View Source ProdopsEx.ArtifactType (ProdopsEx v0.1.0)

Handles artifact type operations for the ProdOps API.

These represent types of outputs. They may be things like user stories, code snippets, blog posts, or anything else that has been defined within the ProdOps UI. They are used to classify generated Artifacts into groups.



Returns a list of all artifact types for a given team


@spec list(Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, any()}

Returns a list of all artifact types for a given team


iex> ProdopsEx.ArtifactType.list()
    status: "ok",
    response: %{
      "artifact_types" => [
          "description" => "This is a story",
          "name" => "Story",
          "slug" => "story"