View Source RDF.NQuads.Encoder (RDF.ex v2.0.0)

An encoder for N-Quads serializations of RDF.ex data structures.

As for all encoders of RDF.Serialization.Formats, you normally won't use these functions directly, but via one of the write_ functions on the RDF.NQuads format module or the generic RDF.Serialization module.


  • :default_graph_name: The graph name to be used as the default for triples from a RDF.Graph or RDF.Description. When the input to be encoded is a RDF.Description the default is nil for the default graph. In case of a RDF.Graph the default is the The option doesn't have any effect at all when the input to be encoded is a RDF.Dataset.
  • :sort: Boolean flag which specifies if the encoded statements should be sorted into Unicode code point order (default: false). This option is available only on encode/2.
  • :mode: Allows to specify if the encoded statements should be emitted as strings or IO lists using the value :string or :iodata respectively (default: :string). This option is available only on stream/2.



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encode(data, opts \\ [])

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@spec encode(
) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, any()}

Encodes the given RDF data in N-Quads format.

See module documentation for available options.

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iolist_statement(statement, default_graph_name)

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@spec iolist_statement(RDF.Statement.t(), RDF.Statement.graph_name()) :: iolist()

See RDF.NTriples.Encoder.iolist_term/1.

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statement(statement, default_graph_name)

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stream(data, opts \\ [])

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@spec stream(
) :: Enumerable.t()

Encodes the given RDF data into a stream of N-Quads.

See module documentation for available options.

See RDF.NTriples.Encoder.term/1.