Plug v1.5.0-rc.0 Plug.Crypto View Source

Namespace and module for Crypto functionality.

Please see Plug.Crypto.KeyGenerator, Plug.Crypto.MessageEncryptor, and Plug.Crypto.MessageVerifier for more functionality.

Link to this section Summary


Masks the token on the left with the token on the right

Compares the two binaries (one being masked) in constant-time to avoid timing attacks

A restricted version a :erlang.binary_to_term/1 that forbids possibly unsafe terms

Compares the two binaries in constant-time to avoid timing attacks

Link to this section Functions

Masks the token on the left with the token on the right.

Both tokens are required to have the same size.

Link to this function masked_compare(left, right, mask) View Source

Compares the two binaries (one being masked) in constant-time to avoid timing attacks.

It is assumed the right token is masked according to the given mask.

Link to this function safe_binary_to_term(binary, opts \\ []) View Source

A restricted version a :erlang.binary_to_term/1 that forbids possibly unsafe terms.

Link to this function secure_compare(left, right) View Source

Compares the two binaries in constant-time to avoid timing attacks.
