View Source Req.Response (req v0.5.0)

The response struct.


  • :status - the HTTP status code.

  • :headers - the HTTP response headers. The header names should be downcased. See also "Header Names" section in Req module documentation.

  • :body - the HTTP response body.

  • :trailers - the HTTP response trailers. The trailer names must be downcased.

  • :private - a map reserved for libraries and frameworks to use. Prefix the keys with the name of your project to avoid any future conflicts. Only accepts atom/0 keys.



Deletes the header given by name.

Returns the values of the header specified by name.

Gets the value for a specific private key.

Returns the retry-after header delay value or nil if not found.

Builds or updates a response with JSON body.

Returns a new response.

Adds a new response header name if not present, otherwise replaces the previous value of that header with value.

Assigns a private key to value.

Updates private key with the given function.


@type t() :: %Req.Response{
    | %Req.Response.Async{
        cancel_fun: term(),
        pid: term(),
        ref: term(),
        stream_fun: term()
    | term(),
  headers: %{optional(binary()) => [binary()]},
  private: map(),
  status: non_neg_integer(),
  trailers: %{optional(binary()) => [binary()]}


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delete_header(response, name)

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Deletes the header given by name.

All occurrences of the header are deleted, in case the header is repeated multiple times.

See also "Header Names" section in Req module documentation.


iex> Req.Response.get_header(resp, "cache-control")
["max-age=600", "no-transform"]
iex> resp = Req.Response.delete_header(resp, "cache-control")
iex> Req.Response.get_header(resp, "cache-control")
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get_header(response, name)

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@spec get_header(t(), binary()) :: [binary()]

Returns the values of the header specified by name.

See also "Header Names" section in Req module documentation.


iex> Req.Response.get_header(response, "content-type")
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get_private(response, key, default \\ nil)

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@spec get_private(t(), key :: atom(), default :: term()) :: term()

Gets the value for a specific private key.

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@spec get_retry_after(t()) :: integer() | nil

Returns the retry-after header delay value or nil if not found.

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json(response \\ new(), body)

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@spec json(t(), body :: term()) :: t()

Builds or updates a response with JSON body.


iex> Req.Response.json(%{hello: 42})
  status: 200,
  headers: %{"content-type" => ["application/json"]},
  body: ~s|{"hello":42}|

iex> resp =
iex> Req.Response.json(resp, %{hello: 42})
  status: 200,
  headers: %{"content-type" => ["application/json"]},
  body: ~s|{"hello":42}|

If the request already contains a 'content-type' header, it is kept as is:

iex> |> Req.Response.put_header("content-type", "application/vnd.api+json; charset=utf-8")
iex> |> Req.Response.json(%{hello: 42})
  status: 200,
  headers: %{"content-type" => ["application/vnd.api+json; charset=utf-8"]},
  body: ~s|{"hello":42}|
@spec new(options :: keyword() | map() | struct()) :: t()

Returns a new response.

Expects a keyword list, map, or struct containing the response keys.


iex> 200, body: "body")
%Req.Response{status: 200, headers: %{}, body: "body"}

iex> finch_response = %Finch.Response{status: 200, headers: [{"content-type", "text/html"}]}
%Req.Response{status: 200, headers: %{"content-type" => ["text/html"]}, body: ""}
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put_header(response, name, value)

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@spec put_header(t(), binary(), binary()) :: t()

Adds a new response header name if not present, otherwise replaces the previous value of that header with value.

See also "Header Names" section in Req module documentation.


iex> resp = Req.Response.put_header(%Req.Response{}, "content-type", "application/json")
iex> resp.headers
%{"content-type" => ["application/json"]}
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put_private(response, key, value)

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@spec put_private(t(), key :: atom(), value :: term()) :: t()

Assigns a private key to value.

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update_private(response, key, initial, fun)

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@spec update_private(t(), key :: atom(), default :: term(), (atom() -> term())) :: t()

Updates private key with the given function.

If key is present in request private map then the existing value is passed to fun and its result is used as the updated value of key. If key is not present, default is inserted as the value of key. The default value will not be passed through the update function.


iex> resp = %Req.Response{private: %{a: 1}}
iex> Req.Response.update_private(resp, :a, 11, & &1 + 1).private
%{a: 2}
iex> Req.Response.update_private(resp, :b, 11, & &1 + 1).private
%{a: 1, b: 11}