View Source QueryElf.Plugins.AutomaticFilters (query_elf v0.4.1)

Plugin for automatically defining filters for a set of fields.

It accepts the following options:

  • :fields - the list of fields for which to define filters. (required)

The defined filters will vary according to the field type in the schema:

  • id or binary_id:
    • :$FIELD - checks if the field is equal to the given value
    • :$FIELD__neq - checks if the field is different from the given value
    • :$FIELD__in - checks if the field is contained in the given enumerable
    • :$FIELD__not_in - checks if the field is not contained in the given enumerable
  • boolean:
    • :$FIELD - checks if the field is equal to the given value
  • integer, float or decimal:
    • :$FIELD - checks if the field is equal to the given value
    • :$FIELD__neq - checks if the field is different from the given value
    • :$FIELD__in - checks if the field is contained in the given enumerable
    • :$FIELD__not_in - checks if the field is not contained in the given enumerable
    • :$FIELD__gt - checks if the field is greater than the given value
    • :$FIELD__lt - checks if the field is lower than the given value
    • :$FIELD__gte - checks if the field is greater than or equal to the given value
    • :$FIELD__lte - checks if the field is lower than or equal to the given value
    • :$FIELD__is_empty - checks if the field's value is nil
  • string:
    • :$FIELD - checks if the field is equal to the given value
    • :$FIELD__neq - checks if the field is different from the given value
    • :$FIELD__in - checks if the field is contained in the given enumerable
    • :$FIELD__not_in - checks if the field is not contained in the given enumerable
    • :$FIELD__contains - checks if the field contains the given string
    • :$FIELD__starts_with - checks if the field starts with the given string
    • :$FIELD__ends_with - checks if the field ends with the given string
  • {:array, inner_type}:
    • :$FIELD - checks if the field is equal to the given value
    • :$FIELD__neq - checks if the field is different from the given value
    • :$FIELD__includes - checks if the field includes the given value
    • :$FIELD__does_not_include - checks if the field does not include the given value
    • :$FIELD__is_empty - checks if the field's value is nil
  • date, time, naive_datetime, datetime, time_usec, naive_datetime_usec or datetime_usec:
    • :$FIELD - checks if the field is equal to the given value
    • :$FIELD__neq - checks if the field is different from the given value
    • :$FIELD__in - checks if the field is contained in the given enumerable
    • :$FIELD__not_in - checks if the field is not contained in the given enumerable
    • :$FIELD__after - checks if the field occurs after the given value
    • :$FIELD__before - checks if the field occurs before the given value
    • :$FIELD__is_empty - checks if the field's value is nil

Any other types are simply ignored.


defmodule MyQueryBuilder do
  use QueryElf,
    schema: MySchema,
    plugins: [
      {QueryElf.Plugins.AutomaticFilters, fields: ~w[id name age is_active]a}

MyQueryBuilder.build_query(id__in: [1, 2, 3], name__starts_with: "John")