View Source RDF.Graph (RDF.ex v2.0.0)

A set of RDF triples with an optional name.

RDF.Graph implements:



Adds RDF-star annotations to the given set of statements.

Returns the RDF.Graph of all annotations.

Returns the base IRI of the given graph.

Builds an RDF.Graph from a description of its content in a graph DSL.

Canonicalizes the blank nodes of a graph according to the RDF Dataset Canonicalization spec.

Changes the graph name of graph.

Removes all triples from graph.

Clears the base IRI of the given graph.

Clears the base IRI and all prefixes of the given graph.

Clears all prefixes of the given graph.

Deletes statements from a RDF.Graph.

Deletes RDF-star annotations of a given set of statements.

Deletes all statements with the given subjects.

Deletes all statements with the given subject-predicate pairs.

Deletes prefixes from the given graph.

Checks if a RDF.Graph contains statements about the given resource.

Returns the description of the given subject in the given graph.

Returns if the given graph is empty.

Checks if two RDF.Graphs are equal.

Fetches the description of the given subject.

Gets the description of the given subject in the given graph.

Gets and updates the description of the given subject, in a single pass.

Checks if the given input statements exist within graph.

Returns a new graph that is the intersection of the given graph with the given data.

Checks whether two graphs are equal, regardless of the concrete names of the blank nodes they contain.

Returns a nested map of a RDF.Graph where each element from its triples is mapped with the given function.

Returns the graph name IRI of graph.

Creates an empty unnamed RDF.Graph.

Creates an RDF.Graph initialized with data.

The set of all resources used in the objects within a RDF.Graph.

Pops an arbitrary triple from a RDF.Graph.

Pops the description of the given subject.

The set of all properties used in the predicates of the statements within a RDF.Graph.

Returns the prefixes of the given graph as a RDF.PrefixMap.

Returns the prefixes of the given graph as a RDF.PrefixMap or returns the given default when empty.

Adds statements to a RDF.Graph overwriting existing statements with the subjects given in the input data.

Adds RDF-star annotations to the given set of statements overwriting all existing annotations with the given properties.

Adds RDF-star annotations to the given set of statements overwriting all existing annotations.

Adds statements to a RDF.Graph and overwrites all existing statements with the same subject-predicate combinations given in the input data.

The list of all statements within a RDF.Graph as quads.

Execute the given query against the given graph.

Returns a Stream for the execution of the given query against the given graph.

Replaces all occurrences of old_id in graph with new_id.

The set of all resources used within a RDF.Graph.

Sets the base IRI of the given graph.

The number of statements within a RDF.Graph.

The number of subjects within a RDF.Graph.

The set of all subjects used in the statements within a RDF.Graph.

Creates a graph from another one by limiting its statements to those using one of the given subjects.

The list of all statements within a RDF.Graph.

Updates the description of the subject in graph with the given function.

Updates all descriptions in graph with the given function.

Returns a nested map of the native Elixir values of a RDF.Graph.

Returns the RDF.Graph without all annotations.

Returns the RDF.Graph without all statements including quoted triples on subject or object position.


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@type get_and_update_description_fun() :: (RDF.Description.t() ->
                                       {RDF.Description.t(), input()} | :pop)
@type graph_description() :: %{
  required(RDF.Star.Statement.subject()) => RDF.Description.t()
@type t() :: %RDF.Graph{
  base_iri: RDF.IRI.t() | nil,
  descriptions: graph_description(),
  name: RDF.IRI.t() | nil,
  prefixes: RDF.PrefixMap.t()
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@type update_description_fun() :: (RDF.Description.t() -> RDF.Description.t())


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add(graph, input, opts \\ [])

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@spec add(t(), input(), keyword()) :: t()

Add triples to a RDF.Graph.

The input can be provided

When the statements to be added are given as another RDF.Graph, the graph name must not match graph name of the graph to which the statements are added. As opposed to that, RDF.Data.merge/2 will produce a RDF.Dataset containing both graphs.

