View Source Pop3mail.Handler (pop3mail v1.5.0)

Glue code for received mail to call the parse, decode and store functions



Check if the mail must be skipped, if not process and store the email.

Convert date to a directory name meant for storing the email. Returned date is in format yyyymmdd_hhmmss

Decode body: multipart content, base64 and quoted-printable.

Extract the sender name from the email 'From' header.

Create directory for the email based on date and subject, save raw email, store header summary and store everything from the body.

This function makes sure that the encoding markers are removed and the text decoded.


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check_process_and_store(mail, options)

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@spec check_process_and_store(Pop3mail.Handler.Mail.t(), Pop3mail.Handler.Options.t()) ::
  [{:ok, String.t()} | {:error, atom(), String.t()}]
  | {:skip, [{:header, String.t(), String.t()}]}

Check if the mail must be skipped, if not process and store the email.

It checks if the email has or hasn't got the Delivered-To header. Mail could be moved from the sent box to the inbox.

mail - Handler.Mail options - Handler.Options

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@spec convert_date_to_dirname(String.t()) :: String.t()

Convert date to a directory name meant for storing the email. Returned date is in format yyyymmdd_hhmmss

date_str - string with the date. Must be conform RFC 2822 date format.

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decode_body_content(header_list, body_content)

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@spec decode_body_content([{:header, String.t(), String.t()}], String.t()) :: [

Decode body: multipart content, base64 and quoted-printable.

Returns a list of Pop3mail.Part's.

header_list - list with tuples of {:header, header name, header value}.

@spec get_sender_name(String.t()) :: String.t()

Extract the sender name from the email 'From' header.

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process_and_store(mail, options)

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@spec process_and_store(Pop3mail.Handler.Mail.t(), Pop3mail.Handler.Options.t()) :: [
  {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, atom(), String.t()}

Create directory for the email based on date and subject, save raw email, store header summary and store everything from the body.

mail - Handler.Mail options - Handler.Options

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process_and_store_body(header_list, body_content, dirname)

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@spec process_and_store_body(
  [{:header, String.t(), String.t()}],
) :: [
  {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, atom(), String.t()}

Decode and store body.

header_list - list with tuples of {:header, header name, header value}.

@spec remove_encodings(String.t()) :: String.t()

This function makes sure that the encoding markers are removed and the text decoded.

However, it does not convert to a standard encoding like utf-8 and it also doesn't mention the encoding types used. What you get is a binary which you might be able to read depending on the character encoding set in your terminal/device/program.