Relax.Resource behaviour

Provides functionality and defines a behaviour to help build resource endpoints.


When used, Relax.Resource works as an parent module that adds common functionality and behaviours and plugs to your module.


When using the module you can pass either an only or a except option to determine what “actions” are available on the resource. By default all actions are included.

use Relax.Resource, except: [:delete]

use Relax.Resource, only: [:fetch_all, :fetch_one]

Each included action adds another use statement:

  • fetch_all - use Relax.Resource.FetchAll
  • fetch_one - use Relax.Resource.FetchOne
  • create - use Relax.Resource.Create
  • update - use Relax.Resource.Update
  • delete - use Relax.Resource.Delete

Please see each action’s documentation for usage details.

Provided Plugs

Relax.Resource provides 2 plug functions, resource and not found.

  • plug :resource - Required to dispatch requests to the appropriate action.
  • plug :not_found - Optionally returns a 404 for all un-halted conns.


plug :resource
plug :not_found

Plug.Builder vs Plug.Router

By default use Relax.Resource will also use Plug.Builder, however if you wish to capture non-standard routes you can pass the plug: :router option to the use statement and use Plug.Router along side your normal resource routes.

defmodule MyResource do
  use Relax.Resource, plug: :router

  plug :resource
  plug :match
  plug :dispatch

  post ":id/activate" do
    # Work with conn and id directly


This module also defines a behaviour defining the callbacks needed by all action types. The behaviour is added when you use this module.




  • model :: module

Defines the model (struct) this resource is exposes.

This is typically a module using Ecto.Model, but may be any struct. Example:

def model, do: MyApp.Models.Post


  • repo :: module

Defines the module using Ecto.Repo to be queried by this resource.

This may be defined in each resource, but by default the :relax application repo config value is used.

Per resource example:

def repo, do: MyApp.Repo

Config example (config.exs):

config :relax,
  repo: MyApp.Repo