View Source Saxaboom.Mapper (Saxaboom v0.2.1)

The main user interface for defining mapping definitions.

Saxaboom.Mapper exposes a micro-DSL for describing the expected structure of a given document. There are three components to the Saxaboom.Mapper interface:

  • document/1: a directive describing the "envelope" of the incoming document (read: the whole document). This exposes the internal DSL.
  • element/2: a directive to match zero to one element and collect into a single struct field
  • elements/2: a directive to match zero to N elements and collect in a list in the order they are encountered
  • attribute/2: a directive to match zero to one attribute and collect into a single struct field.

Please note that the element/2 and attribute/2 macros take a "last argument wins" approach, which is to say that if an element or attribute of the same name appears later in the document, the value extracted will overwrite any previously held value.


For example, the following mapper defines a bookstore catalog of books (see also: examples):

defmodule Book do
  use Saxaboom.Mapper

  document do
    attribute :id
    element :author
    element :title
    element :genre
    element :price, cast: :float
    element :publish_date, cast: &__MODULE__.parse_date/1
    element :description

  def parse_date(value), do: Date.from_iso8601(value)

defmodule Catalog do
  use Saxaboom.Mapper

  document do
    elements :book, as: :books, into: %Book{}

Which intuitively maps against the following XML body:

xml = """
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <book id="bk101">
        <author>Gambardella, Matthew</author>
        <title>XML Developer's Guide</title>
        <description>An in-depth look at creating applications
        with XML.</description>


Saxaboom.parse(xml, %Catalog{})
#=> {:ok,
#  %Catalog{
#    books: [
#      %Book{
#        id: "bk101",
#        author: "Gambardella, Matthew",
#        title: "XML Developer's Guide",
#        genre: "Computer",
#       price: 44.95,
#        publish_date: {:ok, ~D[2000-10-01]},
#        description: "An in-depth look at creating applications\n        with XML."
#      }
#    ]
#  }}

use Saxaboom.Mapper

When you use Saxaboom.Mapper, the mapper module will import the element/2 and elements/2 macros into the current scope.


Saxaboom currently relies on dynamic dispatch via protocols, which are consolidated at compile time for a performance boost. If you'd like to use Saxaboom in iex and dynamically create Saxaboom.Mappers, you should read the docs on consolidation for the finer details and config options available. Turning off protocol consolidation is not generally recommended for production environments.



Defines a structure field that can match against an attribute in the given document. Note that the element it extracts from is unspecified, it will extract from any element that has the given attribute.

Begins the definition of a "document", that is, a section of parseable content.

Defines a structure field that can match against 0 or 1 elements in the given document.

Defines a structure field that can match against 0 or N elements in the given document. The list will be parsed and extracted in document order. Defaults to an empty list.


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attribute(name, opts \\ [])

View Source (macro)

Defines a structure field that can match against an attribute in the given document. Note that the element it extracts from is unspecified, it will extract from any element that has the given attribute.

This macro is helpful to extract multiple attributes from a single node, while the element/2 and elements/2 macros only allow for the extraction of a single attribute from a node.


  • name is the name of the attribute to match against, case sensitive


  • :as provides the name to be used on the struct when parsing, defaults to the name of the tag
  • :cast is a symbol or a user-defined function to transform the extracted :value, see Saxaboom.Utils.Caster for more details.
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Begins the definition of a "document", that is, a section of parseable content.

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element(name, opts \\ [])

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Defines a structure field that can match against 0 or 1 elements in the given document.


  • name is the name of the tag to match against, case sensitive


  • :as provides the name to be used on the struct when parsing, defaults to the name of the tag
  • :value identifies the property to extract from the tag. Can be an attribute name, defaults to the text content of the node
  • :with is a keyword list of attributes and expected attribute values. The :with must perfectly match against a subset of the node attributes
  • :cast is a symbol or a user-defined function to transform the extracted :value, see Saxaboom.Utils.Caster for more details.
  • :into is another mapper or type that implements the Saxaboom.ElementCollectable protocol. Child nodes will be parsed into this structure until the parser has encountered the closing tag of the node that began the :into.
  • :default is the default value of the node, if no tags are parsed. nil by default
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elements(name, opts \\ [])

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Defines a structure field that can match against 0 or N elements in the given document. The list will be parsed and extracted in document order. Defaults to an empty list.


  • name is the name of the tag to match against, case sensitive


  • :as provides the name to be used on the struct when parsing, defaults to the name of the tag
  • :value identifies the property to extract from the tag. Can be an attribute name, defaults to the text content of the node
  • :with is a keyword list of attributes and expected attribute values. The :with must perfectly match against a subset of the node attributes
  • :cast is a symbol or a user-defined function to transform the extracted :value, see Saxaboom.Utils.Caster for more details.
  • :into is another mapper or type that implements the Saxaboom.ElementCollectable protocol. Child nodes will be parsed into this structure until the parser has encountered the closing tag of the node that began the :into.