View Source Plugoid.RedirectURI (plugoid v0.6.0)

Plug to configure the application redirect URI

An OAuth2 / OpenID Connect redirect URI is a vanity, non-dynamic URI. The authorization server redirects to this URI after authentication and authorization success or failure.


Automatic configuration in a router

defmodule Myapp.Router do
  use Plugoid.RedirectURI

installs a route to /openid_connect_redirect_uri in a Phoenix router.


Determining the redirect URI

When using Plugoid.RedirectURI, an plugoid_redirect_uri/1 function is automatically installed in the router. It takes the endpoint as the first parameter and the issuer as the second:

iex> PlugoidDemoWeb.Router.plugoid_redirect_uri(PlugoidDemoWeb.Endpoint)

It can be called without the endpoint, in which case it is inferred from the router's module name:

iex> PlugoidDemoWeb.Router.plugoid_redirect_uri()



  • :error_view: the error view to be called in case of error. The :"500" template is rendered in case of error (bascially, when the state parameter is missing from the response). If not set, it will be automatically set to MyApp.ErrorView where MyApp is the base module name of the application
  • :jti_register: a module implementing the JTIRegister behaviour, to check the ID Token against replay attack when a nonce is used (in the implicit and hybrid flows). See also JTIRegister
  • :path: the path of the redirect URI. Defaults to "openid_connect_redirect_uri"
  • :token_callback: a token_callback/0 function to which are passed the received tokens, for further use (for example, to store a refresh token) and returns the Plug.Conn.t/0

Options of OIDC.Auth.verify_opts/0 which will be passed to OIDC.Auth.verify_response/3.

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opt() ::
  {:error_view, module()}
  | {:jti_register, module()}
  | {:path, String.t()}
  | {:token_callback, token_callback()}


opts() :: [opt() | OIDC.Auth.verify_opt()]


token_callback() ::
   issuer :: String.t(),
   client_id :: String.t(),
   opts() ->