View Source RDF.Turtle.Decoder (RDF.ex v2.0.0)

A decoder for Turtle serializations to RDF.Graphs.

As for all decoders of RDF.Serialization.Formats, you normally won't use these functions directly, but via one of the read_ functions on the RDF.Turtle format module or the generic RDF.Serialization module.

Blank Node Generation

When interpreting blank node descriptions, the decoder generates blank node identifiers. By default, it uses RDF.BlankNode.Generator.UUID to create random identifiers, ensuring uniqueness across multiple parsing operations. This behavior prevents unintended merging of unrelated blank nodes, which could occur with deterministic identifiers, e.g. from RDF.BlankNode.Generator.Increment.

You can customize blank node generation using the bnode_gen option and providing either a module implementing RDF.BlankNode.Generator.Algorithm or an instantiated RDF.BlankNode.Generator.Algorithm struct in case you want to customize the generator. See the respective RDF.BlankNode.Generator.Algorithm implementation on what fields can be set. You can also use :uuid, :random or :increment as short values for the respective RDF.BlankNode.Generator.Algorithm implementations.

Example usage:

  bnode_gen: "x", counter: 42))

To set a global or environment-specific default, use the turtle_trig_decoder_bnode_gen application config (e.g. the RDF.BlankNode.Generator.Increment implementation, generating deterministic blank nodes, can make testing easier):

config :rdf,
  turtle_trig_decoder_bnode_gen: :increment

Other options

  • :base: allows to specify the base URI to be used against relative URIs when no base URI is defined with a @base directive within the document

