Getting started

In Sea, you define signal and a bunch of observers that get called upon signal emission:

defmodule InvoiceCreatedSignal do
  use Sea.Signal

  emit_to AnalyticsObserver

  defstruct [:invoice_number]

defmodule AnalyticsObserver do
  use Sea.Observer

  @impl true
  def handle_signal(%InvoiceCreatedSignal{invoice_number: invoice_number}) do
    IO.puts("Adding invoice #{invoice_number} to analytics accumulators")

%InvoiceCreatedSignal{invoice_number: "2019/1"}
|> Sea.Signal.emit()

At its core, Sea.Signal.emit/1 takes your signal struct and emits it to defined observers by calling Sea.Observer.handle_signal/1 in each of them with the specific signal payload. Observer calls are made synchronously (which makes the operations belong to the same process and same database transaction) and in order (which makes it easy to reason about the whole flow and to debug it if needed).

You wouldn’t be far from truth by saying that Sea is just a single Enum.each/2 loop (and it can actually be found in Sea.Signal.emit/1 code) with a contract and fancy philosophy around it.