View Source Scenic.Primitive.Style behaviour (Scenic v0.11.2)

Modify the look of a primitive by applying a Style.

Styles are optional modifiers that you can put on any primitive. Each style does a specific thing and some only affect certain primitives.
  |> rect( {100, 50}, fill: blue, stroke: {2, :yellow} )

The above example draws a rectangle, that is filled with blue and outlined in yellow. The primitive is Scenic.Primitive.Rectangle and the styles are :fill and :stroke.



Styles are inherited by primitives that are placed in a group. This allows you to set styles that will be used by many primitives. Those primitives can override the style set on the group by setting it again.

Example: font: :roboto, font_size: 24 )
  |> text( "Some text drawn using roboto" )
  |> text( "Text using roboto_mono", font: :roboto_mono )
  |> text( "back to drawing in roboto" )

In the above example, the text primitives inherit the fonts set on the root group when the Graph is created. The middle text primitive overrides the :font style, but keeps using the :font_size set on the group.



In general, styles are NOT inherited across a component boundary unless they are explicitly set on the component itself. This allows components to manage their own consistent look and feel.

The exception to this rule is the :theme style. This IS inherited across groups and into components. This allows you to set an overall color scheme such as :light or :dark that makes sense with the components.

Link to this section Summary


The default styles if none are set.

List of the valid style types

Link to this section Types

@type t() :: %{
    | :fill
    | :font
    | :font_size
    | :hidden
    | :input
    | :join
    | :line_height
    | :miter_limit
    | :scissor
    | :stroke
    | :text_align
    | :text_base
    | :theme
  ]) => any()

Link to this section Callbacks

@callback validate(data :: any()) :: {:ok, data :: any()} | {:error, String.t()}

Link to this section Functions

The default styles if none are set.

%{font: :roboto, line_height: 1.2, font_size: 24, text_align: :left, text_base: :alphabetic}

List of the valid style types