RemixIconEx.Development (RemixIconEx v0.5.0)

Link to this section Summary


iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.braces()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.brackets()
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  <path d="M9 3V5H6V19H9V21H4V3H9ZM15 3H20V21H15V19H18V5H15V3Z" />
iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.bug()
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  <path d="M13 19.9C15.2822 19.4367 17 17.419 17 15V12C17 11.299 16.8564 10.6219 16.5846 10H7.41538C7.14358 10.6219 7 11.299 7 12V15C7 17.419 8.71776 19.4367 11 19.9V14H13V19.9ZM5.5358 17.6907C5.19061 16.8623 5 15.9534 5 15H2V13H5V12C5 11.3573 5.08661 10.7348 5.2488 10.1436L3.0359 8.86602L4.0359 7.13397L6.05636 8.30049C6.11995 8.19854 6.18609 8.09835 6.25469 8H17.7453C17.8139 8.09835 17.88 8.19854 17.9436 8.30049L19.9641 7.13397L20.9641 8.86602L18.7512 10.1436C18.9134 10.7348 19 11.3573 19 12V13H22V15H19C19 15.9534 18.8094 16.8623 18.4642 17.6907L20.9641 19.134L19.9641 20.866L17.4383 19.4077C16.1549 20.9893 14.1955 22 12 22C9.80453 22 7.84512 20.9893 6.56171 19.4077L4.0359 20.866L3.0359 19.134L5.5358 17.6907ZM8 6C8 3.79086 9.79086 2 12 2C14.2091 2 16 3.79086 16 6H8Z" />
iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.bug_2()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.code()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.code_box()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.code_s()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.code_s_slash()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.command()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.css3()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.cursor()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.git_branch()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.git_close_pull_request()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.git_commit()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.git_merge()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.git_pull_request()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.git_repository()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.git_repository_commits()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.git_repository_private()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.html5()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.javascript()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.parentheses()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.terminal()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.terminal_box()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.terminal_window()
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braces(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.braces()
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Link to this function

brackets(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.brackets()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

bug(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.bug()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

bug_2(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.bug_2()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

code(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.code()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

code_box(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.code_box()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

code_s(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.code_s()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

code_s_slash(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.code_s_slash()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

command(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.command()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

css3(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.css3()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

cursor(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.cursor()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

git_branch(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.git_branch()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M7.10508 15.2101C8.21506 15.6501 9 16.7334 9 18C9 19.6569 7.65685 21 6 21C4.34315 21 3 19.6569 3 18C3 16.6938 3.83481 15.5825 5 15.1707V8.82929C3.83481 8.41746 3 7.30622 3 6C3 4.34315 4.34315 3 6 3C7.65685 3 9 4.34315 9 6C9 7.30622 8.16519 8.41746 7 8.82929V11.9996C7.83566 11.3719 8.87439 11 10 11H14C15.3835 11 16.5482 10.0635 16.8949 8.78991C15.7849 8.34988 15 7.26661 15 6C15 4.34315 16.3431 3 18 3C19.6569 3 21 4.34315 21 6C21 7.3332 20.1303 8.46329 18.9274 8.85392C18.5222 11.2085 16.4703 13 14 13H10C8.61653 13 7.45179 13.9365 7.10508 15.2101ZM6 17C5.44772 17 5 17.4477 5 18C5 18.5523 5.44772 19 6 19C6.55228 19 7 18.5523 7 18C7 17.4477 6.55228 17 6 17ZM6 5C5.44772 5 5 5.44772 5 6C5 6.55228 5.44772 7 6 7C6.55228 7 7 6.55228 7 6C7 5.44772 6.55228 5 6 5ZM18 5C17.4477 5 17 5.44772 17 6C17 6.55228 17.4477 7 18 7C18.5523 7 19 6.55228 19 6C19 5.44772 18.5523 5 18 5Z" />
Link to this function

git_close_pull_request(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.git_close_pull_request()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

git_commit(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.git_commit()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

git_merge(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.git_merge()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

git_pull_request(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.git_pull_request()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

git_repository(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.git_repository()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

git_repository_commits(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.git_repository_commits()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

git_repository_private(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.git_repository_private()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

html5(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.html5()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

javascript(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.javascript()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

parentheses(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.parentheses()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

terminal(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.terminal()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

terminal_box(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.terminal_box()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M3 3H21C21.5523 3 22 3.44772 22 4V20C22 20.5523 21.5523 21 21 21H3C2.44772 21 2 20.5523 2 20V4C2 3.44772 2.44772 3 3 3ZM4 5V19H20V5H4ZM12 15H18V17H12V15ZM8.66685 12L5.83842 9.17157L7.25264 7.75736L11.4953 12L7.25264 16.2426L5.83842 14.8284L8.66685 12Z" />
Link to this function

terminal_window(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Development.terminal_window()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M20 9V5H4V9H20ZM20 11H4V19H20V11ZM3 3H21C21.5523 3 22 3.44772 22 4V20C22 20.5523 21.5523 21 21 21H3C2.44772 21 2 20.5523 2 20V4C2 3.44772 2.44772 3 3 3ZM5 12H8V17H5V12ZM5 6H7V8H5V6ZM9 6H11V8H9V6Z" />