pollution v0.9.2 Pollution.VG



Generates a stream of values of any of the types: atom, float, int, list, map, string, and tuple. Structs are not included, as they require additional information to create

Return a stream of atoms. The characters in the atom are drawn from the ASCII printable set (space through ~)

Return a stream of random booleans (true or false)

Each time a value is needed, randomly choose a generator from the list and invoke it

Causes the stream never to output certain values. There are a few ways to use this

Return a stream of random floating point numbers

Return a stream of random integers

Return a stream of lists. Each list will have a random length (within limits), and each element in each list will be randomly chosen from the specified types

Create maps that either mirror a particular structure or that contain random numbers of elements

Return a stream of floats not greater than -1.0. (Arguably this should be “not greater than -epsilon”). Same as float(max: -1.0)

Return a stream of integers less than 0. Same as int(max: -1)

Return a stream of floats greater than or equal to zero. Same as float(min: 0.0)

Return a stream of integers greater than or equal to 0. Same as int(min: 0)

Randomly chooses a generator from the list, and then returns a stream of values that it produces. This choice is made only once—call pick_one again to get a different result

Return a stream of floats not less than 1.0. (Arguably this should be “not less than epsilon”). Same as float(min: 1.0)

Return a stream of integers not less than 1. Same as int(min: 1)

Give seq a list of generators (using the of: option). It will cycle through these as it streams values

Return a stream of strings of randomly varying length

Generate a stream of structs. Before starting, the generator reflects on the struct that is passed in, looking at the types of the values of each field. It then maps this onto a map() generator, using appropriate subgenerators for each of those fields

Generate a stream of tuples. The default is to create tuples of varying sizes with varying content, which is unlikely to be useful. You’ll more likely want to use the like: option, which sets a template for the tuples

Generates an infinite stream where each element is its parameter



Generates a stream of values of any of the types: atom, float, int, list, map, string, and tuple. Structs are not included, as they require additional information to create.

If you need finer control over the types and values returned, see the choose/2 function.

atom(options \\ [])

Return a stream of atoms. The characters in the atom are drawn from the ASCII printable set (space through ~).


iex> import Pollution.{Generator, VG}
iex> atom(max: 10) |> as_stream |> Enum.take(5)
[:"", :"Kv0{LGp", :"?0HX"y", :ad, :"DrS=t(Q"]


  • min: length

    The minimum length of an atom that will be generated (default: 0).

  • max: length

    The maximum length of an atom that will be generated (default: 255).

  • must_have: [ value, … ]

    Values that must be included in the results. There are no must-have vaules by default.


Return a stream of random booleans (true or false).


iex> import Pollution.{Generator, VG}
  iex> bool |> as_stream |> Enum.take(5)
  [true, false, true, true, false]

Each time a value is needed, randomly choose a generator from the list and invoke it.


iex> import Pollution.{Generator, VG}
  iex> choose(from: [ int(min: 3, max: 7), bool ]) |> as_stream |> Enum.take(5)
  [6, false, 4, true, true]
except(state, predicates_or_names)

Causes the stream never to output certain values. There are a few ways to use this:

Filters provided by the generator

iex> import Pollution.{Generator, VG} iex> string() |> as_stream() |> Enum.take(1) [“”] iex> string() |> except(:blank) |> as_stream() |> Enum.take(1) [“…”]

A provided function matcher

iex> import Pollution.{Generator, VG} iex> int() |> except(&(abs(&1) <= 1)) |> as_stream() |> Enum.take(3) [758, -995, -374]

A provided exact match

This exact match filter will not work with atoms due to the fact that atom names are used for named filters, so you must provide a function like &(&1 == :atom).

iex> import Pollution.{Generator, VG} iex> int() |> as_stream() |> Enum.take(3) [0, -1, 1] iex> int() |> except(-1) |> as_stream() |> Enum.take(3) [0, 1, 470]

A named predicate

This has no effect on the behavior, but it sets an internal name for the filter. This is useful if you intend to deal directly with the Pollution.State object, and would like to be able to see what filters have been applied.

iex> import Pollution.{Generator, VG} iex> int() |> except(:more_than_one_away_from_zero, &(abs(&1) <= 1)) |> as_stream() |> Enum.take(3) [758, -995, -374]

float(options \\ [])

Return a stream of random floating point numbers.


iex> import Pollution.{Generator, VG}
  iex> float |> as_stream |> Enum.take(5)
  [0.0, -1.0, 1.0, 5.0e-324, -5.0e-324]


  • min: value

    The minimum value that will be generated (default: -1e6).

