View Source Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

See for additional help when upgrading to newer versions.





[0.35.1] - 2024-12-18


  • Fix clippy lints in rustler_codegen (#671)
  • Adjust Rustler macros to not produce warnings on Elixir 1.18 (#670)

[0.35.0] - 2024-10-15


  • The resource type name can be overridden with #[register_impl(name = "...")] (#638)
  • Floats can be decoded from integers (#641, fixes #603)
  • Resource types can implement and use dynamic calls on NIF version 2.16 (#635)
  • Encoder and Decoder implementations for Box<T> (#644)
  • Reference type and env.make_ref() function (#657)


  • The optional register attribute on #[register_impl] works as advertised now (#638)
  • API functions for Windows are correctly assigned for NIF version 2.15 and above (#635)
  • Panics in encoding the result of NIF function are caught (#656)
  • Reverted change to "recompile if the NIF library is changed/deleted" (#654, fixes #651)


  • The special ok/error handling for atoms in serde is now restricted to variant names (#639)
  • rustler_sys as a separate library is merged into rustler::sys and will not be released independently of rustler anymore (#653)

[0.34.0] - 2024-07-09


  • Resource type registration has been refactored to eventually remove the rustler::resource! macro (#617, necessary due to a pending deprecation of a Rust feature, #606)
  • Resources can (and should) now explicitly implement the new Resource trait and provide a custom destructor function that is run before drop and receives an Env parameter (#617)
  • Process monitoring via resources can now be used on resource types that implement the Resource::down callback (#617)
  • Resource implementation and registration helper attribute (#627)


  • Unwinding in the on_load callback is now caught and leads to a panic (#617)


  • NIF implementations are now discovered automatically and the respective argument of rustler::init! is ignored (#613)
  • The derive feature flag is now ignored and its functionality unconditionally enabled (#621)

[0.33.0] - 2024-05-29


  • Optional support for using Erlang's allocator as Rust's global allocator (#580).
  • Comparison functions for PIDs (#611).
  • Conversions from and to Rust paths (PathBuf and Path) (#608).


  • mix compile failing on path dependencies in the Rust library (#577, fixed in #578 and #607)


  • Drop usage of lazy_static in favour of std::sync::OnceLock. This change raises the minimal supported Rust version to 1.70.
  • Drop obsolete and incorrect Rustler.nif_versions function.


  • The old macros rustler_export_nifs!, rustler::rustler_atoms! and resource_struct_init! have been removed (#604). They had been deprecated since version 0.22.0.

[0.32.1] - 2024-03-21


  • Map iterators are now DoubleEndedIterators (#598), thus allowing being iterated in reverse using .rev()
  • Env::is_process_alive and LocalPid::is_alive (#599)
  • Encoding and decoding of 128 bit integers (#600)
  • Optional codec for num_bigint::BigInt using the big_integer feature (#601)
  • Add experimental serde support derived from serde_rustler


  • Adjust C char types to use the proper FFI type (#592)
  • Allow arbitrary (ASCII) NIF function names (#593, idea and initial implementation by @KoviRobi)


  • rustler_bigint is replaced by a feature flag and the wrapper is not necessary anymore (#601)

[0.32.0] - 2024-03-20

Yanked because it did not include all merged changes.

[0.31.0] - 2024-02-13


  • Support for generic types in derive macros (#574)
  • New is_float and is_integer methods on terms (#581)


  • Finalized making :rustler a compile-time-only dependency (#570)
  • Make get_type work as documented for 0.30 (#581)
  • Tests on ARM64 (#584)
  • Error messages in codegen (#579)


  • Use impl Encoder on more functions (in particular on send) (#572)
  • The generated atom modules for derived structs are now called rustler_atoms_{struct_name_in_snakecase} to silence warnings (#585)


  • Support for initmacro in rustler-sys (v2.3.2, #589)

[0.30.0] - 2023-10-11


  • Return Result<(), SendError> from all send functions (#239, #563)


  • Deprecate :rustler_crates project configuration
  • Mark use Rustler module configuration as compile-time
  • Bump Rust edition to 2021
  • Make :rustler a compile-time-only dependency (#516, #559)
  • Use enif_term_type to implement Term::get_type (#538). Please check the UPGRADE documentation for necessary code changes.
  • Raise default NIF version to 2.15


