Rumamge.Phoenix v1.0.0 Rummage.Phoenix

Rummage.Phoenix is a support framework for Phoenix that can be used to manipulate Phoenix collections and Ecto models with Search, Sort and Paginate operations.

It accomplishes the above operations by using Rummage.Ecto, to paginate Ecto queries and adds Phoenix and HTML support to views and controllers. Each operation: Search, Sort and Paginate have their hooks defined in Rummage.Ecto and is configurable.

The best part about rummage is that all the three operations: Search, Sort and Paginate integrate seamlessly and can be configured separately. To check out their seamless integration, please check the information below.

If you want to check a sample application that uses Rummage, please check this link.



config returns the value associated with the given key and returns default if the value is nil

:default_helpers can also be set at run time in the config.exs file

:default_per_page can also be set at run time in the config.exs file

resolve_system_config returns a system variable set up or returns the specified default value


config(key, default \\ nil)

config returns the value associated with the given key and returns default if the value is nil.


Returns value corresponding to config or returns the default value:

iex> alias Rummage.Phoenix
iex> Phoenix.config(:x, "default")

:default_helpers can also be set at run time in the config.exs file


Returns default Repo set in the config (2 inrummage_ecto`’s test env): iex> alias Rummage.Phoenix iex> Phoenix.default_helpers Rummage.Phoenix.Router.Helpers


:default_per_page can also be set at run time in the config.exs file


Returns default Repo set in the config (2 inrummage_ecto`’s test env): iex> alias Rummage.Phoenix iex> Phoenix.default_per_page 2

resolve_system_config(arg, default)
resolve_system_config(Tuple.t, term) :: {term}

resolve_system_config returns a system variable set up or returns the specified default value


Returns value corresponding to a system variable config or returns the default value:

iex> alias Rummage.Phoenix
iex> Phoenix.resolve_system_config({:system, "some random config"}, "default")