plug_sigaws v0.1.1 PlugSigaws

Plug to authenticate HTTP requests that have been signed using AWS Signature V4.

(Refer to this Blog post)

Inline docs

Plug Pipeline Setup

This plug relies on sigaws library to verify the signature. When the signature verification fails, further pipeline processing is halted. Upon successful signature verification, an “assign” (:sigaws_ctxt) is setup in the returned connection containing the verification context.

Edit your router.ex file and add this plug to the appropriate pipeline.

pipeline :api do
  plug :accepts, ["json"]
  plug PlugSigaws

You can use this plug to secure access to non-api resources as well using “presigned URLs”.

Content Parser Setup

The signature verification process involves computing the hash digest of the request body in its raw form. Given the Plug restriction that the request body can be read only once, it is imperative that any content parsers used in the Plug pipeline make the raw content available for hash computation.

Edit the endpoint.ex file and replace the :json and :urlencoded parsers with the corresponding PlugSigaws versions that make the raw content available for hash computation.

plug Plug.Parsers,
  parsers: [PlugSigaws.Parsers.JSON, PlugSigaws.Parsers.URLENCODED, :multipart],
  pass: ["*/*"],
  json_decoder: Poison

This plug checks for conn.assigns[:raw_body] in the connection. Any content parser plug present before this plug that consumes the request body should make the raw content available in the :raw_body assign. Without this the signature verification may fail.

If the raw body is not available as an assign, this plug will read the request body by calling Plug.Conn.read_body/2 and make it available in the assign for subsequent consumption in the pipeline.

Quickstart Verification Provider

Verifying the signature involves making sure that the region/service used in the signature are valid for the server hosting the service. It also involves recomputing the signature from the request data and comparing against what is passed in.

The sigaws package includes a “quickstart” provider that can be used to quickly try out signature verification. You need three things to make use of this provider:

  1. Add the quick start provider to the project dependencies.

      defp deps do
        {:sigaws_quickstart_provider, "~> 0.1"}
  2. Add this provider to your supervision tree. This is needed so that the credentials can be read from a file.

      use Application
      def start(_type, _args) do
        import Supervisor.Spec
        children = [
          worker(SigawsQuickStartProvider, [[name: :sigaws_provider]]),
          # ....
        # ....
        Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
  3. Add the following to your config.exs:

      config :plug_sigaws,
        provider: SigawsQuickStartProvider
      config :sigaws_quickstart_provider,
        regions: "us-east-1,alpha-quad,beta-quad,gamma-quad,delta-quad",
        services: "my-service,img-service",
        creds_file: "sigaws_quickstart.creds"

The quickstart provider configuration parameters:

  • regions — Set this to a comma separated list of region names. For example, us-east-1,gamma-quad,delta-quad. A request signed with a region not in this list will fail.

  • services — Set this to a comma separated list of service names. Just as the was case with regions, a request signed with a service not in this list will fail.

  • creds_file — Path to the credentials file. The quickstart provider reads this file to get the list of valid access key IDs and their corresponding secrets. Each line in this file represents a valid credential with a colon separating the access key ID and the secret.

Here are the defaults used when any of these environment variables is not set:

creds_filesigaws_quickstart.creds in the current working directory

Build your own Verification Provider

Most probably you want the access key ID/secrets stored in a database or some other external system.

Use SigawsQuickStartProvider (a separate Hex package) as a starting point and build your own provider.

Configure plug_sigaws to use your provider instead of the quickstart provider.



Performs AWS Signature verification using the request data in the connection


call(conn, opts)

Performs AWS Signature verification using the request data in the connection.

Upon success, verification information is made available in an assign called :sigaws_ctxt.

Failure results in an HTTP 401 response.