Also, when the statements to be added are given as another RDF.Graph, the prefixes of this graph will be added. In case of conflicting prefix mappings the original prefix from graph will be kept.

When the statements to be added are given as a RDF.Dataset the data from all of its graphs are added.

RDF-star annotations to be added to all the given statements can be specified with the :add_annotations, :put_annotations or :put_annotation_properties keyword options. They have different addition semantics similar to the add_annotations/3, put_annotations/3 and put_annotation_properties/3 counterparts.

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add_annotations(graph, statements, annotations)

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@spec add_annotations(t(), input(), RDF.Description.input() | nil) :: t()

Adds RDF-star annotations to the given set of statements.

The set of statements can be given in any input form (see add/3).

The predicate-objects pairs to be added as annotations can be given as a tuple, a list of tuples or a map.

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add_prefixes(graph, prefixes, conflict_resolver \\ nil)

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@spec add_prefixes(
  RDF.PrefixMap.t() | map() | keyword() | nil,
  RDF.PrefixMap.conflict_resolver() | nil
) :: t()

Adds prefixes to the given graph.

The prefixes mappings can be given as any structure convertible to a RDF.PrefixMap.

When a prefix with another mapping already exists it will be overwritten with the new one. This behaviour can be customized by providing a conflict_resolver function. See RDF.PrefixMap.merge/3 for more on that.

@spec annotations(t()) :: t()

Returns the RDF.Graph of all annotations.

Note: The graph includes only triples where the subject is a quoted triple. Triples where only the object is a quoted triple are NOT included.

@spec base_iri(t()) :: RDF.IRI.t() | nil

Returns the base IRI of the given graph.

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build(bindings \\ [], opts \\ [], list)

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Builds an RDF.Graph from a description of its content in a graph DSL.

All available opts of new/2 are also supported here.

For a description of the DSL see this guide.

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canonical_hash(graph, opts \\ [])

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See RDF.Dataset.canonical_hash/2.

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canonicalize(graph, opts \\ [])

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@spec canonicalize(
) :: t()

Canonicalizes the blank nodes of a graph according to the RDF Dataset Canonicalization spec.

See the RDF.Canonicalization module documentation on available options.


iex>[{~B<foo>, EX.p(), ~B<bar>}, {~B<bar>, EX.p(), ~B<foo>}])
...> |> RDF.Graph.canonicalize()[{~B<c14n0>, EX.p(), ~B<c14n1>}, {~B<c14n1>, EX.p(), ~B<c14n0>}])
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change_name(graph, new_name)

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@spec change_name(t(), RDF.Star.Statement.coercible_graph_name()) :: t()

Changes the graph name of graph.

@spec clear(t()) :: t()

Removes all triples from graph.

This function is useful for getting an empty graph based on the settings of another graph, as this function keeps graph name, base IRI and default prefixes as they are and just removes the triples.

@spec clear_base_iri(t()) :: t()

Clears the base IRI of the given graph.

@spec clear_metadata(t()) :: t()

Clears the base IRI and all prefixes of the given graph.

@spec clear_prefixes(t()) :: t()

Clears all prefixes of the given graph.

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delete(graph, input, opts \\ [])

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@spec delete(t(), input(), keyword()) :: t()

Deletes statements from a RDF.Graph.

When the statements to be deleted are given as another RDF.Graph, the graph name must not match graph name of the graph from which the statements are deleted. If you want to delete only statements with matching graph names, you can use RDF.Data.delete/2.

The optional :delete_annotations keyword option allows to set which of the RDF-star annotations of the deleted statements should be deleted. Any of the possible values of delete_annotations/3 can be provided here. By default, no annotations of the deleted statements will be removed. Alternatively, the :add_annotations, :put_annotations or :put_annotation_properties keyword options can be used to add annotations about the deleted statements with the addition semantics similar to the respective add_annotations/3, put_annotations/3 and put_annotation_properties/3 counterparts.

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delete_annotations(graph, statements, delete \\ true)

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Deletes RDF-star annotations of a given set of statements.

The statements can be given in any input form (see add/3).

