RandomPassword (random_password v1.2.0)

Random Password generator.

RandomPassword creates a module for randomly generating strings with a specified number of alpha, decimal and symbol characters. Symbols can be optionally specified.

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Bits of entropy for password with alpha alpha chars, decimal decimal digits and symbol symbol chars.

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entropy_bits(alpha, decimal, symbol, options \\ %{})

@spec entropy_bits(non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(), map()) ::

Bits of entropy for password with alpha alpha chars, decimal decimal digits and symbol symbol chars.

This function provides calculation of entropy bits without having to create a module.

The characters to be used for alphas, decimals and symbols can be specified as options; o/w defaults are used.



iex> RandomPassword.entropy_bits(12, 4, 2) |> Float.round(2)

iex> RandomPassword.entropy_bits(12, 4, 2, symbols: "!@#$%&") |> Float.round(2)