Promox (Promox v0.1.0)

Documentation for Promox.

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Enables mock :for the given protocol.

Expects the callback with arity given by code to be invoked with mock n times.

Initialize a new mock struct.

Allows the callback with arity given by code to be invoked with mock any times. The call would be delegated to code and returns whatever code returns.

Verifys that all the expectations set for the mock have been called. Returns :ok if so; Otherwise, raises Promox.VerificationError.

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Enables mock :for the given protocol.


Since defmock/1 is a macro, so remember to require Promox before calling Promox.defmock/1.

require Promox

Promox.defmock(for: MyProtocol)
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expect(mock, protocol, name, n \\ 1, code)

Expects the callback with arity given by code to be invoked with mock n times.


To expect MyProtocol.callback/1 to be called once:

  my_mock =
    |> Promox.expect(MyProtocol, :callback, fn _mock -> :ok end)

To expect MyProtocol.callback/1 to be called five times:

  my_mock =
    |> Promox.expect(MyProtocol, :callback, 5, fn _mock -> :ok end)

Initialize a new mock struct.

my_mock =

# Promox.expect(my_mock, MyProtocol, :callback, fn _mock, ... -> ... end)

Since mocks are just isolated data structures, you can use them in concurrent processes.

  mock1 =
    |> Promox.expect(MyProtocol, :callback, fn _mock, ... -> :ok end)

  mock2 =
    |> Promox.expect(MyProtocol, :callback, fn _mock, ... -> :error end)

  assert :ok = MyProtocol.callback(mock1, ...)
  assert :error =
           fn -> MyProtocol.callback(mock2, ...) end
           |> Task.async()
           |> Task.await()
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stub(mock, protocol, name, code)

Allows the callback with arity given by code to be invoked with mock any times. The call would be delegated to code and returns whatever code returns.


  1. The first argument passed to code is always the mock being stubbed.
  2. stub/4 will overwrite any previous calls to stub/4
  3. If expectations and stubs are defined for the same function and arity, the stub is invoked only after all expectations are fulfilled.


To allow MyProtocol.callback/1 to be called any times:

  my_mock =
    |> Promox.stub(MyProtocol, :callback, fn _mock -> :ok end)

Verifys that all the expectations set for the mock have been called. Returns :ok if so; Otherwise, raises Promox.VerificationError.