If true is given as the third argument or is delete_annotations/2 is used, all annotations of the given statements are deleted.

If a single predicate or list of predicates is given only statements with these predicates from the annotations of the given statements are deleted.

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delete_descriptions(graph, subjects, opts \\ [])

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@spec delete_descriptions(
  | [RDF.Star.Statement.coercible_subject()],
) :: t()

Deletes all statements with the given subjects.

If subjects contains subjects that are not in graph, they're simply ignored.

The optional :delete_annotations keyword option allows to set which of the RDF-star annotations of the deleted statements should be deleted. Any of the possible values of delete_annotations/3 can be provided here. By default, no annotations of the deleted statements will be removed. Alternatively, the :add_annotations, :put_annotations or :put_annotation_properties keyword options can be used to add annotations about the deleted statements with the addition semantics similar to the respective add_annotations/3, put_annotations/3 and put_annotation_properties/3 counterparts.

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delete_predications(graph, predications, opts \\ [])

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Deletes all statements with the given subject-predicate pairs.

If predications contains subject-predicate pairs that are not in graph, they're simply ignored.

The optional :delete_annotations keyword option allows to set which of the RDF-star annotations of the deleted statements should be deleted. Any of the possible values of delete_annotations/3 can be provided here. By default, no annotations of the deleted statements will be removed. Alternatively, the :add_annotations, :put_annotations or :put_annotation_properties keyword options can be used to add annotations about the deleted statements with the addition semantics similar to the respective add_annotations/3, put_annotations/3 and put_annotation_properties/3 counterparts.

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delete_prefixes(graph, deletions)

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@spec delete_prefixes(t(), RDF.PrefixMap.t()) :: t()

Deletes prefixes from the given graph.

The prefixes can be a single prefix or a list of prefixes. Prefixes not in prefixes of the graph are simply ignored.

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delete_subjects(graph, subjects)

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See RDF.Graph.delete_descriptions/2.

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delete_subjects(graph, subjects, opts)

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See RDF.Graph.delete_descriptions/3.

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describes?(graph, subject)

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@spec describes?(t(), RDF.Star.Statement.coercible_subject()) :: boolean()

Checks if a RDF.Graph contains statements about the given resource.


  iex>[{EX.S1, EX.p1, EX.O1}]) |> RDF.Graph.describes?(EX.S1)
  iex>[{EX.S1, EX.p1, EX.O1}]) |> RDF.Graph.describes?(EX.S2)
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description(graph, subject)

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Returns the description of the given subject in the given graph.

As opposed to get/3 this function returns an empty RDF.Description when the subject does not exist in the given graph.


iex>[{EX.S1, EX.P1, EX.O1}, {EX.S2, EX.P2, EX.O2}])
...> |> RDF.Graph.description(EX.S1), init: {EX.P1, EX.O1})

iex> RDF.Graph.description(, EX.Foo)
@spec descriptions(t()) :: [RDF.Description.t()]

All RDF.Descriptions within a RDF.Graph.

@spec empty?(t()) :: boolean()

Returns if the given graph is empty.

Note: You should always prefer this over the use of Enum.empty?/1 as it is significantly faster.

@spec equal?(t() | any(), t() | any()) :: boolean()

Checks if two RDF.Graphs are equal.

Two RDF.Graphs are considered to be equal if they contain the same triples and have the same name. The prefixes of the graph are irrelevant for equality.

@spec fetch(t(), RDF.Star.Statement.coercible_subject()) ::
  {:ok, RDF.Description.t()} | :error

Fetches the description of the given subject.

When the subject can not be found :error is returned.


iex>[{EX.S1, EX.P1, EX.O1}, {EX.S2, EX.P2, EX.O2}])
...> |> RDF.Graph.fetch(EX.S1)
{:ok,, init: {EX.P1, EX.O1})}
iex> |> RDF.Graph.fetch(
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get(graph, subject, default \\ nil)

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Gets the description of the given subject in the given graph.

