
This package provides many building blocks that can be used to define pure generators of pseudo-random values.

This is based on the great Elm implementation of Permuted Congruential Generators.

It is not cryptographically secure!

You can use this cheatsheet to navigate the module documentation:

Building generators int, float, uniform, weighted, choose, constant
Transform and compose generators map, then, list, pair
Getting reproducible values out of generators step, sample, to_iterator
Getting truly random values out of generators random_sample, to_random_iterator


A Generator(a) is a data structure that describes how to produce random values of type a.

Take for example the following generator for random integers:

let dice_roll: Generator(Int) =, 6)

It is just describing the values that can be generated - in this case the numbers from 1 to 6 - but it is not actually producing any value.

Getting values out of a generator

To actually get a value out of a generator you can use the step function: it takes a generator and a Seed as input and produces a new seed and a random value of the type described by the generator:

import prng/random
import prng/seed

let #(roll_result, updated_seed) = dice_roll |> random.step(

// -> 3

The generator is completely deterministic: this means that - given the same seed - it will always produce the same results, no matter how many times you call the step function.

step will produce an updated seed that you can use for subsequent calls to get different pseudo-random results:

let initial_seed =
let #(first_roll, new_seed) = dice_roll |> random.step(initial_seed)
let #(second_roll, _) = dice_roll |> random.step(new_seed)

#(first_roll, second_roll)
// -> #(3, 2)
pub opaque type Generator(a)


pub const max_int: Int = 2_147_483_647

The underlying algorith will work best for integers in the inclusive range going from min_int up to max_int.

It can generate values outside of that range, but they are “not as random”.

pub const min_int: Int = -2_147_483_648

The underlying algorith will work best for integers in the inclusive range going from min_int up to max_int.

It can generate values outside of that range, but they are “not as random”.


pub fn choose(one: a, or other: a) -> Generator(a)

Generates two values with equal probability.

This is a shorthand for random.uniform(one, [other]), but can read better when there’s only two choices.


Given the following type to model the outcome of a coin flip:

pub type CoinFlip {

You can write a generator for coin flip outcomes like this:

let flip = random.choose(Heads, Tails)
pub fn constant(value: a) -> Generator(a)

Always generates the given value, no matter the seed used.


let always_eleven = random.constant(11)
// -> 11
pub fn float(from: Float, to: Float) -> Generator(Float)

Generates floating point numbers in the given inclusive range.


let probability = random.float(0.0, 1.0)
pub fn int(from: Int, to: Int) -> Generator(Int)

Generates integers in the given inclusive range.


Say you want to model the outcome of a dice, you could use int like this:

let dice_roll =, 6)
pub fn list(from generator: Generator(a), of length: Int) -> Generator(

Generates a lists of a fixed size; its values are generated using the given generator.


Imagine you’re modelling a game of Risk; when a player “attacks” they can roll three dice. You may model that outcome using list like this:

let dice_roll =, 6)
let attack_outcome = random.list(dice_roll, 3)
pub fn map(generator: Generator(a), with fun: fn(a) -> b) -> Generator(

Transforms the values produced by a generator using the given function.


Imagine you want to make a generator for boolean values that returns True and False with the same probability. You could do that using map like this:

let bool_generator =, 2) |> { n == 1 })

Here map allows you to transform the values produced by the initial integer generator - either 1 or 2 - into boolean values: when the original generator produces a 1, bool_generator will produce True; when the original generator produces a 2, bool_generator will produce False.

pub fn map2(one: Generator(a), other: Generator(b), with fun: fn(
  ) -> c) -> Generator(c)

Combines two generators into a single one. The resulting generator produces values obtained by applying fun to the values generated by the given generators.

## Examples

Imagine you need to generate random points in a 2D space:

pub type Point {
  Point(x: Float, y: Float)

You can compose two basic generators into a Point generator using map2:

let x_generator = random.float(-1.0, 1.0)
let y_generator = random.float(-1.0, 1.0)
let point_generator = map2(x_generator, y_generator, Point)

Notice how you could get the same result using then:

pub fn point_generator() -> Generator(Point) {
  use x <- random.then(random.float(-1.0, 1.0))
  use y <- random.then(random.float(-1.0, 1.0))
  random.constant(Point(x, y))

the use syntax paired with then may be confusing for other people reading your code, especially Gleam newcomers.

Usually map2/map3/… will be more than enough if you just need to combine simple generators into more complex ones.

pub fn map3(one: Generator(a), two: Generator(b), three: Generator(
  ), with fun: fn(a, b, c) -> d) -> Generator(d)

Combines three generators into a single one. The resulting generator produces values obtained by applying fun to the values generated by the given generators.


Imagine you’re writing a generator for random enemies in a game you’re making:

pub type Enemy {
  Enemy(health: Int, attack: Int, defense: Int)

Each enemy starts with a random health (that can go from 50 to 100) and random values for the attack and defense stats (each can be in a range from 1 to 5):

let health_generator =, 100)
let attack_generator =, 5)
let defense_generator =, 5)

let enemy_generator =
pub fn map4(one: Generator(a), two: Generator(b), three: Generator(
  ), four: Generator(d), with fun: fn(a, b, c, d) -> e) -> Generator(

Combines four generators into a single one. The resulting generator produces values obtained by applying fun to the values generated by the given generators.

pub fn map5(one: Generator(a), two: Generator(b), three: Generator(
  ), four: Generator(d), five: Generator(e), with fun: fn(
  ) -> f) -> Generator(f)

Combines five generators into a single one. The resulting generator produces values obtained by applying fun to the values generated by the given generators.

