

pub type DomTokenList


pub fn add(
  dom_token_list: DomTokenList,
  tokens: Array(String),
) -> Nil

The add() method adds the given tokens to the list, omitting any that are already present

pub fn remove(
  dom_token_list: DomTokenList,
  tokens: Array(String),
) -> Nil

The remove() method removes the specified tokens from the list

pub fn replace(
  dom_token_list: DomTokenList,
  from_token: String,
  to_token: String,
) -> Bool

The replace() method replaces an existing token with a new token. If the first token doesn’t exist, replace() returns false immediately, without adding the new token to the token list.

pub fn toggle(
  dom_token_list: DomTokenList,
  token: String,
  force force: Option(Bool),
) -> Bool

The toggle() method removes an existing token from the list and returns false. If the token doesn’t exist it’s added and the function returns true.

force: If included, turns the toggle into a one way-only operation. If set to false, then token will only be removed, but not added. If set to true, then token will only be added, but not removed.

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