When the subject can not be found the optionally given default value or nil is returned.


iex>[{EX.S1, EX.P1, EX.O1}, {EX.S2, EX.P2, EX.O2}])
...> |> RDF.Graph.get(EX.S1), init: {EX.P1, EX.O1})

iex> RDF.Graph.get(, EX.Foo)

iex> RDF.Graph.get(, EX.Foo, :bar)
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get_and_update(graph, subject, fun)

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Gets and updates the description of the given subject, in a single pass.

Invokes the passed function on the RDF.Description of the given subject; this function should return either {description_to_return, new_description} or :pop.

If the passed function returns {description_to_return, new_description}, the return value of get_and_update is {description_to_return, new_graph} where new_graph is the input Graph updated with new_description for the given subject.

If the passed function returns :pop the description for the given subject is removed and a {removed_description, new_graph} tuple gets returned.


iex>{EX.S, EX.P, EX.O})
...> |> RDF.Graph.get_and_update(EX.S, fn current_description ->
...>      {current_description, {EX.P, EX.NEW}}
...>    end)
{, init: {EX.P, EX.O}),{EX.S, EX.P, EX.NEW})}
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include?(graph, input, opts \\ [])

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@spec include?(t(), input(), keyword()) :: boolean()

Checks if the given input statements exist within graph.

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intersection(graph, data)

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@spec intersection(t(), t() | RDF.Dataset.t() | RDF.Description.t() | input()) :: t()

Returns a new graph that is the intersection of the given graph with the given data.

The data can be given in any form an RDF.Graph can be created from. When a RDF.Dataset is given, the aggregation of all of its graphs is used for the intersection.


iex>{EX.S1, EX.p(), [EX.O1, EX.O2]})
...> |> RDF.Graph.intersection({EX.S1, EX.p(), [EX.O2, EX.O3]}){EX.S1, EX.p(), EX.O2})
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isomorphic?(graph1, graph2, opts \\ [])

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@spec isomorphic?(t(), t(), keyword()) :: boolean()

Checks whether two graphs are equal, regardless of the concrete names of the blank nodes they contain.

See the RDF.Canonicalization module documentation on available options.


iex>[{~B<foo>, EX.p(), ~B<bar>}, {~B<bar>, EX.p(), 42}])
...> |> RDF.Graph.isomorphic?(
...>[{~B<b1>, EX.p(), ~B<b2>}, {~B<b2>, EX.p(), 42}]))

iex>[{~B<foo>, EX.p(), ~B<bar>}, {~B<bar>, EX.p(), 42}])
...> |> RDF.Graph.isomorphic?(
...>[{~B<b1>, EX.p(), ~B<b2>}, {~B<b3>, EX.p(), 42}]))
@spec map(t(), RDF.Star.Statement.term_mapping()) :: map()

Returns a nested map of a RDF.Graph where each element from its triples is mapped with the given function.

The function fun will receive a tuple {statement_position, rdf_term} where statement_position is one of the atoms :subject, :predicate or :object, while rdf_term is the RDF term to be mapped. When the given function returns nil this will be interpreted as an error and will become the overhaul result of the map/2 call.

Note: RDF-star statements where the subject or object is a triple will be ignored.


...>   {~I<>, ~I<>, ~L"Foo"},
...>   {~I<>, ~I<>, RDF.XSD.integer(42)}
...> ])
...> |>
...>      {:predicate, predicate} ->
...>        predicate
...>        |> to_string()
...>        |> String.split("/")
...>        |> List.last()
...>        |> String.to_atom()
...>      {_, term} ->
...>        RDF.Term.value(term)
...>    end)
  "" => %{p: ["Foo"]},
  "" => %{p: [42]}
@spec name(t()) :: RDF.Star.Statement.graph_name()

Returns the graph name IRI of graph.

@spec new() :: t()

Creates an empty unnamed RDF.Graph.

@spec new(input() | keyword()) :: t()

Creates an RDF.Graph.

If a keyword list with options is given an empty graph is created. Otherwise, an unnamed graph initialized with the given data is created.

