View Source Plug.Builder (Plug v1.15.0)

Conveniences for building plugs.

You can use this module to build a plug pipeline:

defmodule MyApp do
  use Plug.Builder

  plug Plug.Logger
  plug :hello, upper: true

  # A function from another module can be plugged too, provided it's
  # imported into the current module first.
  import AnotherModule, only: [interesting_plug: 2]
  plug :interesting_plug

  def hello(conn, opts) do
    body = if opts[:upper], do: "WORLD", else: "world"
    send_resp(conn, 200, body)

The plug/2 macro forms a pipeline by defining multiple plugs. Each plug in the pipeline is executed from top to bottom. In the example above, the Plug.Logger module plug is called before the :hello function plug, so the function plug will be called on the module plug's resulting connection.

Plug.Builder imports the Plug.Conn module so functions like send_resp/3 are available.


When used, the following options are accepted by Plug.Builder:

  • :init_mode - the environment to initialize the plug's options, one of :compile or :runtime. The default value is :compile.

  • :log_on_halt - accepts the level to log whenever the request is halted

  • :copy_opts_to_assign - an atom representing an assign. When supplied, it will copy the options given to the Plug initialization to the given connection assign

Plug behaviour

Plug.Builder defines the init/1 and call/2 functions by implementing the Plug behaviour.

By implementing the Plug API, Plug.Builder guarantees this module is a plug and can be handed to a web server or used as part of another pipeline.

Conditional plugs

Sometimes you may want to conditionally invoke a Plug in a pipeline. For example, you may want to invoke Plug.Parsers only under certain routes. This can be done by wrapping the module plug in a function plug. Instead of:

plug Plug.Parsers, parsers: [:urlencoded, :multipart], pass: ["text/*"]

You can write:

plug :conditional_parser

defp conditional_parser(%Plug.Conn{path_info: ["noparser" | _]} = conn, _opts) do

@parser Plug.Parsers.init(parsers: [:urlencoded, :multipart], pass: ["text/*"])
defp conditional_parser(conn, _opts) do, @parser)

The above will invoke Plug.Parsers on all routes, except the ones under /noparser

Overriding the default Plug API functions

Both the init/1 and call/2 functions defined by Plug.Builder can be manually overridden. For example, the init/1 function provided by Plug.Builder returns the options that it receives as an argument, but its behaviour can be customized:

defmodule PlugWithCustomOptions do
  use Plug.Builder
  plug Plug.Logger

  def init(opts) do

The call/2 function that Plug.Builder provides is used internally to execute all the plugs listed using the plug macro, so overriding the call/2 function generally implies using super in order to still call the plug chain:

defmodule PlugWithCustomCall do
  use Plug.Builder
  plug Plug.Logger
  plug Plug.Head

  def call(conn, opts) do
    |> super(opts) # calls Plug.Logger and Plug.Head
    |> assign(:called_all_plugs, true)

Halting a plug pipeline

Plug.Conn.halt/1 halts a plug pipeline. Plug.Builder prevents plugs downstream from being invoked and returns the current connection. In the following example, the Plug.Logger plug never gets called:

defmodule PlugUsingHalt do
  use Plug.Builder

  plug :stopper
  plug Plug.Logger

  def stopper(conn, _opts) do



builder_opts() deprecated

Using builder_opts/0 is deprecated.

Compiles a plug pipeline.

A macro that stores a new plug. opts will be passed unchanged to the new plug.


@type plug() :: module() | atom()


Link to this macro


View Source (macro)
This macro is deprecated. Pass :copy_opts_to_assign on "use Plug.Builder".

Using builder_opts/0 is deprecated.

Instead use :copy_opts_to_assign on use Plug.Builder.

Link to this function

compile(env, pipeline, builder_opts)

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@spec compile(Macro.Env.t(), [{plug(), Plug.opts(), Macro.t()}], Keyword.t()) ::
  {Macro.t(), Macro.t()}

Compiles a plug pipeline.

Each element of the plug pipeline (according to the type signature of this function) has the form:

{plug_name, options, guards}

Note that this function expects a reversed pipeline (with the last plug that has to be called coming first in the pipeline).

The function returns a tuple with the first element being a quoted reference to the connection and the second element being the compiled quoted pipeline.


Plug.Builder.compile(env, [
  {Plug.Logger, [], true}, # no guards, as added by the Plug.Builder.plug/2 macro
  {Plug.Head, [], quote(do: a when is_binary(a))}
], [])
Link to this macro

plug(plug, opts \\ [])

View Source (macro)

A macro that stores a new plug. opts will be passed unchanged to the new plug.

This macro doesn't add any guards when adding the new plug to the pipeline; for more information about adding plugs with guards see compile/3.


plug Plug.Logger               # plug module
plug :foo, some_options: true  # plug function