There’s no map6, map7, and so on. If you feel like you need to compose together even more generators, you can use the random.then function.

pub fn pair(one: Generator(a), with other: Generator(b)) -> Generator(
  #(a, b),

Generates pairs of values obtained by combining the values produced by the given generators.


let one_to_five =, 5)
let probability = random.float(0.0, 1.0)
let ints_and_floats = random.pair(one_to_five, probability)

// -> #(3, 0.22)
pub fn random_sample(generator: Generator(a)) -> a

Generates a single value using the given generator.

The initial seed is chosen randomly so you won’t have control over which value is generated and may get different results each time you call this function.

This is useful if you want to quickly get a value out of a generator and do not care about reproducibility (if you want to decide which seed is used for the generation process you’ll have to use random.step).


Imagine you want to perform some action, say only 40% of the times. Your code may look like this:

let probability = random.float(0.0, 1.0)
case random.random_sample(probability) <= 0.4 {
  True -> perform_action()
  False -> Nil // do nothing
pub fn sample(from generator: Generator(a), with seed: Seed) -> a

Generates a single value using the given generator and seed.

This is just a shorthand for the step function that drops the new seed. It can be useful if you just need to get a single value out of a generator and need the result to be reproducible.

pub fn step(generator: Generator(a), seed: Seed) -> #(a, Seed)

Steps a Generator(a) producing a random value of type a using the given seed as the source of randomness.

The stepping logic is completely deterministic. This means that, given a seed and a generator, you’ll always get the same result.

This is why this function also returns a new seed that can be used to make subsequent calls to step to get other random values.

Stepping a generator by hand can be quite cumbersome, so I recommend you try to_iterator, to_random_iterator, or sample instead.


let initial_seed =
let dice_roll =, 6)
let #(first_roll, new_seed) = random.step(dice_roll, initial_seed)
let #(second_roll, _) = random.step(dice_roll, new_seed)

#(first_roll, second_roll)
// -> #(3, 2)
pub fn then(generator: Generator(a), do generator_from: fn(a) ->
    Generator(b)) -> Generator(b)

Transforms a generator into another one based on its generated values.

The random value generated by the given generator is fed into the do function and the returned generator is used as the new generator.


then is a really powerful function, almost all functions exposed by this library could be defined in term of it! Take as an example map, it can be implemented like this:

fn map(generator: Generator(a), with fun: fn(a) -> b) -> Generator(b) {
  random.then(generator, fn(value) {

Notice how the do function needs to return a Generator(b), you can achieve that by wrapping any constant value with the random.constant generator.

Code written with then can gain a lot in readability if you use the use syntax, especially if it has some deep nesting. As an example, this is how you can rewrite the previous example taking advantage of use:

fn map(generator: Generator(a), with fun: fn(a) -> b) -> Generator(b) {
  use value <- random.then(generator)
pub fn to_iterator(generator: Generator(a), seed: Seed) -> Iterator(

Turns the given generator into an infinite stream of random values generated with it.

seed is the seed used to get the initial random value and start the infinite sequence.

If you don’t care about the initial seed and reproducibility is not your goal, you can use to_random_iterator which works like this function and randomly picks the initial seed.

pub fn to_random_iterator(from generator: Generator(a)) -> Iterator(

Turns the given generator into an infinite stream of random values generated with it.

The initial seed is chosen randomly so you won’t have control over which values are generated and may get different results each time you call this function.

If you want to have control over the initial seed used to get the infinite sequence of values, you can use to_iterator.

pub fn try_uniform(options: List(a)) -> Result(Generator(a), Nil)

This function works exactly like uniform but will return an Error(Nil) if the provided argument is an empty list since the generator wouldn’t be able to produce any value in that case.

It generates values from the given list with equal probability.


// -> Error(Nil)

For example if you consider the following type definition to model color:

type Color {

This call of try_uniform will produce a generator wrapped in an Ok:

let assert Ok(color_1) = random.try_uniform([Red, Green, Blue])
let color_2 = random.uniform(Red, [Green, Blue])

The generators color_1 and color_2 will behave exactly the same.

pub fn try_weighted(options: List(#(Float, a))) -> Result(

This function works exactly like weighted but will return an Error(Nil) if the provided argument is an empty list since the generator wouldn’t be able to produce any value in that case.

It generates values from the given list with a weighted probability.


// -> Error(Nil)

For example if you consider the following type definition to model color:

type CoinFlip {

This call of try_weighted will produce a generator wrapped in an Ok:

let assert Ok(coin_1) =
  random.try_weighted([#(0.75, Heads), #(0.25, Tails)])
let coin_2 = random.uniform(#(0.75, Heads), [#(0.25, Tails)])

The generators coin_1 and coin_2 will behave exactly the same.

pub fn uniform(first: a, others: List(a)) -> Generator(a)

Generates values from the given ones with an equal probability.

This generator can guarantee to produce values since it always takes at least one item (as its first argument); if it were to accept just a list of options, it could be called like this:


In which case it would be impossible to actually produce any value: none was provided!


Given the following type to model colors:

pub type Color {

You could write a generator that returns each color with an equal probability (~33%) each color like this:

let color = random.uniform(Red, [Green, Blue])
pub fn weighted(first: #(Float, a), others: List(#(Float, a))) -> Generator(

Generates values from the given ones with a weighted probability.

This generator can guarantee to produce values since it always takes at least one item (as its first argument); if it were to accept just a list of options, it could be called like this:


In which case it would be impossible to actually produce any value: none was provided!


Given the following type to model the outcome of a coin flip:

pub type CoinFlip {

You could write a generator for a loaded coin that lands on head 75% of the times like this:

let loaded_coin = random.weighted(#(Heads, 0.75), [#(Tails, 0.25)])

In this example the weights add up to 1, but you could use any number: the weights get added up to a total and the probability of each option is its weight / total.

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