See new/2 for available arguments and the different ways to provide data.

When a RDF.Dataset is given, the created graph is the aggregation of all the graphs of this dataset.

Examples EX.GraphName) {EX.S, EX.p, EX.O}){EX.S, EX.p, EX.O})
@spec new(
) :: t()

Creates an RDF.Graph initialized with data.

The initial RDF triples can be provided

Available options:

  • name: the name of the graph to be created
  • prefixes: some prefix mappings which should be stored alongside the graph and will be used for example when serializing in a format with prefix support
  • base_iri: a base IRI which should be stored alongside the graph and will be used for example when serializing in a format with base IRI support
  • init: some data with which the graph should be initialized; the data can be provided in any form accepted by add/3 and above that also with a function returning the initialization data in any of these forms

Examples{EX.S, EX.p, EX.O}){EX.S, EX.p, EX.O}, name: EX.GraphName){EX.S, EX.p, [EX.O1, EX.O2]})[{EX.S1, EX.p1, EX.O1}, {EX.S2, EX.p2, EX.O2}]), EX.P, EX.O))[graph, description, triple]){EX.S, EX.p, EX.O}, name: EX.GraphName, base_iri: EX.base)

The set of all resources used in the objects within a RDF.Graph.

Note: This function does collect only IRIs and BlankNodes, not Literals.


...>   {EX.S1, EX.p1, EX.O1},
...>   {EX.S2, EX.p2, EX.O2},
...>   {EX.S3, EX.p1, EX.O2},
...>   {EX.S4, EX.p2, RDF.bnode(:bnode)},
...>   {EX.S5, EX.p3, "foo"}])
...> |> RDF.Graph.objects()[RDF.iri(EX.O1), RDF.iri(EX.O2), RDF.bnode(:bnode)])
@spec pop(t()) :: {RDF.Star.Statement.t() | nil, t()}

Pops an arbitrary triple from a RDF.Graph.

@spec pop(t(), RDF.Star.Statement.coercible_subject()) ::
  {RDF.Description.t() | nil, t()}

Pops the description of the given subject.

Removes the description of the given subject from graph.

Returns a tuple containing the description of the given subject and the updated graph without this description. nil is returned instead of the description if graph does not contain a description of the given subject.


iex>[{EX.S1, EX.P1, EX.O1}, {EX.S2, EX.P2, EX.O2}])
...> |> RDF.Graph.pop(EX.S1)
{, init: {EX.P1, EX.O1}),{EX.S2, EX.P2, EX.O2})

iex>{EX.S, EX.P, EX.O})
...> |> RDF.Graph.pop(EX.Missing)
{nil,{EX.S, EX.P, EX.O})}

The set of all properties used in the predicates of the statements within a RDF.Graph.


...>   {EX.S1, EX.p1, EX.O1},
...>   {EX.S2, EX.p2, EX.O2},
...>   {EX.S1, EX.p2, EX.O3}])
...> |> RDF.Graph.predicates()[EX.p1, EX.p2])
@spec prefixes(t()) :: RDF.PrefixMap.t()

Returns the prefixes of the given graph as a RDF.PrefixMap.

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prefixes(graph, default)

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@spec prefixes(t(), any()) :: RDF.PrefixMap.t() | any()

Returns the prefixes of the given graph as a RDF.PrefixMap or returns the given default when empty.

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put(graph, input, opts \\ [])

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@spec put(t(), input(), keyword()) :: t()

Adds statements to a RDF.Graph overwriting existing statements with the subjects given in the input data.

When the statements to be added are given as another RDF.Graph, the prefixes of this graph will be added. In case of conflicting prefix mappings the original prefix from graph will be kept.

RDF-star annotations to be added to all the given statements can be specified with the :add_annotations, :put_annotations or :put_annotation_properties keyword options. They have different addition semantics similar to the add_annotations/3, put_annotations/3 and put_annotation_properties/3 counterparts.

