
Package Version Hex Docs

Rosetta library for interfacing Erlang VM. Provides nice static typing for dynamic BEAM values.

Rosetta is very unstable and its API will likely change. It may be split into two/three separate packages in the future.

Always pin your versions until we reach API stability.


Add rosetta to your Gleam project.

gleam add rosetta

Porting status

Erlang appErlang moduleStatusDocumentationDescription
kernelfilenot ported
kernelgen_tcppartially ported
kernelinetpartially ported
sslsslpartially ported
stdlibcalendaralmost 100% ported, unsafe, not testedShould be used with caution. Most functions do not test whether values are valid. Offset type is not implemented. Rfc3339String type is not implemented.
stdliblistsnot ported
stdlibmathpartially ported



Provides high level interface to native Clock

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