  • Support for RUSTLER_NIF_VERSION, NIF version requirements have to be set via features now

[0.29.1] - 2023-06-30


  • Exclude directories from external resources for compatibility with Elixir 1.15 (#548, thanks @adrienmo)
  • Fix NifTaggedEnum derived Encoder impl for named-field variants (#547, thanks @dylanburati)
  • Remove cfg! directives in causing cross-compilation to fail (#555, thanks @fabriziosestito)

[0.29.0] - 2023-06-22


  • ErlOption<T> to provide an ergonomic option type for Erlang (#507, thanks @tatsuya6502)


  • Use Cargo features to define the NIF version level (#537), deprecating RUSTLER_NIF_VERSION

[0.28.0] - 2023-04-24


  • Support OTP 26 (#526, thanks @philss)
  • Support tuples in NIF macro (#520, #527, thanks @denumerate and @philss)
  • Support for load_data_fun to compute load_data at runtime (#413, thanks @kaaboaye)


  • Enhanced NIF macro error messages for invalid attributes (#525, thanks @philss)

[0.27.0] - 2023-01-17


  • ResourceArc::make_binary for safe use of enif_make_resource_binary (#487)
  • OwnedBinary is now Sync (#493)
  • Specified MSRV to be 1.56.1.


  • MIX_ENV is no longer considered for determining the build profile. Now, the profile defaults to :release. Use the :mode option to pick another profile explicitly. (#496)
  • Edition 2021 for the rustler mix template (#512, thanks @ayrat555)


  • Documentation for load (#501, thanks @ishitatsuyuki)

[0.26.0] - 2022-09-02



We added TaggedEnum, which is a generalized enum type (#440, thanks to @SeokminHong!). Example:

pub enum TaggedEnum1 {
    Named { x: i32, y: i32 },

On the Elixir side, the variants are represented as two-tuples {tag::atom(), inner::term()} | atom(), where the inner term is

  • a map for the variant Named in the example above
  • a binary for the String1 and String2 variants

The Untagged variant is represented as the atom :untagged in Elixir.


  • Added Clone and Copy for TermType (#476, thanks @dvic)
  • Added Env.whereis_pid() (#456, thanks @Qqwy)


  • Use &[impl Encoder] for keys and values in map_from_arrays() to improve ergonomics (#453, thanks @SeokminHong)
  • Improved encode/decode performance of TaggedEnum considerably (#482, thanks @cleaton)
  • Test on OTP 25 (#455)


  • Lifetime handling in rustler_codegen (#483, thanks @turion @SeokminHong and @neosimsim)
  • Support multiple variants with same field names in TaggedEnum (#482, thanks @cleaton)
  • Support .toml file extension for cargo config (#468, thanks @joshuataylor for the report in #467)
  • Disambiguate encode/decode in generated code (#466, thanks @SeokminHong)
  • Migrate CI to erlef/setup-beam (#457, thanks @SeokminHong)
  • Documentation of the schedule flag for nif macro (#444)
  • Improve documentation (#429, thanks @turion)

[0.25.0] - 2022-04-11


  • NewBinary now also available as rustler::NewBinary (thanks @ayrat555)
  • Term::map_from_pairs() to conveniently build a map from a list of pairs (thanks @philss)
  • CI now also tests against macos


  • Snake-case warening for auto-generated RUSTLER_{}_field_{} variables (renamed to rustler_{}_field_{})


  • Abort compilation on macos if macos target configuration is missing

[0.24.0] - 2022-02-24


  • A NewBinary type to create binaries in Rust without going through OwnedBinary. This can improve performance. Thanks @dlesl!
  • TermType derives Eq and PartialEq.


  • Set library file extension based on the compile target, thanks @cocoa-xu!
  • Relaxed Jason version requirement to ~> 1.0
  • Various typos in the documentation, thanks @kianmeng!


