View Source SafeURL.DNSResolver behaviour (SafeURL v0.3.1)

In some cases you might want to use a custom strategy for DNS resolution. You can do so by passing your own implementation of SafeURL.DNSResolver in the global or local config.

By default, the DNS package is used for resolution, but you can replace it with a wrapper that uses different configuration or a completely different implementation altogether.


  • Using a specific DNS server
  • Avoiding network access in specific environments
  • Mocking DNS resolution in tests


Start by creating a module that implements the DNSResolver behaviour. Currently, this means adding only one resolve/1 callback that takes a host and returns a list of resolved IPs.

As an example, suppose you wanted to use Cloudflare's DNS, you can do that by wrapping DNS with your own settings in a new module:

defmodule CloudflareDNS do
  @behaviour SafeURL.DNSResolver

  @impl true
  def resolve(domain) do
    DNS.resolve(domain, :a, {"", 53}, :udp)

To use it, simply pass it in the global config:

config :safeurl, dns_module: CloudflareDNS

You can also directly set the :dns_module in method options:

SafeURL.allowed?("", dns_module: CloudflareDNS)


This is especially useful in tests where you want to ensure your HTTP Client wrapper with SafeURL is working as expected.

You can override the :dns_module config to ensure a specific IP is resolved for a domain or no network requests are made:

defmodule TestDNSResolver do
  @behaviour SafeURL.DNSResolver

  @impl true
  def resolve(""), do: {:ok, [{192, 168, 1, 10}]}
  def resolve(""), do: {:ok, [{192, 168, 1, 20}]}
  def resolve(_domain),      do: {:ok, [{192, 168, 1, 99}]}



@type resolution() :: :inet.ip() | [:inet.ip()]


@callback resolve(host :: binary()) :: {:ok, resolution()} | {:error, atom()}