Remedy.Schema.Component behaviour (Remedy v0.6.8) View Source

Components are a framework for adding interactive elements to the messages your app or bot sends. They're accessible, customizable, and easy to use. There are several different types of components; this documentation will outline the basics of this new framework and each example.+

Components have been broken out into individual modules for easy distinction between them and to separate helper functions and individual type checking between component types - especially as more components are added by Discord.

Each of the components are provided all of the valid types through this module to avoid repetition and allow new components to be added quicker and easier.

Action Row

An Action Row is a non-interactive container component for other types of components. It has a type: 1 and a sub-array of components of other types.

  • You can have up to 5 Action Rows per message
  • An Action Row cannot contain another Action Row
  • An Action Row containing buttons cannot also contain a select menu


    Buttons are interactive components that render on messages. They have a type: 2, They can be clicked by users. Buttons in Nostrum are further separated into two types, detailed below. Only the Interaction Button will fire a Nostrum.Struct.Interaction when pressed.

Discord Buttons

  • Buttons must exist inside an Action Row
  • An Action Row can contain up to 5 buttons
  • An Action Row containing buttons cannot also contain a select menu For more information check out the Discord API Button Styles for more information.
  • Link buttons do not send an interaction to your app when clicked
  • Link buttons must have a url, and cannot have a custom_id
  • Link buttons will always use style: 5

Link style: 5


Discord calls these buttons "Non-link Buttons" due to the fact that they do not contain a url. However it would be more accurate to call them an "Interaction Button" as they do fire an interaction when clicked which is far more useful for your applications interactivity. As such they are referred to as "Interaction Button" throughout the rest of this module.

  • Interaction buttons must have a custom_id, and cannot have a url
  • Can have one of the below :style applied.

Primary style: 1


Secondary style: 2


Success style: 3


Danger style: 4

Danger (1)

🐼 Emoji Buttons

Note: The discord documentation and marketing material in relation to buttons indicates that there are three kinds of buttons: 🐼 Emoji Buttons, Link Buttons & Non-Link Buttons. When in fact all buttons can contain an emoji. Because of this reason 🐼 Emoji Buttons are not included as a seperate type. Emojis will be instead handled by the two included ( superior ) button types.

emoji buttons in action

The field requirements are already becoming convoluted especially considering everything so far is all still a "Component". Using the sub types and helper functions will ensure all of the rules are followed when creating components.

Select Menu

Select menus are another interactive component that renders on messages. On desktop, clicking on a select menu opens a dropdown-style UI; on mobile, tapping a select menu opens up a half-sheet with the options. Discord Selects Select menus support single-select and multi-select behavior, meaning you can prompt a user to choose just one item from a list, or multiple. When a user finishes making their choice by clicking out of the dropdown or closing the half-sheet, your app will receive an interaction.

  • Select menus must be sent inside an Action Row
  • An Action Row can contain only one select menu
  • An Action Row containing a select menu cannot also contain buttons

Link to this section Summary


A list of components to place inside an action row. Due to constraints of action rows, this can either be a list of up to five buttons, or a single select menu. Valid for Action Row.

Used to identify the command when the interraction is sent to you from the user. Valid for Interaction Buttons & Select Menus.

Indicates if the component is disabled or not. Valid for Buttons & Select Menus.

A partial emoji to display on the object. Valid for Buttons

A string that appears on the button, max 80 characters. Valid for Buttons

The maximum number of permitted selections. Minimum value 0, max 25. Valid for Select Menus.

The minimum number of permitted selections. Minimum value 0, max 25. Valid for Select Menus.

A list of options for select menus, max 25. Valid for Select Menus.

Placeholder text if nothing is selected, max 100 characters Valid for Select Menus.

Indicates the style. Valid for Valid for Interaction Buttons only,


The currently valid component types.

The type of component. Valid for All Types. | | Component Types | |------|-----| | 1 | Action Row | | 2 | Button | | 3 | SelectMenu | Check out the Discord API Message Component Types for more information.

A url for link buttons. Valid for: Buttons


Create a component from the given keyword list of options

Updates a component with the parameters provided.

Link to this section Types


A list of components to place inside an action row. Due to constraints of action rows, this can either be a list of up to five buttons, or a single select menu. Valid for Action Row.


custom_id() :: String.t() | nil

Used to identify the command when the interraction is sent to you from the user. Valid for Interaction Buttons & Select Menus.


disabled() :: boolean() | nil

Indicates if the component is disabled or not. Valid for Buttons & Select Menus.


emoji() :: Remedy.Schema.Emoji.t() | nil

A partial emoji to display on the object. Valid for Buttons


label() :: String.t() | nil

A string that appears on the button, max 80 characters. Valid for Buttons


max_values() :: integer() | nil

The maximum number of permitted selections. Minimum value 0, max 25. Valid for Select Menus.


min_values() :: integer() | nil

The minimum number of permitted selections. Minimum value 0, max 25. Valid for Select Menus.


options() :: [Remedy.Schema.ComponentOption.t()] | nil

A list of options for select menus, max 25. Valid for Select Menus.


placeholder() :: String.t() | nil

Placeholder text if nothing is selected, max 100 characters Valid for Select Menus.


style() :: integer() | nil

Indicates the style. Valid for Valid for Interaction Buttons only,


The currently valid component types.


type() :: integer()

The type of component. Valid for All Types. | | Component Types | |------|-----| | 1 | Action Row | | 2 | Button | | 3 | SelectMenu | Check out the Discord API Message Component Types for more information.


url() :: String.t() | nil

A url for link buttons. Valid for: Buttons

Link to this section Callbacks


new(opts :: [keyword()]) :: t()

Create a component from the given keyword list of options

Note: While using this function directly, you are not guaranteed to produce a valid component and it is the responsibility of the user to ensure they are passing a valid combination of component attributes. eg. if you pass a button component both a custom_id, and a url, the component is invalid as only one of these fields is allowed.


update(t(), opts :: [keyword()]) :: t()

Updates a component with the parameters provided.

Note: While using this function directly, you are not guaranteed to produce a valid component and it is the responsibility of the user to ensure they are passing a valid combination of component attributes. eg. if you pass a button component both a custom_id, and a url, the component is invalid as only one of these fields is allowed.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

changeset(model \\ %__MODULE__{}, params)

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