RemixIconEx.Arrows (RemixIconEx v0.5.0)

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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_down()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_down_circle()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_down_double()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_down_s()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_drop_down()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_drop_left()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_drop_right()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_drop_up()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_go_back()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_go_forward()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_left()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_left_circle()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_left_double()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_left_down()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_left_right()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_left_s()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_left_up()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_right()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_right_circle()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_right_double()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_right_down()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_right_s()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_right_up()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_turn_back()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_turn_forward()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_up()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_up_circle()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_up_double()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_up_down()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_up_s()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.contract_left()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.contract_left_right()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.contract_right()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.contract_up_down()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.corner_down_left()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.corner_down_right()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.corner_left_down()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.corner_left_up()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.corner_right_down()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.corner_right_up()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.corner_up_left()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.corner_up_left_double()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.corner_up_right()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.corner_up_right_double()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.drag_move()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.drag_move_2()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.expand_left()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.expand_left_right()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.expand_right()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.expand_up_down()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.skip_down()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.skip_left()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.skip_right()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.skip_up()
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Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

arrow_down(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_down()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

arrow_down_circle(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_down_circle()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

arrow_down_double(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_down_double()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

arrow_down_s(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_down_s()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

arrow_drop_down(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_drop_down()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

arrow_drop_left(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_drop_left()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

arrow_drop_right(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_drop_right()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

arrow_drop_up(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_drop_up()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

arrow_go_back(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_go_back()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

arrow_go_forward(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_go_forward()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

arrow_left(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_left()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

arrow_left_circle(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_left_circle()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

arrow_left_double(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_left_double()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

arrow_left_down(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_left_down()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

arrow_left_right(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_left_right()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

arrow_left_s(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_left_s()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

arrow_left_up(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_left_up()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

arrow_right(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_right()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

arrow_right_circle(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_right_circle()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

arrow_right_double(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_right_double()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

arrow_right_down(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_right_down()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

arrow_right_s(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_right_s()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

arrow_right_up(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_right_up()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

arrow_turn_back(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_turn_back()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

arrow_turn_forward(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_turn_forward()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

arrow_up(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_up()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

arrow_up_circle(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_up_circle()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

arrow_up_double(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_up_double()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

arrow_up_down(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_up_down()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

arrow_up_s(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.arrow_up_s()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

contract_left(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.contract_left()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

contract_left_right(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.contract_left_right()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

contract_right(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.contract_right()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

contract_up_down(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.contract_up_down()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

corner_down_left(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.corner_down_left()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

corner_down_right(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.corner_down_right()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

corner_left_down(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.corner_left_down()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

corner_left_up(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.corner_left_up()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

corner_right_down(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.corner_right_down()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

corner_right_up(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.corner_right_up()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

corner_up_left(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.corner_up_left()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

corner_up_left_double(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.corner_up_left_double()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

corner_up_right(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.corner_up_right()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

corner_up_right_double(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.corner_up_right_double()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

drag_move(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.drag_move()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

drag_move_2(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.drag_move_2()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M11 11V5.82843L9.17157 7.65685L7.75736 6.24264L12 2L16.2426 6.24264L14.8284 7.65685L13 5.82843V11H18.1716L16.3431 9.17157L17.7574 7.75736L22 12L17.7574 16.2426L16.3431 14.8284L18.1716 13H13V18.1716L14.8284 16.3431L16.2426 17.7574L12 22L7.75736 17.7574L9.17157 16.3431L11 18.1716V13H5.82843L7.65685 14.8284L6.24264 16.2426L2 12L6.24264 7.75736L7.65685 9.17157L5.82843 11H11Z" />
Link to this function

expand_left(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.expand_left()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M10.0711 4.9292L11.4853 6.34341L6.8284 11.0003L16.0003 11.0004L16.0003 13.0004L6.82845 13.0003L11.4853 17.6571L10.0711 19.0713L3 12.0003L10.0711 4.9292ZM18.0002 19.0002V5.00021H20.0002V19.0002H18.0002Z" />
Link to this function

expand_left_right(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.expand_left_right()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M9.04304 5.79297 2.83594 12.0001 9.04304 18.2072 10.4573 16.793 5.66436 12.0001 10.4573 7.20718 9.04304 5.79297ZM14.957 18.2073 21.1641 12.0002 14.957 5.79312 13.5427 7.20733 18.3356 12.0002 13.5427 16.7931 14.957 18.2073Z" />
Link to this function

expand_right(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.expand_right()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M17.1718 11.0003L12.5149 6.34341L13.9291 4.9292L21.0002 12.0003L13.9291 19.0713L12.5149 17.6571L17.1718 13.0003L7.99995 13.0004L7.99993 11.0004L17.1718 11.0003ZM4 19.0002L4 5.00021H6V19.0002H4Z" />
Link to this function

expand_up_down(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.expand_up_down()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M18.2073 9.04304 12.0002 2.83594 5.79312 9.04304 7.20733 10.4573 12.0002 5.66436 16.7931 10.4573 18.2073 9.04304ZM5.79297 14.9574 12.0001 21.1646 18.2072 14.9574 16.793 13.5432 12.0001 18.3361 7.20718 13.5432 5.79297 14.9574Z" />
Link to this function

skip_down(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.skip_down()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M12.0001 10.0859L7.20718 5.29297L5.79297 6.70718L12.0001 12.9143L18.2072 6.70718L16.793 5.29297L12.0001 10.0859ZM18.0001 17.0001L6.00007 17.0001L6.00007 15.0001L18.0001 15.0001V17.0001Z" />
Link to this function

skip_left(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.skip_left()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M13.9142 12.0001L18.7071 7.20718L17.2929 5.79297L11.0858 12.0001L17.2929 18.2072L18.7071 16.793L13.9142 12.0001ZM7 18.0001V6.00008H9V18.0001H7Z" />
Link to this function

skip_right(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.skip_right()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M10.0859 12.0001L5.29297 16.793L6.70718 18.2072L12.9143 12.0001L6.70718 5.79297L5.29297 7.20718L10.0859 12.0001ZM17.0001 6.00008L17.0001 18.0001H15.0001L15.0001 6.00008L17.0001 6.00008Z" />
Link to this function

skip_up(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Arrows.skip_up()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M12.0001 13.9142L16.793 18.7071L18.2072 17.2929L12.0001 11.0858L5.79297 17.2929L7.20718 18.7071L12.0001 13.9142ZM6.00008 7L18.0001 7V9L6.00008 9L6.00008 7Z" />