Reactor.Executor.Hooks (reactor v0.12.1)

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Handles the execution of reactor middleware hooks.



Run the completion hooks allowing the result to be replaced

Run the error hooks allowing the error to be replaced

Run any get_process_context hooks

Run the halt hooks collecting the new context as it goes

Run the init hooks collecting the new context as it goes

Run set_process_context hooks given the result of get_process_contexts/1


complete(reactor, result, context)

@spec complete(Reactor.t(), any(), Reactor.context()) ::
  {:ok, any()} | {:error, any()}

Run the completion hooks allowing the result to be replaced

error(reactor, reason, context)

@spec error(Reactor.t(), any(), Reactor.context()) :: {:error, any()}

Run the error hooks allowing the error to be replaced

event(reactor, event, step, context)

Emit a step event.


@spec get_process_contexts(Reactor.t()) :: %{
  optional(Reactor.Middleware.t()) => any()

Run any get_process_context hooks

halt(reactor, context)

@spec halt(Reactor.t(), Reactor.context()) ::
  {:ok, Reactor.context()} | {:error, any()}

Run the halt hooks collecting the new context as it goes

init(reactor, context)

@spec init(Reactor.t(), Reactor.context()) ::
  {:ok, Reactor.context()} | {:error, any()}

Run the init hooks collecting the new context as it goes


@spec set_process_contexts(%{optional(Reactor.Middleware.t()) => any()}) :: :ok

Run set_process_context hooks given the result of get_process_contexts/1