Plug v1.7.1 Plug.Conn.Utils View Source
Utilities for working with connection data
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Parses content type (without wildcards).
It is similar to media_type/1
except wildcards are
not accepted in the type nor in the subtype.
iex> content_type "x-sample/json; charset=utf-8"
{:ok, "x-sample", "json", %{"charset" => "utf-8"}}
iex> content_type "x-sample/json ; charset=utf-8 ; foo=bar"
{:ok, "x-sample", "json", %{"charset" => "utf-8", "foo" => "bar"}}
iex> content_type "\r\n text/plain;\r\n charset=utf-8\r\n"
{:ok, "text", "plain", %{"charset" => "utf-8"}}
iex> content_type "text/plain"
{:ok, "text", "plain", %{}}
iex> content_type "x/*"
iex> content_type "*/*"
Parses a comma-separated list of header values.
iex> list("foo, bar")
["foo", "bar"]
iex> list("foobar")
iex> list("")
iex> list("empties, , are,, filtered")
["empties", "are", "filtered"]
Parses media types (with wildcards).
Type and subtype are case insensitive while the sensitiveness of params depends on their keys and therefore are not handled by this parser.
{:ok, type, subtype, map_of_params}
if everything goes fine:error
if the media type isn’t valid
iex> media_type "text/plain"
{:ok, "text", "plain", %{}}
iex> media_type "APPLICATION/"
{:ok, "application", "", %{}}
iex> media_type "text/*; q=1.0"
{:ok, "text", "*", %{"q" => "1.0"}}
iex> media_type "*/*; q=1.0"
{:ok, "*", "*", %{"q" => "1.0"}}
iex> media_type "x y"
iex> media_type "*/html"
iex> media_type "/"
iex> media_type "x/y z"
Parses headers parameters.
Keys are case insensitive and downcased, invalid key-value pairs are discarded.
iex> params("foo=bar")
%{"foo" => "bar"}
iex> params(" foo=bar ")
%{"foo" => "bar"}
iex> params("FOO=bar")
%{"foo" => "bar"}
iex> params("Foo=bar; baz=BOING")
%{"foo" => "bar", "baz" => "BOING"}
iex> params("foo=BAR ; wat")
%{"foo" => "BAR"}
iex> params("foo=\"bar\"; baz=\"boing\"")
%{"foo" => "bar", "baz" => "boing"}
iex> params("foo=\"bar;\"; baz=\"boing\"")
%{"foo" => "bar;", "baz" => "boing"}
iex> params("=")
Parses a value as defined in RFC-1341.
For convenience, trims whitespace at the end of the token.
Returns false
if the token is invalid.
iex> token("foo")
iex> token("foo-bar")
iex> token("<foo>")
iex> token(~s["<foo>"])
iex> token(~S["<f\oo>\"<b\ar>"])
iex> token("foo ")
iex> token("foo bar")
Validates the given binary is valid UTF-8.