
A DSL for defining a routing structure to determine what resources handle which requests.


defmodule MyApp.Router do
  use Relax.Router

  plug :route
  plug :not_found

  version :v1 do
    resource :posts, MyApp.Resources.V1.Posts do
      resource :comments, MyApp.Resources.V1.Comments
    resource :authors, MyApp.Resources.V1.Authors

This routes as such:

/v1/posts(.) -> MyApp.Resources.V1.Posts /v1/posts/:id/comments(.) -> MyApp.Resources.V1.Comments /v1/authors(.*) -> MyApp.Resources.V1.Authors

Provided Plugs

Relax.Resource provides 2 plug functions, route and not found.

  • plug :route - Required to dispatch requests to the appropriate resource.
  • plug :not_found - Optionally returns a 404 for all unmatched requests.

Plug.Builder vs Plug.Router

By default use Relax.Router will also use Plug.Builder, however if you wish to capture non-standard routes you can pass the plug: :router option to the use statement and use Plug.Router along side your normal resource routes.

defmodule MyRouter do
  use Relax.Router, plug: :router

  plug :route
  plug :match
  plug :dispatch

  version :v2 do
    resource :posts, MyApp.Resources.V1.Posts

  get "ping", do: send_resp(conn, 200, "pong")


resource(name, module)

Defines each resource

resource(name, module, list3)
version(version, list2)

Define what version the api is


resource(name, module)

Defines each resource.

Take a path fragment as an atom and module (a resource) to handle the path.

May be nested one level deep.

resource(name, module, list3)
version(version, list2)

Define what version the api is.

This can be any atom but it is expected to be part of the URL.