View Source PromEx.ManualMetricsManager (PromEx v1.10.0)

This GenServer is responsible to keeping track of all the manual metrics from your configured plugins. It will fetch metrics initially when starting (either immediately or after a configured delay). At that point if you would like to refresh your metrics data points call the refresh_metrics/1 function.



Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

This function calls into the GenServer and refreshes all of the configured manual metrics data points.

Used to start the PromEx.ManualMetricsManager process


Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

See Supervisor.

Link to this function


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@spec refresh_metrics(prom_ex_module :: module()) :: :ok

This function calls into the GenServer and refreshes all of the configured manual metrics data points.

@spec start_link(opts :: keyword()) :: GenServer.on_start()

Used to start the PromEx.ManualMetricsManager process