What should happen with the annotations of statements which got deleted during overwrite, can be controlled with these keyword options:

  • :delete_annotations_on_deleted: deletes all or some annotations of the deleted statements (see delete_annotations/3 on possible values)
  • :add_annotations_on_deleted, :put_annotations_on_deleted, :put_annotation_properties_on_deleted: add annotations about the deleted statements with the respective addition semantics similar to the keyword options with the _on_deleted suffix mentioned above


iex>[{EX.S1, EX.P1, EX.O1}, {EX.S2, EX.P2, EX.O2}])
...> |> RDF.Graph.put([{EX.S1, EX.P3, EX.O3}])[{EX.S1, EX.P3, EX.O3}, {EX.S2, EX.P2, EX.O2}])
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put_annotation_properties(graph, statements, annotations)

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@spec put_annotation_properties(t(), input(), RDF.Description.input() | nil) :: t()

Adds RDF-star annotations to the given set of statements overwriting all existing annotations with the given properties.

The set of statements can be given in any input form (see add/3).

The predicate-objects pairs to be added as annotations can be given as a tuple, a list of tuples or a map.

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put_annotations(graph, statements, annotations)

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@spec put_annotations(t(), input(), RDF.Description.input() | nil) :: t()

Adds RDF-star annotations to the given set of statements overwriting all existing annotations.

The set of statements can be given in any input form (see add/3).

The predicate-objects pairs to be added as annotations can be given as a tuple, a list of tuples or a map.

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put_properties(graph, input, opts \\ [])

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@spec put_properties(t(), input(), keyword()) :: t()

Adds statements to a RDF.Graph and overwrites all existing statements with the same subject-predicate combinations given in the input data.

When the statements to be added are given as another RDF.Graph, the prefixes of this graph will be added. In case of conflicting prefix mappings the original prefix from graph will be kept.

RDF-star annotations to be added to all the given statements can be specified with the :add_annotations, :put_annotations or :put_annotation_properties keyword options. They have different addition semantics similar to the add_annotations/3, put_annotations/3 and put_annotation_properties/3 counterparts.

What should happen with the annotations of statements which got deleted during overwrite, can be controlled with these keyword options:

  • :delete_annotations_on_deleted: deletes all or some annotations of the deleted statements (see delete_annotations/3 on possible values)
  • :add_annotations_on_deleted, :put_annotations_on_deleted, :put_annotation_properties_on_deleted: add annotations about the deleted statements with the respective addition semantics similar to the keyword options with the _on_deleted suffix mentioned above


iex>[{EX.S1, EX.P1, EX.O1}, {EX.S2, EX.P2, EX.O2}])
...> |> RDF.Graph.put_properties([{EX.S1, EX.P2, EX.O3}, {EX.S2, EX.P2, EX.O3}])[{EX.S1, EX.P1, EX.O1}, {EX.S1, EX.P2, EX.O3}, {EX.S2, EX.P2, EX.O3}])
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quads(graph, opts \\ [])

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@spec quads(
) :: [RDF.Star.Quad.t()]

The list of all statements within a RDF.Graph as quads.

When the optional :filter_star flag is set to true RDF-star triples with a triple as subject or object will be filtered. The default value is false.


  ...>   {EX.S1, EX.p1, EX.O1},
  ...>   {EX.S2, EX.p2, EX.O2},
  ...>   {EX.S1, EX.p2, EX.O3}
  ...>  ], name: EX.Graph)
  ...> |> RDF.Graph.quads()
  [{RDF.iri(EX.S1), RDF.iri(EX.p1), RDF.iri(EX.O1), RDF.iri(EX.Graph)},
   {RDF.iri(EX.S1), RDF.iri(EX.p2), RDF.iri(EX.O3), RDF.iri(EX.Graph)},
   {RDF.iri(EX.S2), RDF.iri(EX.p2), RDF.iri(EX.O2), RDF.iri(EX.Graph)}]

  ...>   {EX.S1, EX.p1, EX.O1},
  ...>   {EX.S2, EX.p2, EX.O2},
  ...>   {EX.S1, EX.p2, EX.O3}])
  ...> |> RDF.Graph.quads()
  [{RDF.iri(EX.S1), RDF.iri(EX.p1), RDF.iri(EX.O1), nil},
   {RDF.iri(EX.S1), RDF.iri(EX.p2), RDF.iri(EX.O3), nil},
   {RDF.iri(EX.S2), RDF.iri(EX.p2), RDF.iri(EX.O2), nil}]
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query(graph, query, opts \\ [])

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Execute the given query against the given graph.

