View Source Samly (samly v1.4.0)

Elixir library used to enable SAML SP SSO to a Phoenix/Plug based application.



Returns authenticated user SAML Assertion.

Returns value of the specified attribute name in the given SAML Assertion.


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@spec get_active_assertion(Plug.Conn.t()) :: nil | Samly.Assertion.t()

Returns authenticated user SAML Assertion.

The struct includes the attributes sent from IdP as well as any corresponding locally computed/derived attributes. Returns nil if the current Plug session is not authenticated.


  • conn - Plug connection


# When there is an authenticated SAML assertion
%Assertion{} = Samly.get_active_assertion()
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get_attribute(assertion, name)

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Returns value of the specified attribute name in the given SAML Assertion.

Checks for the attribute in computed map first and attributes map next. Returns a UTF-8 binary or a list of UTF-8 binaries (in case of multi-valued) if the given attribute is present. Returns nil if attribute is not present.



assertion = Samly.get_active_assertion()
# returns a list if the attribute is multi-valued
roles = Samly.get_attribute(assertion, "roles")
computed_fullname = Samly.get_attribute(assertion, "fullname")