  • Rustler supports the latest 3 versions of Elixir and OTP. Currently, those are Elixir => 1.11 and OTP >= 22.
  • rustler_mix: Bumped required toml dependency to 0.6
  • Bumped rustler_sys dependency to ~2.2

[0.23.0] - 2021-12-22


  • NifException for using Elixir exception structs
  • Hashing for term
  • Hash and Equality for Binary and OwnedBinary


  • mix with Elixir v1.13
  • Template config for macos
  • Crash if metadata cannot be retrieved while compiling (#398)


  • Rustler changed its supported range of OTP and Elixir versions. We aim to support the three newest versions of OTP and Elixir.
  • The decoder for Range requires that :step equals 1. The :step field was introduced with Elixir v1.12 and cannot be represented with Rust's RangeInclusive.
  • NIF API bindings are generated using Rust

[0.22.2] - 2021-10-07


  • Fixed a regression introduced with #386: Rustler.Compiler.Config called into cargo when skip_compilation? was set, breaking setups where cargo is not installed. Fixed with #389, thanks @karolsluszniak

[0.22.1] - 2021-10-05


  • [Breaking change] codegen-generated decoders always raise an error instead of causing the calling NIF to return an atom in some cases
  • Fix codegen problem for untagged enums (#370)
  • Fix handling local dependencies with @external_resources (#381)

[0.22.0] - 2021-06-22


  • Simple Debug impl for rustler::Error
  • Support newtype and tuple structs for NifTuple and NifRecord
  • rustler::Error::Term encoding an arbitrary boxed encoder, returning {:error, term}
  • Generic encoder/decoder for HashMap<T, U>, where T: Decoder and U: Decoder


  • Compilation time of generated decoders has been reduced significantly.
  • Fixed a segfault caused by OwnedEnv::send_and_clear


  • Renamed Pid to LocalPid to clarify that it can't point to a remote process

  • Dependencies have been updated.

  • Derive macros have been refactored.

  • Macros have been renamed and old ones have been deprecated:

    • rustler_export_nifs! is now rustler::init!
    • rustler_atoms! is now rustler::atoms!
    • resource_struct_init! is now rustler::resource!
  • New rustler::atoms! macro removed the atom prefix from the name:

    // Before
    rustler::rustler_atoms! {
        atom ok;
        atom error;
        atom renamed_atom = "Renamed";
    // After
    rustler::atoms! {
        renamed_atom = "Renamed",
  • NIF functions can be initialized with a simplified syntax:

    // Before
    rustler::rustler_export_nifs! {
            ("add", 2, add)
    // After
    rustler::init!("Elixir.Math", [add]);
  • NIFs can be derived from regular functions, if the arguments implement Decoder and the return type implements Encoder:

    // Before
    fn add<'a>(env: Env<'a>, args: &[Term<'a>]) -> Result<Term<'a>, Error> {
        let num1: i64 = args[0].decode()?;
        let num2: i64 = args[1].decode()?;
        Ok((atoms::ok(), num1 + num2).encode(env))
    // After
    fn add(a: i64, b: i64) -> i64 {
      a + b
  • rustler::nif exposes more options to configure a NIF were the NIF is defined:

    #[rustler::nif(schedule = "DirtyCpu")]
    pub fn dirty_cpu() -> Atom {
        let duration = Duration::from_millis(100);
    #[rustler::nif(name = "my_add")]
    fn add(a: i64, b: i64) -> i64 {
      a + b


The rustler compiler has been deprecated and will be removed with v1.0. NIFs are no longer defined in mix.exs, but are configured with use Rustler. See the documentation for the Rustler module. To migrate to the new configuration:

  • Drop :rustler from the :compilers key in your mix.exs project/0 function

  • Drop :rustler_crates from project/0 and move the configurations into the use Rustler of your NIF module or application config:

    # config/dev.exs
    config :my_app, MyApp.Native,
      mode: :debug

For more information, see the documentation.

[0.21.0] - 2019-09-07


  • Support for OTP22.
  • Rust linting with clippy.
  • Support for decoding IOLists as binaries, Term::decode_as_binary.


  • rustler_codegen is now reexported by the rustler crate. Depending on the rustler_codegen crate is deprecated.
  • erlang_nif-sys has been renamed to rustler_sys and vendored into the rustler repo.
  • Replaced the hand-rolled TOML parser in rustler_mix with the toml-elixir package.
  • Improve error messages for derived encoders/decoders.
  • Rust bool now corresponds only to booleans (false, true) in Elixir. Previously, nil and false were both decodable to bool. To use the previous behaviour, a Truthy newtype was introduced.