View Source Postgrex.SimpleConnection behaviour (Postgrex v0.18.0)

A generic connection suitable for simple queries and pubsub functionality.

On its own, a SimpleConnection server only maintains a connection. To execute queries, process results, or relay notices you must implement a callback module with the SimpleConnection behaviour.


The SimpleConnection behaviour abstracts common client/server interactions, along with optional mechanisms for running queries or relaying notifications.

Let's start with a minimal callback module that executes a query and relays the result back to the caller.

defmodule MyConnection do
  @behaviour Postgrex.SimpleConnection

  @impl true
  def init(_args) do
    {:ok, %{from: nil}}

  @impl true
  def handle_call({:query, query}, from, state) do
    {:query, query, %{state | from: from}}

  @impl true
  def handle_result(results, state) when is_list(results) do
    SimpleConnection.reply(state.from, results)

    {:noreply, state}

  @impl true
  def handle_result(%Postgrex.Error{} = error, state) do
    SimpleConnection.reply(state.from, error)

    {:noreply, state}

# Start the connection
{:ok, pid} = SimpleConnection.start_link(MyConnection, [], database: "demo")

# Execute a literal query, {:query, "SELECT 1"})
# => %Postgrex.Result{rows: [["1"]]}

We start a connection by passing the callback module, callback options, and server options to SimpleConnection.start_link/3. The init/1 function receives any callback options and returns the callback state.

Queries are sent through, executed on the server, and the result is handed off to handle_result/2. At that point the callback can process the result before replying back to the caller with SimpleConnection.reply/2.

Building a PubSub Connection

With the notify/3 callback you can also build a pubsub server on top of LISTEN/NOTIFY. Here's a naive pubsub implementation:

defmodule MyPubSub do
  @behaviour Postgrex.SimpleConnection

  defstruct [:from, listeners: %{}]

  @impl true
  def init(args) do
    {:ok, struct!(__MODULE__, args)}

  @impl true
  def notify(channel, payload, state) do
    for pid <- state.listeners[channel] do
      send(pid, {:notice, channel, payload})

  @impl true
  def handle_call({:listen, channel}, {pid, _} = from, state) do
    listeners = Map.update(state.listeners, channel, [pid], &[pid | &1])

    {:query, ~s(LISTEN "#{channel}"), %{state | from: from, listeners: listeners}}

  def handle_call({:query, query}, from, state) do
    {:query, query, %{state | from: from}}

  @impl true
  def handle_result(_results, state) do
    SimpleConnection.reply(state.from, :ok)

    {:noreply, %{state | from: nil}}

# Start the connection
{:ok, pid} = SimpleConnection.start_link(MyPubSub, [], database: "demo")

# Start listening to the "demo" channel, {:listen, "demo"})
# => %Postgrex.Result{command: :listen}

# Notify all listeners, {:query, ~s(NOTIFY "demo", 'hello')})
# => %Postgrex.Result{command: :notify}

# Check the inbox to see the notice message
# => {:notice, "demo", "hello"}

See Postgrex.Notifications for a more complex implementation that can unlisten, handle process exits, and persist across reconnection.

Name registration

A Postgrex.SimpleConnection is bound to the same name registration rules as a GenServer. Read more about them in the GenServer docs.



Callback for

Invoked after connecting or reconnecting.

Invoked after disconnection.

Callback for processing or relaying queries executed via {:query, query, state}.

Callback for process initialization.

Callback for processing or relaying pubsub notifications.


Calls the given server.

Replies to the given client.

Start the connection process and connect to Postgres.


@type from() :: {pid(), term()}
@type query() :: iodata()
@type state() :: term()


Link to this callback

handle_call(term, from, state)

View Source (optional)
@callback handle_call(term(), from(), state()) ::
  {:noreply, state()} | {:query, query(), state()}

Callback for

Replies must be sent with SimpleConnection.reply/2.

Link to this callback


View Source (optional)
@callback handle_connect(state()) :: {:noreply, state()} | {:query, query(), state()}

Invoked after connecting or reconnecting.

This may be called multiple times if :auto_reconnect is true.

Link to this callback


View Source (optional)
@callback handle_disconnect(state()) :: {:noreply, state()}

Invoked after disconnection.

This is invoked regardless of the :auto_reconnect option.

Link to this callback

handle_info(term, state)

View Source (optional)
@callback handle_info(term(), state()) :: {:noreply, state()} | {:query, query(), state()}

Callback for Kernel.send/2.

Link to this callback

handle_result(arg1, state)

View Source (optional)
@callback handle_result([Postgrex.Result.t()] | Postgrex.Error.t(), state()) ::
  {:noreply, state()}

Callback for processing or relaying queries executed via {:query, query, state}.

Either a list of successful query results or an error will be passed to this callback. A list is passed because the simple query protocol allows multiple commands to be issued in a single query.

@callback init(term()) :: {:ok, state()}

Callback for process initialization.

This is called once and before the Postgrex connection is established.

Link to this callback

notify(binary, binary, state)

View Source
@callback notify(binary(), binary(), state()) :: :ok

Callback for processing or relaying pubsub notifications.


Link to this function

call(server, message, timeout \\ 5000)

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Calls the given server.

Wrapper for

Replies to the given client.

Wrapper for :gen_statem.reply/2.

Link to this function

start_link(module, args, opts)

View Source
@spec start_link(module(), term(), Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, pid()} | {:error, Postgrex.Error.t() | term()}

Start the connection process and connect to Postgres.

The options that this function accepts are the same as those accepted by Postgrex.start_link/1, as well as the extra options :sync_connect, :auto_reconnect, :reconnect_backoff, and :configure.


  • :auto_reconnect - automatically attempt to reconnect to the database in event of a disconnection. See the note about async connect and auto-reconnects above. Defaults to false, which means the process terminates.

  • :configure - A function to run before every connect attempt to dynamically configure the options as a {module, function, args}, where the current options will prepended to args. Defaults to nil.

  • :idle_interval - while also accepted on Postgrex.start_link/1, it has a default of 5000ms in Postgrex.SimpleConnection (instead of 1000ms).

  • :reconnect_backoff - time (in ms) between reconnection attempts when auto_reconnect is enabled. Defaults to 500.

  • :sync_connect - controls if the connection should be established on boot or asynchronously right after boot. Defaults to true.