This is just a convenience delegator function to RDF.Query.execute!/3 with the first two arguments swapped, so it can be used in a pipeline on a RDF.Graph.

See RDF.Query.execute/3 and RDF.Query.execute!/3 for more information and examples.

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query_stream(graph, query, opts \\ [])

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Returns a Stream for the execution of the given query against the given graph.

This is just a convenience delegator function to!/3 with the first two arguments swapped, so it can be used in a pipeline on a RDF.Graph.

See and!/3 for more information and examples.

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rename_resource(graph, old_id, old_id)

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@spec rename_resource(t(), RDF.Resource.coercible(), RDF.Resource.coercible()) :: t()

Replaces all occurrences of old_id in graph with new_id.


...>  {EX.S, EX.p, ~B<bnode>},
...>  {~B<bnode>, EX.p, [EX.O, EX.S]}])
...> |> RDF.Graph.rename_resource(EX.S, EX.New)
...> |> RDF.Graph.rename_resource(~B<bnode>, EX.Skolemized)
  EX.New |> EX.p(EX.Skolemized),
  EX.Skolemized |> EX.p([EX.O, EX.New])
] |>

The set of all resources used within a RDF.Graph.


...>   {EX.S1, EX.p1, EX.O1},
...>   {EX.S2, EX.p1, EX.O2},
...>   {EX.S2, EX.p2, RDF.bnode(:bnode)},
...>   {EX.S3, EX.p1, "foo"}])
...> |> RDF.Graph.resources()[RDF.iri(EX.S1), RDF.iri(EX.S2), RDF.iri(EX.S3),
  RDF.iri(EX.O1), RDF.iri(EX.O2), RDF.bnode(:bnode), EX.p1, EX.p2])
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set_base_iri(graph, base_iri)

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@spec set_base_iri(t(), RDF.IRI.t() | nil) :: t()

Sets the base IRI of the given graph.

The base_iri can be given as anything accepted by RDF.IRI.coerce_base/1.

@spec statement_count(t()) :: non_neg_integer()

The number of statements within a RDF.Graph.


...>   {EX.S1, EX.p1, EX.O1},
...>   {EX.S2, EX.p2, EX.O2},
...>   {EX.S1, EX.p2, EX.O3}])
...> |> RDF.Graph.statement_count()
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statements(graph, opts \\ [])

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See RDF.Graph.triples/2.

@spec subject_count(t()) :: non_neg_integer()

The number of subjects within a RDF.Graph.


...>   {EX.S1, EX.p1, EX.O1},
...>   {EX.S2, EX.p2, EX.O2},
...>   {EX.S1, EX.p2, EX.O3}])
...> |> RDF.Graph.subject_count()

The set of all subjects used in the statements within a RDF.Graph.


...>   {EX.S1, EX.p1, EX.O1},
...>   {EX.S2, EX.p2, EX.O2},
...>   {EX.S1, EX.p2, EX.O3}])
...> |> RDF.Graph.subjects()[RDF.iri(EX.S1), RDF.iri(EX.S2)])
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take(graph, subjects, properties \\ nil)

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Creates a graph from another one by limiting its statements to those using one of the given subjects.

If subjects contains IRIs that are not used in the graph, they're simply ignored.

The optional properties argument allows to limit also properties of the subject descriptions.

If nil is passed as the subjects, the subjects will not be limited.

See RDF.Graph.statement_count/1.

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triples(graph, opts \\ [])

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@spec triples(
) :: [RDF.Star.Triple.t()]

The list of all statements within a RDF.Graph.