  • max: value

    The maximum value that will be generated (default: 1e6).

  • must_have: [ value, … ]

    Values that must be included in the results. The default is

    [ 0.0, -1.0, 1.0, epsilon, -epsilon ]

    (where epsilon is the smallest expressible float)

    Must have values are automatically adjusted to account for the min and max values. For example, if you specify min: 0.5 then only the 1.0 must-have value will be generated.

See also


int(options \\ [])

Return a stream of random integers.


iex> import Pollution.{Generator, VG}
  iex> int |> as_stream |> Enum.take(5)
  [0, -1, 1, 215, -401]


  • min: value

    The minimum value that will be generated (default: -1000).

  • max: value

    The maximum value that will be generated (default: 1000).

  • must_have: [ value, … ]

    Values that must be included in the results. The default is

    [ 0, -1, 1 ]

    Must have values are automatically adjusted to account for the min and max values. For example, if you specify min: 0 then only the 0 and 1 must-have values will be generated.

See also



Return a stream of lists. Each list will have a random length (within limits), and each element in each list will be randomly chosen from the specified types.


iex> import Pollution.{Generator, VG}
iex> list(of: bool, max: 7) |> as_stream|> Enum.take(5)
 [false, false, false],
 [false, true, true, false, true],
 [false, true, true, true, true, false, true],
 [true, true, false, false, false]

There are a few special-case constructors:

  • list(length)

    Return lists of the given length

  • list(generator)

    Return lists whose elements are created by generator

    iex> list(bool) |> as_stream|> Enum.take(5)

Otherwise, pass options:

  • min: length

    Minimum length of the lists returned. Default 0

  • max: length

    Maximum length of the lists returned. Default 100

  • must_have: [ value, … ]

    Values that must be returned. Defaults to returning an empty list (so the parameter is must_have: [ [] ] if the minimum length is zero, nothing otherwise.

  • of: generator

    Specifies the generator used to populate the lists.


iex> import Pollution.{Generator, VG}

  iex> list(of: int, min: 1, max: 5) |> as_stream |> Enum.take(4)
  [[0, -1, 1, -546], [442], [150], [-836, 540, -979]]

  iex> list(of: int, min: 1, max: 5) |> as_stream |> Enum.take(4)
  [[0], [-1, 1, 984, -206], [-246], [433, 125, -757]]

  iex> list(of: choose(from: [value(1), value(2)]), min: 1, max: 5)
  ...>         |> as_stream |> Enum.take(4)
  [[2], [1, 1, 2], [2, 2, 1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 1]]

  iex> list(of: seq(of: [value(1), value(2)]), min: 1, max: 5)
  ...>         |> as_stream |> Enum.take(4)
  [[1, 2], [1, 2, 1, 2], [1], [2, 1]]
list(min, max)
map(options \\ [])

Create maps that either mirror a particular structure or that contain random numbers of elements.

To create a stream of maps with a given structure, use the like: option:

map(like: %{ name: string, age: int(min:0, max: 130) })

In this example, the keys are static atoms—each generated map will have these two keys. You can also use generators as keys:

map(like: %{ atom: string })

This will generate single element maps, where each element has a random atom as a key and a random string as a value.

To create a stream of variable size maps, use of:, optionally with the min: and max: options.

map(of: { atom, string }, min: 3, max: 6)

This will generate a stream of maps of between 3 and 6 elements each, when each element has an atom as a key and a string as a value.

You can use generators such as choose and pick_one to make things more interesting:

map(of: { atom, choose(from: [string, integer]) }, min: 3, max: 6)

With this example, some elements will have a string value, and some will have an integer value.


