RedshiftEcto v0.2.0 RedshiftEcto View Source

Ecto adapter for AWS Redshift.

It uses Postgrex for communicating to the database and a connection pool, such as DBConnection.Poolboy.

This adapter is based on Ecto’s builtin Ecto.Adapters.Postgres adapter. It delegates some functions to it but changes the implementation of most that are incompatible with Redshift. The differences are detailed in this documentation.

We also recommend developers to consult the documentation of the Postgres adapter.

Notable differences

  • no array type
  • maps are stored as json in varchar(max) columns
  • the :binary_id and :uuid Ecto types are stored in char(36) and generated as text
  • no binary type and literal support
  • no aliases in UPDATE and DELETE FROM statements
  • no support for on_conflict (except for the default :raise)
  • no support for on_delete and on_update on foreign key definitions
  • no support for ALTER COLUMN
  • no support for CHECK and EXCLUDE constraints
  • since Redshift doesn’t enforce uniqueness and foreign key constraints the adapter can’t report violations


RedshiftEcto supports migrations with the exceptions of features that are not supported by Redshift (see above). There are also some extra features in migrations to help specify table attributes and column options available in Redshift.

We highly recommend reading the Designing Tables section from the AWS Redshift documentation.

Table options

While similarly to other adapters RedshiftEcto accepts table options as an opaque string, it also supports a keyword list with the following options:

  • :diststyle: data distribution style, possible values: :even, :key, :all
  • :distkey: specify the column to be used as the distribution key
  • :sortkey: specify one or more sort keys, the value can be a single column name, a list of columns, or a 2-tuple where the first element is a sort style specifier (:compound or :interleaved) and the second is a single column name or a list of columns


create table("posts", options: [distkey: :id, sortkey: :title])
create table("categories", options: [diststyle: :all, sortkey: {:interleaved, [:name, :parent_id]}])
create table("reports", options: [diststyle: :even, sortkey: [:department, :year, :month]])

Column options

In addition to the column options accepted by Ecto.Migration.add/3 RedshiftEcto also accepts the following Redshift specific column options:

  • :identity: specifies that the column is an identity column. The value must be a tuple of two integers where the first is the seed and the second the step. For example, identity: {0, 1} specifies that the values start from 0 and increments by 1. It’s worth noting that identity columns may behave differently in Redshift that one might be used to. See the AWS Redshift docs for more details.
  • :encode: compression encoding for the column, possible values are lower case atom version of the compression encodings supported by Redshift. Some common values: :zstd, :lzo, :delta, :bytedict, :raw. See the AWS Redshift docs for more.
  • :distkey: specify the column as the distribution key (value must be true)
  • :sortkey: specify the column as the single (compound) sort key of the table (value must be true)
  • :unique: specify that the column can contain only unique values. Note that Redshift won’t enforce uniqueness.


create table("posts") do
  add :id, :serial, primary_key: true, distkey: true, encode: :delta
  add :title, :string, size: 765, null: false, unique: true, sortkey: true, encode: :lzo
  add :counter, :serial, identity: {0, 1}, encode: :delta,
  add :views, :smallint, default: 0, encode: :mostly8,
  add :author, :string, default: "anonymous", encode: :text255,
  add :created_at, :naive_datetime, encode: :zstd

Link to this section Summary


Dumps the given structure

Loads the given structure

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function structure_dump(default, config) View Source

Dumps the given structure.

The path will be looked in the config under :dump_path or default to the structure path inside default.

Returns :ok if it was loaded successfully, an error tuple otherwise.


structure_dump("priv/repo", username: "postgres",
                            database: "ecto_test",
                            hostname: "localhost")

Callback implementation for Ecto.Adapter.Structure.structure_dump/2.

Link to this function structure_load(default, config) View Source

Loads the given structure.

The path will be looked in the config under :dump_path or default to the structure path inside default.

Returns :ok if it was loaded successfully, an error tuple otherwise.


structure_load("priv/repo", username: "postgres",
                            database: "ecto_test",
                            hostname: "localhost")

Callback implementation for Ecto.Adapter.Structure.structure_load/2.