When the optional :filter_star flag is set to true RDF-star triples with a triple as subject or object will be filtered. The default value is false.


  ...>   {EX.S1, EX.p1, EX.O1},
  ...>   {EX.S2, EX.p2, EX.O2},
  ...>   {EX.S1, EX.p2, EX.O3}])
  ...> |> RDF.Graph.triples()
  [{RDF.iri(EX.S1), RDF.iri(EX.p1), RDF.iri(EX.O1)},
   {RDF.iri(EX.S1), RDF.iri(EX.p2), RDF.iri(EX.O3)},
   {RDF.iri(EX.S2), RDF.iri(EX.p2), RDF.iri(EX.O2)}]
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update(graph, subject, initial \\ nil, fun)

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Updates the description of the subject in graph with the given function.

If subject is present in graph with description as description, fun is invoked with argument description and its result is used as the new description of subject. If subject is not present in graph, initial is inserted as the description of subject. If no initial value is given, the graph remains unchanged. If nil is returned by fun, the respective description will be removed from graph.

The initial value and the returned objects by the update function will be coerced to proper RDF descriptions before added. If the initial or returned description is a RDF.Description with another subject, the respective statements are added with subject as subject.


iex>{EX.S, EX.p, EX.O})
...> |> RDF.Graph.update(EX.S,
...>      fn description -> Description.add(description, {EX.p, EX.O2})
...>    end)[{EX.S, EX.p, EX.O}, {EX.S, EX.p, EX.O2}])
iex>{EX.S, EX.p, EX.O})
...> |> RDF.Graph.update(EX.S,
...>      fn _ ->, init: {EX.p2, EX.O2})
...>    end)[{EX.S, EX.p2, EX.O2}])
...> |> RDF.Graph.update(EX.S,, init: {EX.p, EX.O}),
...>      fn description -> Description.add(description, {EX.p, EX.O2})
...>    end)[{EX.S, EX.p, EX.O}])
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update_all_descriptions(graph, fun)

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@spec update_all_descriptions(t(), update_description_fun()) :: t()

Updates all descriptions in graph with the given function.

The same behaviour as described in RDF.Graph.update/4 apply. If nil is returned by fun, the respective description will be removed from graph. The returned values by the update function will be coerced to proper RDF descriptions before added. If the returned description is a RDF.Description with another subject, it will still be added using the old subject.


iex>[{EX.S1, EX.p1, EX.O1}, {EX.S2, EX.p2, EX.O2}])
...> |> RDF.Graph.update_all_descriptions(&(&1 |>
  EX.S1 |> EX.p1(EX.O1) |>,
  EX.S2 |> EX.p2(EX.O2) |>
] |>
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values(graph, opts \\ [])

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@spec values(
) :: map()

Returns a nested map of the native Elixir values of a RDF.Graph.

When a :context option is given with a RDF.PropertyMap, predicates will be mapped to the terms defined in the RDF.PropertyMap, if present.


...>   {~I<>, ~I<>, ~L"Foo"},
...>   {~I<>, ~I<>, RDF.XSD.integer(42)}
...> ])
...> |> RDF.Graph.values()
  "" => %{"" => ["Foo"]},
  "" => %{"" => [42]}

...>   {~I<>, ~I<>, ~L"Foo"},
...>   {~I<>, ~I<>, RDF.XSD.integer(42)}
...> ])
...> |> RDF.Graph.values(context: [p: ~I<>])
  "" => %{p: ["Foo"]},
  "" => %{p: [42]}
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@spec without_annotations(t()) :: t()

Returns the RDF.Graph without all annotations.

Note: This function excludes only triples where the subject is a quoted triple. If you want to exclude also triples where the object is a quoted triple, you'll have to use RDF.Graph.without_star_statements/1.

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@spec without_star_statements(t()) :: t()

Returns the RDF.Graph without all statements including quoted triples on subject or object position.

This function is relatively costly, since it requires a full walk-through of all triples. In many cases quoted triples are only used on subject position, where you can use the significantly faster RDF.Graph.without_annotations/1.