Plug v0.14.0
Modules summary ↑
Plug | The plug specification |
Plug.Adapters.Cowboy | Adapter interface to the Cowboy webserver |
Plug.Adapters.Translator | A translator module shared by adapters that ship with Plug |
Plug.Builder | Conveniences for building plugs |
Plug.CSRFProtection | Plug to protect from cross-site request forgery |
Plug.Conn | The Plug connection |
Plug.Conn.Adapter | Specification of the connection adapter API implemented by webservers |
Plug.Conn.Cookies | Conveniences for encoding and decoding cookies |
Plug.Conn.Query | Conveniences for decoding and encoding url encoded queries |
Plug.Conn.Status | Conveniences for working with status codes |
Plug.Conn.Unfetched | A struct used as default on unfetched fields |
Plug.Conn.Utils | Utilities for working with connection data |
Plug.Crypto | Namespace and module for crypto functionality |
Plug.Crypto.KeyGenerator |
Plug.Crypto.MessageEncryptor |
Plug.Crypto.MessageVerifier |
Plug.Debugger | A module (not a plug) for debugging in development |
Plug.ErrorHandler | A module to be used in your existing plugs in order to provide error handling |
Plug.HTML | Conveniences for generating HTML |
Plug.Head | A Plug to convert |
Plug.Logger | A plug for logging basic request information in the format: |
Plug.MIME | Maps MIME types to file extensions and vice versa |
Plug.MethodOverride | This plug overrides the request’s |
Plug.Parsers | A plug for parsing the request body |
Plug.Parsers.JSON | Parses JSON request body |
Plug.Parsers.MULTIPART | Parses multipart request body |
Plug.Parsers.URLENCODED | Parses urlencoded request body |
Plug.RequestId | A plug for generating a unique request id for each request. A generated request id will in the format “uq8hs30oafhj5vve8ji5pmp7mtopc08f” |
Plug.Router | A DSL to define a routing algorithm that works with Plug |
Plug.SSL | A plug to force SSL connections |
Plug.Session | A plug to handle session cookies and session stores |
Plug.Session.COOKIE | Stores the session in a cookie |
Plug.Session.ETS | Stores the session in an in-memory ETS table |
Plug.Session.Store | Specification for session stores |
Plug.Static | A plug for serving static assets |
Plug.Test | Conveniences for testing plugs |
Plug.Upload | A server (a |
Exceptions summary ↑
Plug.CSRFProtection.InvalidCSRFTokenError | Error raised when CSRF token is invalid |
Plug.CSRFProtection.InvalidCrossOriginRequestError | Error raised when non-XHR requests are used for Javascript responses |
Plug.Conn.AlreadySentError | Error raised when trying to modify or send an already sent response |
Plug.Conn.InvalidHeaderKeyFormatError | Error raised when trying to send a header that contains uppercase chars |
Plug.Conn.NotSentError | Error raised when no response is sent in a request |
Plug.Conn.WrapperError | Wraps the connection in an error which is meant to be handled upper in the stack |
Plug.Parsers.BadEncodingError | Raised when the request body contains bad encoding |
Plug.Parsers.ParseError | Error raised when the request body is malformed |
Plug.Parsers.RequestTooLargeError | Error raised when the request is too large |
Plug.Parsers.UnsupportedMediaTypeError | Error raised when the request body cannot be parsed |
Plug.Router.InvalidSpecError | |
Plug.Static.InvalidPathError |
Protocols summary ↑
Plug.Exception | A protocol that extends exceptions to be status-code aware |