Redix v0.10.0 Redix.Telemetry View Source

Telemetry integration for event tracing, metrics, and logging.

Redix connections (both Redix and Redix.PubSub) execute the following Telemetry events:

  • [:redix, :disconnection] - executed when the connection is lost with the Redis server. There are no measurements associated with this event. Metadata are:

    • :reason - the disconnection reason as a Redix.ConnectionError struct.
    • :address - the address the connection was connected to.
    • :connection - the PID or registered name of the Redix connection that emitted the event.
  • [:redix, :failed_connection] - executed when Redix can't connect to the specified Redis server, either when starting up the connection or after a disconnection. There are no measurements associated with this event. Metadata are:

    • :reason - the disconnection reason as a Redix.ConnectionError struct.
    • :address or :sentinel_address - the address the connection was trying to connect to (either a Redis server or a Redis Sentinel instance).
    • :connection - the PID or registered name of the Redix connection that emitted the event.
  • [:redix, :reconnection] - executed when a Redix connection that had disconnected reconnects to a Redis server. There are no measurements associated with this event. Metadata are:

    • :address - the address the connection successfully reconnected to.
    • :connection - the PID or registered name of the Redix connection that emitted the event.

Redix connections execute the following Telemetry events when commands or pipelines of any kind are executed.

  • [:redix, :pipeline] - executed when a pipeline (or command, which is a pipeline with just one command) is successfully sent to the server and a reply comes from the server. Measurements are:

    • :elapsed_time (integer) - the elapsed time that it took to send the pipeline to the server and get a reply. The elapsed time is expressed in the :native time unit. See System.convert_time_unit/3.

    Metadata are:

    • :connection - the connection that emitted the event. If the connection was registered with a name, the name is used here, otherwise the PID.
    • :commands - the commands sent to the server. This is always a list of commands, so even if you do Redix.command(conn, ["PING"]) than the list of commands will be [["PING"]].
    • :start_time - the system time when the pipeline was issued. This could be useful for tracing. The time unit is :native, see System.convert_time_unit/3.
  • [:redix, :pipeline, :error] - executed when there's an error talking to the server. There are no measurements. Metadata are:

    • :connection - the connection that emitted the event. If the connection was registered with a name, the name is used here, otherwise the PID.
    • :commands - the commands sent to the server. This is always a list of commands, so even if you do Redix.command(conn, ["PING"]) than the list of commands will be [["PING"]].
    • :start_time - the system time when the pipeline was issued. This could be useful for tracing. The time unit is :native, see System.convert_time_unit/3.
    • :reason - the error reason.

More events might be added in the future and that won't be considered a breaking change, so if you're writing a handler for Redix events be sure to ignore events that are not known. All future Redix events will start with the :redix atom, like the ones above.

A default handler that logs these events appropriately is provided, see attach_default_handler/0. Otherwise, you can write your own handler to instrument or log events, see the Telemetry page in the docs.

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Attaches the default Redix-provided Telemetry handler.

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attach_default_handler() View Source
attach_default_handler() :: :ok | {:error, :already_exists}

Attaches the default Redix-provided Telemetry handler.

This function attaches a default Redix-provided handler that logs (using Elixir's Logger) the following events:

  • [:redix, :disconnection] - logged at the :error level
  • [:redix, :failed_connection] - logged at the :error level
  • [:redix, :reconnection] - logged at the :info level

See the module documentation for more information. If you want to attach your own handler, look at the Telemetry page in the documentation.


:ok = Redix.Telemetry.attach_default_handler()