodata.

Renders the template to string.

Link to this section Types

Link to this section Functions

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Ensure __mix_recompile__?/0 will be defined.

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compile_all(converter, root, pattern \\ "*", engines \\ nil)

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Compiles a function for each template in the given root.

converter is an anonymous function that receives the template path and returns the function name (as a string).

For example, to compile all .eex templates in a given directory, you might do:

  &(&1 |> Path.basename() |> Path.rootname(".eex")),

If the directory has templates named foo.eex and bar.eex, they will be compiled into the functions foo/1 and bar/1 that receive the template assigns as argument.

You may optionally pass a keyword list of engines. If a list is given, we will lookup and compile only this subset of engines. If none is passed (nil), the default list returned by engines/0 is used.

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embed_templates(pattern, opts \\ [])

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A convenience macro for embeding templates as functions.

This macro is built on top of the more general compile_all/3 functionality.



  • :root - The root directory to embed files. Defaults to the current module's directory (__DIR__)
  • :suffix - The string value to append to embedded function names. By default, function names will be the name of the template file excluding the format and engine.

A wildcard pattern may be used to select all files within a directory tree. For example, imagine a directory listing:


Then to embed the templates in your module:

defmodule MyAppWeb.Renderer do
  import Phoenix.Template, only: [embed_templates: 1]
  embed_templates "pages/*"

Now, your module will have a about/1 and sitemap/1 functions. Note that functions across different formats were embedded. In case you want to distinguish between them, you can give a more specific pattern:

defmodule MyAppWeb.Emails do
  import Phoenix.Template, only: [embed_templates: 2]

  embed_templates "pages/*.html", suffix: "_html"
  embed_templates "pages/*.xml", suffix: "_xml"

Now the functions will be about_html and sitemap_xml.

@spec engines() :: %{required(atom()) => module()}

Returns a keyword list with all template engines extensions followed by their modules.

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find_all(root, pattern \\ "*", engines \\ engines())

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@spec find_all(root(), pattern :: String.t(), %{required(atom()) => module()}) :: [

Returns all template paths in a given template root.

@spec format_encoder(format :: String.t()) :: module() | nil

Returns the format encoder for the given template.

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hash(root, pattern \\ "*", engines \\ engines())

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@spec hash(root(), pattern :: String.t(), %{required(atom()) => module()}) :: binary()

Returns the hash of all template paths in the given root.

Used by Phoenix to check if a given root path requires recompilation.

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module_to_template_root(module, base, suffix)

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This function is deprecated. Use Phoenix.View.module_to_template_root/3.
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render(module, template, format, assigns)

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Renders template from module.

For a module called MyApp.FooHTML and template "index.html.heex", it will:

  • First attempt to call MyApp.FooHTML.index(assigns)

  • Then fallback to MyApp.FooHTML.render("index.html", assigns)

  • Raise otherwise

It expects the HTML module, the template as a string, the format, and a set of assigns.

Notice that this function returns the inner representation of a template. If you want the encoded template as a result, use render_to_iodata/4 instead.



Phoenix.Template.render(YourApp.UserView, "index", "html", name: "John Doe")
#=> {:safe, "Hello John Doe"}



Assigns are meant to be user data that will be available in templates. However, there are keys under assigns that are specially handled by Phoenix, they are:

  • :layout - tells Phoenix to wrap the rendered result in the given layout. See next section



Templates can be rendered within other templates using the :layout option. :layout accepts a tuple of the form {LayoutModule, "template.extension"}.

To template that goes inside the layout will be placed in the @inner_content assign:

<%= @inner_content %>
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render_to_iodata(module, template, format, assign)

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Renders the template and returns iodata.

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render_to_string(module, template, format, assign)

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Renders the template to string.

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template_path_to_name(path, root)

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This function is deprecated. Use Phoenix.View.template_path_to_name/3.