View Source RDF.Star.Statement (RDF.ex v2.0.0)

Helper functions for RDF-star statements.

An RDF-star statement is either a RDF.Star.Triple or a RDF.Star.Quad.



Creates a RDF.Star.Statement tuple with proper RDF values.

Coerces the given value to a valid object of an RDF-star statement.

Coerces the given value to a valid subject of an RDF-star statement.

Creates a RDF.Star.Triple or RDF.Star.Quad with proper RDF values.

Checks if the given tuple is an RDF-star statement with a quoted triple on subject or object position.

Checks if the given tuple is a valid RDF-star statement, i.e. RDF-star triple or quad.



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coerce(statement, property_map \\ nil)

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@spec coerce(coercible(), RDF.PropertyMap.t() | nil) ::
  RDF.Star.Triple.t() | RDF.Star.Quad.t()

Creates a RDF.Star.Statement tuple with proper RDF values.

An error is raised when the given elements are not coercible to RDF-star values.


iex> RDF.Star.Statement.coerce {"", "", 42}
{~I<>, ~I<>, RDF.literal(42)}
iex> RDF.Star.Statement.coerce {"", "", 42, ""}
{~I<>, ~I<>, RDF.literal(42), ~I<>}

See RDF.Statement.coerce_graph_name/1.

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coerce_object(value, property_map \\ nil)

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@spec coerce_object(coercible_object(), RDF.PropertyMap.t() | nil) :: object()

Coerces the given value to a valid object of an RDF-star statement.

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See RDF.Statement.coerce_predicate/1.

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coerce_predicate(predicate, property_map)

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See RDF.Statement.coerce_predicate/2.

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coerce_subject(value, property_map \\ nil)

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@spec coerce_subject(coercible_subject(), RDF.PropertyMap.t() | nil) :: subject()

Coerces the given value to a valid subject of an RDF-star statement.

Raises an RDF.Triple.InvalidSubjectError when the value can not be coerced.

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new(tuple, property_map \\ nil)

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Creates a RDF.Star.Triple or RDF.Star.Quad with proper RDF values.

An error is raised when the given elements are not coercible to RDF-star values.

Note: The RDF.statement function is a shortcut to this function.


iex>{EX.S, EX.p, 42})
{RDF.iri(""), RDF.iri(""), RDF.literal(42)}

iex>{EX.S, EX.p, 42, EX.Graph})
{RDF.iri(""), RDF.iri(""), RDF.literal(42), RDF.iri("")}

iex>{EX.S, :p, 42, EX.Graph}, EX.p))
{RDF.iri(""), RDF.iri(""), RDF.literal(42), RDF.iri("")}



@spec star_statement?(RDF.Star.Triple.t() | RDF.Star.Quad.t() | any()) :: boolean()

Checks if the given tuple is an RDF-star statement with a quoted triple on subject or object position.

Note: This function won't check if the given tuple or the quoted triple is valid. Use valid?/1 for this purpose.


iex> RDF.Star.Statement.star_statement?({EX.S, EX.P, EX.O})
iex> RDF.Star.Statement.star_statement?({EX.AS, EX.AP, {EX.S, EX.P, EX.O}})
iex> RDF.Star.Statement.star_statement?({{EX.S, EX.P, EX.O}, EX.AP, EX.AO})
@spec valid?(RDF.Star.Triple.t() | RDF.Star.Quad.t() | any()) :: boolean()

Checks if the given tuple is a valid RDF-star statement, i.e. RDF-star triple or quad.

The elements of a valid RDF-star statement must be RDF terms. On the subject position only IRIs, blank nodes and triples allowed, while on the predicate and graph context position only IRIs allowed. The object position can be any RDF term or a triple.

@spec valid_graph_name?(graph_name() | any()) :: boolean()
@spec valid_object?(object() | any()) :: boolean()
@spec valid_predicate?(predicate() | any()) :: boolean()
@spec valid_subject?(subject() | any()) :: boolean()