Publisher (publisher v0.1.0)

Publisher is a library for generating static HTML sites from Markdown.

It consists of two functions:

  • main/1 for use as an escript application
  • generate_site/0 for using Publisher as a library to your application

In either case, the Library will ingest markdown from Application.get_env(Publisher, :log_path) and generate HTML which is output to Application.get_env(Publisher, :output_path).

Rendering by default happens from the Publisher.Html.render_$X/1 functions, but may be overridden via Application.get_env(Publisher, :render_post) or Application.get_env(Publisher, :render_index) for overriding posts or the home page respectively. If you choose to override these functions, ensure the calling functions ingest a Publisher.Article.t() object and return stringified HTML.



Generate site exposed for use as a library call iex> Publisher.generate_site() ""

This function exists so publisher can be used in an escript format iex> Publisher.main(nil) ""



Generate site exposed for use as a library call iex> Publisher.generate_site() ""


This function exists so publisher can be used in an escript format iex> Publisher.main(nil) ""