View Source RDF.XSD.Facets.ExplicitTimezone behaviour (RDF.ex v1.1.0)

RDF.XSD.Facet for explicitTimezone.

explicitTimezone is a three-valued facet which can can be used to require or prohibit the time zone offset in date/time datatypes.


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Returns the value of this RDF.XSD.Facet on specific RDF.XSD.Datatype.

Validates if a value and lexical conforms with a concrete facet_constaint_value for this RDF.XSD.Facet.


Checks if a value and lexical conforms with the explicit_timezone_conform?/3 implementation on the datatype RDF.XSD.Datatype.

Link to this section Types

@type t() :: :required | :prohibited | :optional

Link to this section Callbacks

@callback explicit_timezone() :: t() | nil

Returns the value of this RDF.XSD.Facet on specific RDF.XSD.Datatype.

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explicit_timezone_conform?(facet_constaint_value, value, uncanonical_lexical)

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@callback explicit_timezone_conform?(
  facet_constaint_value :: any(),
  value :: any(),
) :: boolean()

Validates if a value and lexical conforms with a concrete facet_constaint_value for this RDF.XSD.Facet.

This function must be implemented on a RDF.XSD.Datatype using this RDF.XSD.Facet.

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conform?(datatype, value, lexical)

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Checks if a value and lexical conforms with the explicit_timezone_conform?/3 implementation on the datatype RDF.XSD.Datatype.