
A DSL to define a routing algorithm that works with Plug.

It provides a set of macros to generate routes. For example:

defmodule AppRouter do
  use Plug.Router

  plug :match
  plug :dispatch

  get "/hello" do
    send_resp(conn, 200, "world")

  match _ do
    send_resp(conn, 404, "oops")

Each route needs to return a connection, as per the Plug spec. A catch all match is recommended to be defined, as in the example above, otherwise routing fails with a function clause error.

The router is a plug, which means it can be invoked as:, AppRouter.init([]))

Notice the router contains a plug pipeline and by default it requires two plugs: match and dispatch. match is responsible for finding a matching route which is then forwarded to dispatch. This means users can easily hook into the router mechanism and add behaviour before match, before dispatch or after both.


get "/hello" do
  send_resp(conn, 200, "world")

In the example above, a request will only match if it is a GET request and the route “/hello”. The supported HTTP methods are get, post, put, patch, delete and options.

A route can also specify parameters which will then be available in the function body:

get "/hello/:name" do
  send_resp(conn, 200, "hello #{name}")

Routes allow for globbing which will match the remaining parts of a route and can be available as a parameter in the function body, also note that a glob can’t be followed by other segments:

get "/hello/*_rest" do
  send_resp(conn, 200, "matches all routes starting with /hello")

get "/hello/*glob" do
  send_resp(conn, 200, "route after /hello: #{inspect glob}")

Finally, a general match function is also supported:

match "/hello" do
  send_resp(conn, 200, "world")

A match will match any route regardless of the HTTP method. Check match/3 for more information on how route compilation works and a list of supported options.

Routes compilation

All routes are compiled to a match function that receives three arguments: the method, the request path split on “/“ and the connection. Consider this example:

match "/foo/bar", via: :get do
  send_resp(conn, 200, "hello world")

It is compiled to:

defp match("GET", ["foo", "bar"], conn) do
  send_resp(conn, 200, "hello world")

This opens up a few possibilities. First, guards can be given to match:

match "/foo/:bar" when size(bar) <= 3, via: :get do
  send_resp(conn, 200, "hello world")

Second, a list of splitten paths (which is the compiled result) is also allowed:

match ["foo", bar], via: :get do
  send_resp(conn, 200, "hello world")

After a match is found, the block given as do/end is stored as a function in the connection. This function is then retrieved and invoked in the dispatch plug.


delete(path, contents)

Dispatches to the path only if it is delete request. See match/3 for more examples

forward(path, options)

Forwards requests to another Plug. The path_info of the forwarded connection will exclude the portion of the path specified in the call to forward

get(path, contents)

Dispatches to the path only if it is get request. See match/3 for more examples

match(expression, options, contents \\ [])

Main API to define routes. It accepts an expression representing the path and many options allowing the match to be configured

options(path, contents)

Dispatches to the path only if it is options request. See match/3 for more examples

patch(path, contents)

Dispatches to the path only if it is patch request. See match/3 for more examples

post(path, contents)

Dispatches to the path only if it is post request. See match/3 for more examples

put(path, contents)

Dispatches to the path only if it is put request. See match/3 for more examples


delete(path, contents)

Dispatches to the path only if it is delete request. See match/3 for more examples.

forward(path, options)

Forwards requests to another Plug. The path_info of the forwarded connection will exclude the portion of the path specified in the call to forward.


forward "/users", to: UserRouter


forward accepts the following options:

  • :to - a Plug where the requests will be forwarded

All remaining options are passed to the underlying plug.

get(path, contents)

Dispatches to the path only if it is get request. See match/3 for more examples.

match(expression, options, contents \\ [])

Main API to define routes. It accepts an expression representing the path and many options allowing the match to be configured.


match "/foo/bar", via: :get do
  send_resp(conn, 200, "hello world")


match accepts the following options:

  • :via - matches the route against some specific HTTP methods
  • :do - contains the implementation to be invoked in case the route matches
options(path, contents)

Dispatches to the path only if it is options request. See match/3 for more examples.

patch(path, contents)

Dispatches to the path only if it is patch request. See match/3 for more examples.

post(path, contents)

Dispatches to the path only if it is post request. See match/3 for more examples.

put(path, contents)

Dispatches to the path only if it is put request. See match/3 for more examples.