ReqEmbed.Link (ReqEmbed v0.1.2)

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Generic embed data type.

The simplest type that allows a provider to return any generic embed data without providing either the url or html parameters.

Spec: The link type

These are the common fields that all oEmbed response types may include:

  • type (required) - The resource type. Valid values are: photo, video, link, rich
  • version (required) - The oEmbed version number. Must be "1.0"
  • title (optional) - A text title describing the resource
  • author_name (optional) - The name of the author/owner of the resource
  • author_url (optional) - A URL for the author/owner of the resource
  • provider_name (optional) - The name of the resource provider
  • provider_url (optional) - The url of the resource provider
  • cache_age (optional) - The suggested cache lifetime for this resource, in seconds
  • thumbnail_url (optional) - A URL to a thumbnail image representing the resource
  • thumbnail_width (optional) - The width of the optional thumbnail
  • thumbnail_height (optional) - The height of the optional thumbnail