View Source Module Directives (use, alias, ...)

Skipping Module Reordering

If you want to skip module reordering, you can add the following comment to the top of the file:

# quokka:skip-module-reordering

This will prevent Quokka from doing any of the below transformations.

Directive Expansion

This addresses:

Expands Module.{SubmoduleA, SubmoduleB} to their explicit forms for ease of searching.

# Before
import Foo.{Bar, Baz, Bop}
alias Foo.{Bar, Baz.A, Bop}

# After
import Foo.Bar
import Foo.Baz
import Foo.Bop

alias Foo.Bar
alias Foo.Baz.A
alias Foo.Bop

Directive Organization

This addresses:

Modules directives are sorted into the following order by default:

  • @shortdoc
  • @moduledoc
  • @behaviour
  • use
  • import (sorted alphabetically)
  • alias (sorted alphabetically)
  • require (sorted alphabetically)
  • everything else (order unchanged)


defmodule Foo do
  @behaviour Lawful
  alias A.A
  require A

  use B

  def c(x), do: y

  import C
  @behaviour Chaotic
  @doc "d doc"
  def d do
    alias X.X
    alias H.H

    alias Z.Z
    import Ecto.Query
  @shortdoc "it's pretty short"
  import A
  alias C.C
  alias D.D

  require C
  require B

  use A

  alias C.C
  alias A.A

  @moduledoc ""
             |> String.split("<!-- MDOC !-->")
             |> Enum.fetch!(1)


defmodule Foo do
  @shortdoc "it's pretty short"
  @moduledoc ""
             |> String.split("<!-- MDOC !-->")
             |> Enum.fetch!(1)
  @behaviour Chaotic
  @behaviour Lawful

  use B
  use A.A

  import A.A
  import C

  alias A.A
  alias C.C
  alias D.D

  require A
  require B
  require C

  def c(x), do: y

  @doc "d doc"
  def d do
    import Ecto.Query

    alias H.H
    alias X.X
    alias Z.Z

If any line previously relied on an alias, the alias is fully expanded when it is moved above the alias:

# Given
alias Foo.Bar
import Bar
# Styled
import Foo.Bar

alias Foo.Bar

Alias Lifting

This addresses Credo.Check.Design.AliasUsage. The Credo configs supported by Quokka include:

  • :lift_alias_excluded_namespaces
  • :lift_alias_excluded_lastnames
  • :if_nested_deeper_than
  • :if_called_more_often_than

When a module with greater than :if_nested_deeper_than nested parts is referenced more than :if_called_more_often_than times, Quokka creates a new alias for that module and uses it.

# Given
require A.B.C

# Styled
alias A.B.C

require C


Quokka won't lift aliases that will collide with existing aliases, and likewise won't lift any module whose name would collide with a standard library name.