poison v3.0.0 Poison



Decode JSON to a value

Decode JSON to a value, raises an exception on error

Encode a value to JSON

Encode a value to JSON, raises an exception on error

Encode a value to JSON as iodata

Encode a value to JSON as iodata, raises an exception on error


decode(iodata, options \\ [])
decode(iodata, Keyword.t) ::
  {:ok, Poison.Parser.t} |
  {:error, :invalid} |
  {:error, {:invalid, String.t}}

Decode JSON to a value.

iex> Poison.decode("[1,2,3]")
{:ok, [1, 2, 3]}
decode!(iodata, options \\ [])
decode!(iodata, Keyword.t) :: Poison.Parser.t | no_return

Decode JSON to a value, raises an exception on error.

iex> Poison.decode!("[1,2,3]")
[1, 2, 3]
encode(value, options \\ [])
encode(Poison.Encoder.t, Keyword.t) ::
  {:ok, iodata} |
  {:ok, String.t} |
  {:error, {:invalid, any}}

Encode a value to JSON.

iex> Poison.encode([1, 2, 3])
{:ok, "[1,2,3]"}
encode!(value, options \\ [])
encode!(Poison.Encoder.t, Keyword.t) :: iodata | no_return

Encode a value to JSON, raises an exception on error.

iex> Poison.encode!([1, 2, 3])
encode_to_iodata(value, options \\ [])
encode_to_iodata(Poison.Encoder.t, Keyword.t) ::
  {:ok, iodata} |
  {:error, {:invalid, any}}

Encode a value to JSON as iodata.

iex> Poison.encode_to_iodata([1, 2, 3])
{:ok, [91, ["1", 44, "2", 44, "3"], 93]}
encode_to_iodata!(value, options \\ [])
encode_to_iodata!(Poison.Encoder.t, Keyword.t) ::
  iodata |

Encode a value to JSON as iodata, raises an exception on error.

iex> Poison.encode_to_iodata!([1, 2, 3])
[91, ["1", 44, "2", 44, "3"], 93]