
Store the information of the values for kv.

The events stored in the file are in the following format:

The KV system is split into two parts: the key store and the value store. The file is related to the value store. As we said it’s a file with the content marking the size of the value, if it’s deleted and the value itself.

The file is append only. When a value is written, it’s appended to the end of the file. When a value is deleted, it’s not deleted from the file, it’s marked as deleted. When a value is updated, it’s deleted and a new value is appended to the end of the file.


pub type Reason {


  • CapacityExceeded

The information for a value. The fields are:

  • offset: the offset of the value in the file.
  • deleted: if the value is deleted.
  • data: the value. It can be None if we didn’t read the value yet.
  • file_id: the id of the file where the value is stored.
pub type Value {
    offset: Int,
    deleted: Bool,
    data: Option(BitString),
    file_id: Int,


  • Value(
      offset: Int,
      deleted: Bool,
      data: Option(BitString),
      file_id: Int,

The information for the kv file. The fields are:

  • id: the id of the file. It’s intended to be a UUID but it’s stored as an Int.
  • handler: the file handler to read and write values.
  • size: the size of the file.
  • max_size: the maximum size of the file.
  • file_path: the path of the file.
pub type ValueFile {
    id: Int,
    handler: Pid,
    size: Int,
    max_size: Int,
    file_path: String,


  • ValueFile(
      id: Int,
      handler: Pid,
      size: Int,
      max_size: Int,
      file_path: String,

The information for the kv file. The fields are:

  • file_id: the id of the file. It’s intended to be a UUID but it’s stored as an Int.
  • size: the size of the file.
  • entries: the number of entries in the file.
  • deleted: the number of deleted entries in the file.
pub type ValueFileInfo {
    file_id: Int,
    size: Int,
    max_size: Int,
    entries: Int,
    deleted: Int,


  • ValueFileInfo(
      file_id: Int,
      size: Int,
      max_size: Int,
      entries: Int,
      deleted: Int,


pub const value_size_bits: Int = 32


pub fn close(vfile: ValueFile) -> Result(Nil, Reason)

Close a kv file. It closes the file handler.

pub fn create(base_path: String, max_size: Int) -> Result(

Create a new kv file. It creates a new file with a random UUID as the path for finding the file.

For example, if the UUID is f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6, the file will be created in the following path: base_path/f81d4fae/7dec/11d0/a765/00a0c91e6bf6.

pub fn delete(vfile: ValueFile, value: Value) -> Result(

Delete a value from the kv file. It marks the value as deleted. It returns the updated kv file with the new size.

pub fn get_file_info(vfile: ValueFile) -> ValueFileInfo
pub fn open(path: String, file_id: Int, max_size: Int) -> Result(

Open a kv file. It opens the file with the given file id. If the file doesn’t exist, it is creating it. The main difference with create is that open doesn’t generate a new UUID. It returns the kv file with the file handler and the file size.

pub fn read(vfile: ValueFile, offset: Int) -> Result(

Read a value from the kv file. It reads the value and returns it as a BitString with the following format:

  • 4 bytes: the size of the value
  • 1 byte: 0 if the value is not deleted, 1 if it is
  • n bytes: the value
pub fn write(vfile: ValueFile, value: BitString) -> Result(
  #(ValueFile, Value),
pub fn write_value(vfile: ValueFile, value: Value) -> Result(

Write a value to the kv file. It writes the value in the following format:

  • 4 bytes: the size of the value
  • 1 byte: 0 if the value is not deleted, 1 if it is
  • n bytes: the value It returns the updated kv file with the new size.
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