Return a stream of floats not greater than -1.0. (Arguably this should be “not greater than -epsilon”). Same as float(max: -1.0)


Return a stream of integers less than 0. Same as int(max: -1)


Return a stream of floats greater than or equal to zero. Same as float(min: 0.0)


Return a stream of integers greater than or equal to 0. Same as int(min: 0)


Randomly chooses a generator from the list, and then returns a stream of values that it produces. This choice is made only once—call pick_one again to get a different result.


iex> import Pollution.{Generator, VG}
iex> stream = pick_one(from: [int, bool]) |> as_stream
iex> Enum.take(stream, 5)
[0, -1, 1, -223, 72]
iex> Enum.take(stream, 5)
[0, -1, 1, -553, 847]
iex> Enum.take(stream, 5)
[0, -1, 1, -518, -692]
iex> Enum.take(stream, 5)
[0, -1, 1, 580, 668]
iex> Enum.take(stream, 5)
[0, -1, 1, -989, -353]
iex> stream = pick_one(from: [int, bool]) |> as_stream
iex> Enum.take(stream, 5)
[true, false, false, false, false]
iex> Enum.take(stream, 5)
[false, true, false, false, false]

Return a stream of floats not less than 1.0. (Arguably this should be “not less than epsilon”). Same as float(min: 1.0)


Return a stream of integers not less than 1. Same as int(min: 1)


Give seq a list of generators (using the of: option). It will cycle through these as it streams values.


iex> import Pollution.{Generator, VG}
iex> seq(of: [int, bool, float]) |> as_stream |> Enum.take(10)
[0, true, 0.0, -1, true, -1.0, 1, true, 1.0, -702]
string(options \\ [])

Return a stream of strings of randomly varying length.


iex> import Pollution.{Generator, VG}
iex> string(max: 4) |> as_stream |> Enum.take(5)
["", " ", "墍勧", "㘃牸ྥ姷", ""]
iex> string(chars: :digits, max: 4) |> as_stream |> Enum.take(5)
["33", "", "7", "6223", "55"]


  • min: length

    The minimum length of the returned string (default 0)

  • max: length

    The maximum length of the returned string (default 300)

  • chars: :ascii | :digits | :lower | :printable | :upper | :utf

    The set of characters that may be included in the result:


The default is :utf8.

  • must_have: list

    A list of strings that must be in the result stream. Defaults to ["", "␠"], filtered by the maximum and minimum lengths.


Generate a stream of structs. Before starting, the generator reflects on the struct that is passed in, looking at the types of the values of each field. It then maps this onto a map() generator, using appropriate subgenerators for each of those fields.

For example, given:

iex> defmodule MyStruct
 iex>    defstruct an_atom: :a, an_int: 0, other: nil
 iex> end

You could call

iex> struct(MyStruct)

As well as passing in the name of a struct, you can pass in an instance:

iex> struct(%MyStruct{})

In either case, the result would be a stream of MyStructs, as if you had called

map(like: %{ an_atom: atom,
             an_int:  int,
             other:   any,
             __struct__: MyStruct)

If you supply generators to the struct you pass in, these will be used in place of generators for the defaults:

struct(%MyStruct{an_int: int(min: 20), other: string})
tuple(options \\ [])

Generate a stream of tuples. The default is to create tuples of varying sizes with varying content, which is unlikely to be useful. You’ll more likely want to use the like: option, which sets a template for the tuples.


iex> import Pollution.{Generator, VG}
iex> tuple(like: { value("insert"), string(chars: :upper, max: 10)}) |>
...> as_stream |> Enum.take(3)
[{"insert", "M"}, {"insert", "GFOHZNDER"}, {"insert", "FCDO"}]


  • min: sizemax: size

    Set the minimum and maximum sizes of the returned tuples. The defaults are 0 and 6, but this is overridden by the actual size if the like: option is specified.

  • like: { template }

    A template of generators used to fill the tuple. The generated tuples will have the same size as the template, and each element wil be generated from the corresponding generator in the template. For example, a Keyword list could be generated using

    iex> list(of: tuple(like: { atom, string(chars: lower, max: 10) })) |> as_stream |> Enum.take(5)


Generates an infinite stream where each element is its parameter.


iex> import Pollution.{Generator, VG}
iex> value("nom") |> as_stream |> Enum.take(3)
["nom", "nom", "nom"]