randex v0.4.0 Randex

Randex is a regex based random string generator.


iex(1)> Randex.stream(~r/(1[0-2]|0[1-9])(:[0-5]){2} (A|P)M/) |> Enum.take(10)
["10:53:29 AM", "02:54:11 AM", "09:23:04 AM", "10:41:57 AM", "11:42:13 AM",
"10:27:37 AM", "06:15:18 AM", "03:09:58 AM", "09:15:06 AM", "04:25:28 AM"]

Unsupported Features



Generates random strings that match the given regex


stream(regex, options \\ [])

Generates random strings that match the given regex


  • max_repetition: (integer) There is no upper limit for some of the quantifiers like +, * etc. This config specifies how the upper limit should be calculated in these cases. The range is calculated as min..(min + max_repetition). Defaults to 100.

  • mod: (module) The library comes with 3 different types of generators. Defaults to Randex.Generator.Random

Randex.Generator.Random - Generates the string in a random manner.

Randex.Generator.DFS - This does a depth first traversal. This could be used to generate all possible strings in a systematic manner.

Randex.Generator.StreamData - This is built on top of the StreamData generators. It could be used as a generator in property testing. Note: this generator might not work well with complicated lookahead or lookbehind expressions.